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[FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

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Now that the final version is out and we're not going to make any more changes, we encourage you to speedrun Eviternity!


I will list Youtube Videos here, be it for individual levels, full episodes, full game, etc; each in your favourite speedrun mode, such as UV Max, UV Speed, TAS...


Actually scratch that idea, I'm lazy.


If you're going to record a speedrun, I would recommend doing your runs in PrBoom+ (not GlBoom+) using complevel 11.


I look forward to seeing how fast Eviternity can be beaten! If you want to submit a demo, head on over to the Eviternity Demos Thread.

Edited by Dragonfly

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Congrats, will give this a go asap and even postpone all other WADs in my backlog (sorry guys!). It just looks that good. 


And hot damn, this title screen! A+++!

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Congrats on this impressive release folks; y'all did an amazing job here and I look forward to playing these at some point!

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After numerous blog posts, mouth-watering screenshots, streams, teasers: we are finally here! Congratz to everyone who worked on this, it's been quite a journey :)

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I'm gonna be posting whatever I find in this thread. Hopefully, you won't mind. On map 6, the bit with the spiral staircase there is a zombieman stuck in the wall (the area with two zombiemen and a chaingunner). On map 7, there are two stuck chaingunners on the structure to the left of the starting area.


Playing on UV in the GZDoom 3.6.something

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Despite the last-minute nature of the contribution, that TITLEPIC/M_DOOM is a work of art! Thank you again for your contribution. And while I'm at it; I'd like to say a massive, massive thank you to each and every person who's contributed to Eviternity, from those who made maps down to those who've simply liked a screenshot. I don't think I've ever been so motivated in all my life to work on something as this, and couldn't have done it without you all.


Cheers! :)

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