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SIGIL v1.21 - New Romero megawad [released!]


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Whatever it is, it'll be released eventually and maybe then I am interested. I hate this teasing of things, it's getting ridiculous these days. Teaser Trailer for the release of an actual Teaser Trailer for example.

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Just now, elend said:

Whatever it is, it'll be released eventually and maybe then I am interested. I hate this teasing of things, it's getting ridiculous these days. Teaser Trailer for the release of an actual Teaser Trailer for example.

I think it's kind of clear what it is. I believe it's an expansion to The Ultimate Doom - an Episode 5. Would really fit for the 25th anniversary. Not sure how I feel about accepting "pre-orders." Skeptical on what that's all about. But we'll see.

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4 minutes ago, Touchdown said:

Let me guess, yet another game that'll never be released?

Read the dispatch. The project is more or less finished. It's clearly Doom related and it is most likely an Episode 5.

Honestly? I'll take Community love over a failed kickstarter.

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Oh, so it'll be another set of overrated levels that'll get a ton of attention and praise just because Romero made it. Ok.


Also how do we know it's "clearly" DOOM related? Why would you have to pre-order an episode for DOOM1? Does Romero have a deal with Zenimax to re-release DOOM (again) with a new episode?

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It's obviously Blood 5.


On a more serious note, can anyone tell what's going on on that whiteboard?

Edited by DooM_RO

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If it's a legit "Episode 5" for the original Doom (á la Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour) I swear to god I'll... do... something.


EDIT: The whiteboard appears to have the words "5 Core Elements In Games" on it, so I don't know if this is an indicator of what's coming. It's got a few instances of literally the words "More words" as well, implying the whiteboard could in fact be a massive red herring written in nonsense. Would need a higher-res image of it.

Edited by Jimmy

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1 minute ago, Jimmy said:

If it's a legit "Episode 5" for the original Doom (á la Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour) I swear to god I'll... do... something.

I wonder what theme would be used.....

urban? ish

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It will not be E5 because he said it will be a "pre-order," implying payment. He would not be allowed to charge money for a Doom episode.


My guess is he's using Doom's 25th anniversary promote Blackroom.

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Whatever that means. 

I'm actually a tiny bit pissed since this "5" thing comes off as a bit deceptive. He probably knows people are going to think that it's Doom E5 so it's going to get more attention that way, especially since it's the 25th anniversary.


EDIT: HOLY FUCK. John Romero really did make me his bitch...



Edited by TheMightyHeracross

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idk, maybe theres something involving 5 in the game, the Stanley Parable demo had a button with an 8 on it that said 8 whenever you press it, it could be like that. Or maybe it will cost $5, or maybe it will have 5 episodes/

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4 hours ago, elend said:

I can‘t make out anything on this whiteboard. We need @hidfan and his neural upscale... :)

haha I indeed did it, but the results were  quite disapointing, but here they are :)





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