xttl Posted July 7, 2019 On 7/7/2019 at 2:39 PM, themadhaxor said: I’ve tried using both SIGIL.WAD and SIGIL_COMPAT.WAD... but I get the error regardless... I’ll double check later this evening when I’m back home... Almost forgot to mention that my 486 mainboard (when fully upgraded) supports 512k cache and 128MB RAM... Currently has 64MB and 256k... Expand I don't think hardware specs have much to do with it. Somehow it is not loading the correct WAD which should never happen if you have SIGIL.WAD non-compat version in the same directory as DOOM.EXE, DOOM.WAD, etc. Even SIGIL.WAD v1.1 includes M_EPI5 already. Try downloading ftp://ebible.org/pub/public/md5sum.zip and copy MD5SUM.EXE from the zip to your DOS PC to the same directory with SIGIL.EXE, SIGIL.WAD, etc., then run "md5sum -b sigil.wad". Correct result is: "1fe9daa0e837c7452eb2f91aac2cc983". If you get "c04912beab6aa82c114a19c976ec8c0d" instead, then it means you are trying to use the compatibility wad renamed to SIGIL.WAD which is not what you are supposed to do if you use SIGIL.EXE. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
themadhaxor Posted July 9, 2019 (edited) Nope, I'm actually using the SIGIL.WAD from 1.1 and the 1.2 WIP for testing... Had to use a Win 10 MD5 summer on my main rig, as trying to run "md5sum" on the 486 got me the error "Program is too big to fit into memory" (obviously a base mem error) Anyhoo - I've highlighted the two wad files I'm actually using on this screen grab (also the MD5s for the compat.wads for reference) https://imgur.com/a/A1nMmUc For testing if I use the original SIGIL.WAD it will load DOOM 1.9 and SIGIL.WAD and shows the Ultimate DOOM title screen...but just bugs out when I select New Game with the "ERROR: W_GetNumForName: M_EP15 not found!" In contrast, with SIGIL_COMPAT.WAD - it will show the SIGIL title screen...then bug out at new game again (this is just for comparison) If I load SIGIL_COMPAT.WAD the classic way - the game works fine - but obviously without 5 episodes... Edited July 9, 2019 by themadhaxor 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
xttl Posted July 10, 2019 On 7/9/2019 at 7:05 PM, themadhaxor said: For testing if I use the original SIGIL.WAD it will load DOOM 1.9 and SIGIL.WAD and shows the Ultimate DOOM title screen...but just bugs out when I select New Game with the "ERROR: W_GetNumForName: M_EP15 not found!" Expand ...which means sigil.wad is not loaded at all. Why this happens, I cannot say. It should always work as long as you have both doom.wad and sigil.wad in the directory you run sigil.exe from. No need to use -file even. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted July 10, 2019 On 7/7/2019 at 6:02 AM, TheGamePhilosophe said: Lol, 'put it behind' you? You make it sound like it was a traumatic experience. But then again, that's the truth, isn't it? Had Romero never created the "Bitch Box" for "collectors" nobody would have been the worse for it (except Romero, who made money on it). People were so anxious to get it when they didn't have it, and then when they do, they don't even care anymore. What a joke! Expand Jesus Christ I can taste how sour those grapes are from all the way over here 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
themadhaxor Posted July 10, 2019 On 7/10/2019 at 6:48 AM, xttl said: ...which means sigil.wad is not loaded at all. Why this happens, I cannot say. It should always work as long as you have both doom.wad and sigil.wad in the directory you run sigil.exe from. No need to use -file even. Expand Nope - it's more odd than that, as I can see your SIGIL.EXE find and load SIGIL.WAD on startup...but somehow this is not working or being detected by the game correctly. Very, very odd! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
xttl Posted July 11, 2019 (edited) Well I finally went to collect the Beast Box from the post office. Box is #1963, highest I've seen myself so far. Something heavy is loose inside (might even be the head and not just the coin?) and there was no collectible card included in the box that I could find. :( The card was supposed to be outside the box and shrinkwrap, right? I should probably open it to see if anything is missing or damaged, but I wonder how much that will effect resale value in the future... (though to be quite honest, I don't think there's really anything preventing someone from rewrapping their already opened box, so it's a bit dumb to pay extra for it, but people on eBay are often silly) Edited July 12, 2019 by xttl 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
VGA Posted July 12, 2019 (edited) Open and inspect it so you can have it replaced while you can. Can we assume that about 2000-2200 units were sold? Edited July 12, 2019 by VGA 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
xttl Posted July 12, 2019 (edited) Seems everything supposed to be inside was there and undamaged, though I did not open the booklet with the CDs and the USB "floppy" yet (they're separately sealed). I will need to ask LRG about the card however... Some size comparison photos: edit: To answer this question... On 7/12/2019 at 1:57 AM, VGA said: Can we assume that about 2000-2200 units were sold? Expand ...I just checked my original order confirmation email date and I got it around 18:00 (6PM) on December 20th local time (UTC+2). I'm pretty sure I got the confirmation instantly after transferring the money via PayPal but if not, I think it was at least within 24 hours. The open preorder period was two weeks and ended on "December 24th at 11:59 PM EST" according to the page on LRG's webshop which is still up. So I ordered towards the end but there was still a few days time to order after that, and they probably numbered and sent these out first come first serve since I got mine so late and it has a high number, so make of that what you will. My guess is 2500 tops, but who knows really. also, the card was there after all, it just somehow flew out of the outer shipping box when I opened it and hid itself very quickly... Edited July 12, 2019 by xttl 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Worm Posted July 18, 2019 (edited) I played on HMP my first time and thought these maps ranged from good to great. I really like the Dungeons-and-Dragons-style adventure vibe in some of them, especially M7 (Nightmare Underworld). Most of these maps take you on a journey and are full of different ideas. Yeah, there's some wonky stuff like that slowwwww door on M4, but I appreciated the variety, and it's okay to have a few misses when you try a bunch of different stuff. I also thought the maps were extremely atmospheric and that Sigil as a whole does a great job having it's own identifiable aesthetic. My favorite details are the flashing red symbols on the walls, like in M6's starting room, and on the corners of the dark hallways later on. Little filigreed wall details in Doom maps are nothing new of course, but I haven't see anyone use patterns like that before and thought the look was very inspired. The use of software-lighting darkness "fog" felt oppressive and cool, and it makes me sad to see videos of people playing these maps with screwed-up lighting settings that completely destroy the atmosphere. In fact, I think it's obvious that a lot of the moments in these maps are designed more for atmosphere than super-hard challenges, like the baron's appearance in M3. Is it a hard boss battle? No, but it's dramatic. I guess a lot of players in the community find it hard to get excited about a baron after seeing so many crazy wads over the years, though. There's a lot of "coolness" overall, which is why I'm surprised that people are saying things like "dickish" or "trollish"--if anything, I think Sigil is... I dunno, good-natured, maybe? Playful? Like, it seems that Romero was just making stuff he thought was awesome, and filled the maps with his best ideas because they thought they were neat and fun. The dude loves Doom and knows how to use the assets--it's hard to use candelabras without being cheesy! UV can be rough, but the cyberturrets in M5 made it clear to me that UV is there to provide an arcade-style bonus challenge. It's optional replayability, and I wish more mapsets were balanced that way. Serious request: are there any wads that do what Sigil does even better, atmosphere-wise? This is not an attempt to silence the haters or anything like that, I genuinely wonder if there wads I've missed that scratch the same itch. And I don't just mean Hell maps, I've played plenty of beautifully detailed and atmospheric Hell maps, I mean stuff like how the software lighting fog is used, the adventure-style progression, the grimy metal w/ black-and-red, etc. Edited July 19, 2019 by Worm 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
ketmar Posted July 19, 2019 On 7/18/2019 at 10:25 PM, Worm said: I guess a lot of players in the community find it hard to get excited about a baron after seeing so many crazy wads over the years, though. Expand i almost shit my pants at that moment. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Loud Silence Posted July 21, 2019 (edited) Cyberdemon got stuck with Pinky in e5m6 and will be eaten... someday. Jul 08 Eternity devbuild, not compat wad. Here is save. etersav1.7zFetching info... Edited July 21, 2019 by Loud Silence 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NightFright Posted July 25, 2019 (edited) Any news about the final v1.2 release? And any clue what will be changed? Edited July 25, 2019 by NightFright 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
tobis87 Posted August 11, 2019 On 7/25/2019 at 10:07 PM, NightFright said: Any news about the final v1.2 release? And any clue what will be changed? Expand v1.1 -> v1.2 ============ Changes made by John Romero, dew, Flambeau, Keyboard_Doomer, Ubergewei, Xaser map1: - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - escape from lava in tight hallway on both sides - co-op ammo and lots of co-op monsters - final room has exit pulled out for easier movement - added co-op berserk in lava (thing 191) map2: - swapped actions on linedefs for a potentially faulty secret area eye switch: ld 1239 <-> ld 408, 409; also added action 24 to ld 1240 - added a trim sector to the secret area evil eye for proper texture alignment - changed RK door tracks ld 479, 914 from upper to lower unpegged - added tag 120 to ld 129, 145 so it's harder to not trigger the first elevator - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - added METAL as upper backside texture on linedefs 454, 455, 1061 and 1924 - realigned linedef 1348 - added co-op ammo and monsters map3: - swapped action linedefs for eye switches to avoid a softlock scenario where the eye closes but nothing in the map opens: eye 1: action 46 put on ld 1413, action 24 on ld 1415, 1502, 1503 eye 2: action 46 put on ld 1512, action 24 on ld 1352, 1353, 1511 eye 3: action 46 put on ld 1514, action 24 on ld 770, 771, 1514 - the outstanding cell charge without a cell weapon changed into three clips - added an extra MP-only radsuit to the blood hallway - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - added co-op ammo and monsters map4: - added backside lower texture (MARBLE3) to linedef 1926 - added a restart crusher action to linedef 2498 so the section is revisitable and players can search for missed secrets - placed action 24 with tag 46 on linedef 884 as backup for closing the eye switch in the eastern section - placed action 24 with tag 45 on ld 2072, 2073 as backup for closing the eye switch in the western section - changed linedefs 2021, 2030, 2042, 2049 to lower unpegged - distanced the lava island-raising lines by the YK door further apart to prevent a potential special hit (spechit) overflow that would trash demos - fixed lava island-raising not removing the damaging floor effect (torches added to islands to support this) - the outstanding cell charges in the final area without a matching cell weapon changed into two rockets on all skills each - added a MP-only chaingun to the center of the map - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - made ceilings higher in computer crusher maze - deactivated 3 crushers to make computer maze easier - moved spectre thing 85 to safe area - moved shotgunner thing 77 to safe area - made green crusher area easier by combining crushers and removing the separating midgrate - added shotgun thing 225 to make level start easier - changed hallway behind baron thing 37 to allow him to follow player into crusher area - changed floor textures on broken teleport pieces in blood pool to look different - changed height of all 3 skull key posts to stop speed runners from cheating - modified center path environment to look more interesting with metal beams - next to orange skull door added a secret cave with things 260-262 for ambushing player - behind orange skull door added stairs to prevent players from jumping up - added switch to outdoor lava area in a cave section to lower sector 535 - made bridge monster rooms bigger and added monster things 266-269 - removed computer map and added rad suit thing 239 - extended exit room and added several monsters - added a lift to lava room at end of green halls on the right; made easier to move around in lava - escape stairs out of lava next to raised bridge in green hall area on right - escape stairs out of lava close to soul sphere in green hall area on right - added co-op ammo and monsters map5: - added islands under the cybs to avoid lock-in damage when telefragging them - changed shells in the first secret into a shellbox - changed action on linedef 702 to walkover-repeatable to prevent a potential coop softlock in which the BK door would never get revealed - changed depth of hellcracks in the building to 24 so imps don't get stuck - put action 24 with tag 45 on ld 287, 2354 as backup for closing an eye switch - fixed ceiling of sector 266 to CEIL4_1 - changed linedef 1045 texture to METAL to fit its environment - added a MP-only chaingun into the cyber crossfire zone - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - changed lost soul hallway to have lifts, less lost souls - moved exit a little back from final fight - created lift to get out of wooden building lava - created a progression-blocking ceiling that lifts when you complete right-hand building - added co-op ammo and monsters - added shotgun thing 370 at start map6: - added action 38 with tag 10 to linedefs 3622, 3623, 2624 in the exit area in order to re-access the western section, so players can complete 100% secrets - removed the unpegged flag from linedefs 1227, 1243, 1257, 1263 - added a trim sector to the chainsaw room for proper door alignment - added a MP-only chaingun into the RK section - added an extra MP-only radsuit to the blood hallway - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - added co-op ammo and monsters map7: - moved the W1 floor raise action in the trap behind the RK door from l.1156 to l.5529 to prevent a softlock if the player's too fast and escapes the area - changed upper and lower sidedefs of linedef 3418 to METAL - changed linedefs 3414 and 3421 to METAL for door track alignment reasons - changed linedefs 3008, 3016, 3026, 3029, 3119, 3549 to lower unpegged - changed linedefs 5461, 5464, 5467, 5470 to upper unpegged - removed unpegged flags from linedef 3343 - the little pillars around the fort made consistently passable - the shotgunner cages in the fort walls made impassable - changed linedef 1585 to WR lift action - added a second cell charge by the exit room - added a super-secret SP chaingun - added a MP-only chaingun to start room - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - fixed alignment of linedef 54 texture - fixed missing lower unpegged on linedefs 3421, 3414 near the evil eye - added co-op ammo and monsters - added evil eye thing 398 to make opening the ruined wall easier - moved red torch thing 1 to make way for the evil eye - added baron of hell thing 389 to make the player pay for the BFG (hidden in alcove opened by linden 5540) - added UV cyb thing 390 that comes out when the barons do near the red skull key - final end building has 2nd set of stairs fixed so player cannot fall next to them map8: - swapped action linedefs for eye switches to avoid a softlock scenario where the eye closes but nothing in the map opens: eye 1: action 46 put on ld 2104, action 24 on ld 337, 338, 2106 eye 2: action 46 put on ld 229, action 24 on ld 14, 15, 230 - swapped actions on l. 337 and 2104 to ensure the start eye switch works right - swapped actions on l. 14 and 229 to ensure the start eye switch works right - reshaped linedefs that teleport lost souls into the start area to ensure they won't teleport the cyberdemon as well - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - moved stimpak t. 112 from 1904, -640 to 1874, -640 to prevent item floating - door opened by that same stimpak produces HOMs after activated, added FIRELAV2 to backsides of sidedefs: 1522, 1523, 1524 - added a horde of monsters after final cyb - added starting shotgun - added 2 imps and caco outside starting room - shortened the metal barrier in spider mastermind area - changed invulnerable to evil eye (baphomet's eye) - added 2nd baron thing 195 - added crushing ceiling trigger on linedef 605 - added several monsters for more difficulty - added lip to building to stop zero master - added co-op ammo and monsters map9: - added action 2 tag 18 to linedef 947 to force map progression trigger - switched action 22 tag 17 from l.2525 to l.2530, 2531 to better force a trigger - moved cell charges t. 228, 229 on the rampart to entice ammo-starved players - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - aligned front lower textures of linedefs 588, 589 and 591 - added METAL as lower front texture on linedefs 2261, 2266, 2421 and 2426 - changed starting door to BIGDOOR7 on linedefs 28, 233, 234 - added shotgun shells at thing 239 to entice player to trigger linedef 2439 - changed several lost souls into imps in end room - added several more enemies in end room - added specters in the lava behind castle (things 248, 249) - added imps (things 250, 251) - added cacodemons (things 252, 253) and carved out a secret alcove for them that triggers on linedefs 588, 589, 591 - added shotgunner thing 254 - added imp thing 255 - added shotgun shells thing 256 - changed sector 210 tag from 14 to 35 - added teleport destinations to sectors tagged 14 (things 257, 258, 259) - added specters (things 260, 261, 262) - added shotgun shells thing 263 - added imp thing 264 - changed linedefs 747, 759, 799 to be lower unpegged - added secret tunnel to the left of thing 161 - added monsters (things 265, 266) - added stimpack thing 267 - added shotgunners things 268, 269 - added imp thing 270 General: - added UMAPINFO lump for any ports that support it (SIGIL.wad only) 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
Diabolución Posted August 11, 2019 Maps 5, 6 and 7 do have once and for all one damn chaingun, well done! And indeed, the chaingun of map 7 is in a super-secret area... I wish someone fixed the (minor) tutti-frutti artifacts and that medusa texture, so that doom-plus can support glitchlessly this (nice) episode. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Erick Posted August 11, 2019 It would be nice if the Cyberdemon in E5M6 (in single-player) also appears on Hurt Me Plenty instead of just Ultra-Violence. The maze area kind of feels a bit lacking without it, though I guess that's just me. Great that you can now revisit the first part of the level though, always felt odd that it was the only time SIGIL (besides E5M8) prevents you from revisiting an area. I am also looking forward to the changes for E5M8, hope it's fun for a pistol start. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dr_st Posted August 12, 2019 On 8/11/2019 at 10:09 PM, tobis87 said: map8: - added lip to building to stop zero master Expand Does this refer to blocking the ability to jump down straight to the exit, skipping half of the level, including the boss fight? (e.g., https://youtu.be/NefyzOQrOxo?t=21) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NightFright Posted August 12, 2019 (edited) Wow, v1.2 seems to address quite some remaining issues people had with the episode - if not all of them. I guess this version should make most people stop complaining about issues regarding playability. Edited August 12, 2019 by NightFright 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
JBerg Posted August 12, 2019 Once 1.2 is finalized, it will make its way to the idgames archive ... right? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Revenant100 Posted August 12, 2019 (edited) Will this update finally deliver the long-awaited answer as to the identity of the mysterious Zombieman at the end of E5M8? Additionally, I think Linedefs 1588 and 1589 should be set to Block Monsters in order to protect this Zombieman as he often tends to get killed in the crossfire by the Lost Souls above when they charge towards the player and inadvertently end up hitting his infinite height collision box. In fact, the protection of this Zombieman should be imperative. Delay the release of 1.2 until the survival of this man, whoever he is, is assured. Edited August 12, 2019 by Revenant100 10 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted August 12, 2019 I hereby christen said zombie 'Bob'. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ghastly Posted August 12, 2019 (edited) On 8/11/2019 at 10:09 PM, tobis87 said: - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging Expand Aha! Glad to see that, it was a minor thing but it really bugged me nonetheless. Though I notice it doesn't mention the secret exit being actually marked as a secret. Edited August 12, 2019 by Ghastly 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Diabolución Posted August 12, 2019 So we do have once and for all the official par times for Sigil. I am wondering if they were determined by John Romero himself using his classic method. https://pastebin.com/CGHXV829 Quote [PARS] par 5 1 90 par 5 2 150 par 5 3 360 par 5 4 420 par 5 5 780 par 5 6 420 par 5 7 780 par 5 8 300 par 5 9 660 Expand 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
vanilla_d00m Posted August 13, 2019 (edited) Just tried sigil and made it to lvl 6, level 5 was like a maze.. level 4 was anoying with those crushing things. Cool wad.. I'm using the default midi on this one. Difficulty Level - ITYTD I'm playing through this without knowing where to go so I think thats more of a better choice for now. Edited August 13, 2019 by vanilla_d00m 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
hawkwind Posted August 14, 2019 (edited) I emailed JR some time ago redarding my findings re. v1.1. No reply. So here they are ... e3m1 Maybe have T46 for easy also. e3m2 1. Sector 123 probably should have had ceil5_2 for the floor. 2. I used an editor to find out that line 897 had to be crossed to exit the level.Maybe an exit sign at sector 126 or another clue to indicate that said line needs to be walked over. e3m4 1.T85 at sector 272 is stuck ... radius too wide. 2. ceiling of sector 180 should probably be dem1_5. e3m5 Should the ceilings of sectors 123 and 124 be ceil4_1 , unless they were supposed to be a break in the ceiling, letting the 'sky" through ? e3m6 Bad x alignment at lines 570,571, 517 e3m7 . Since the distance between vertex 3460 and 3498 is quite narrow, if the player falls into the lava to the west of these vertices, the player is trapped and dies. e3m9 I think that sector 14 should have had the same ceiling height as sector 208 - adjoining sky sectors. Edited August 14, 2019 by hawkwind 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NightFright Posted August 14, 2019 Did Romero somewhere talk about working on Sigil after release? Obviously the community is involved in the updates, would be interesting to know how this influenced the way the levels changed. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
tobis87 Posted August 15, 2019 I noticed this bug in pre_v1.2, killing a lost soul leaves this textures permanent: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
pcorf Posted August 15, 2019 This needs to be retextured to REDWALL1. That is my opinion. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Linguica Posted August 15, 2019 REDWALL1 is a tech texture though so it would be out of place. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
NightFright Posted August 15, 2019 (edited) 2 minutes ago, DMPhobos said: Quote FIREBLU or bust Expand Edited August 15, 2019 by NightFright 15 Quote Share this post Link to post
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