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I'd like to partially correct myself about something I said a few months ago

[McD] James

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My opinion on this has evolved a little. As of November, I've made the effort not to save scum when playing high-difficulty maps. When one save scums during intense slaughter fights, you deprive yourself of not understanding and subsequently mastering the underlying mechanisms of a map. As others have said, you rely on lucking yourself into the correct spot, rather than figuring out the best way to approach each fight. 


This doesn't apply to Allied Assault, as a lot of that game's difficulty is genuinely cheap and artificial, and already heavily reliant on luck. As much as I love the game, the AI's level of accuracy and vision is obnoxiously high, and some levels ultimately boil down to little more than trying to spot the blip in the distance. 


I wouldn't say I'm at the point where I'd feel comfortable playing through No Chance on Ultra Violence without saving period, but we'll see where I stand in the future.


Uh, just wanted to get that out of the way. Carry on. 

Edited by Ajora

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I'm a bit more of a casual player too, and I think the happy medium between no saves and savescumming is just to save on occasion when there isn't active fighting going on. But it's cool that you're trying new things and expanding your comfort zone!

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4 hours ago, Not Jabba said:

But it's cool that you're trying new things and expanding your comfort zone!

My comfort zone will be stretched quite a bit when I play Sunlust next month...


I'm both excited and afraid.


Also, saving between encounters should be acceptable to everyone.

Edited by guitardz

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I totally agree. Getting through without saving is satisfying and it requires you to have a better understanding of a map's flow and how its fights work. I don't really foresee myself getting to the point of doing most slaughter maps saveless (especially not on stream where it's doubtful people want to watch me do the same sections repeatedly), but as I play a map more I do slowly build to the point where I'm at least confident enough to try every now and then. Of course, when a map can take 30 to 60 minutes to get through, often times I'd rather have the satisfaction of getting through the whole thing with saves than playing halfway and having to start over from scratch. When it comes to the vanilla lineup, I always play those saveless but in those cases I don't really have to think about them. They are small, short, and are generally on the easy side compared to a modern slaughter setup.

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Wow, Ajora just flip-flopping on yet another position! I will be buying my fast food elsewhere after this egregious assault on the savescummer race - Good day to you, sir!


(I basically never save my game other than when I’m done playing and even then I usually forget and just idclev to whatever map I was on)

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I remember paying the price for save scumming in Max Payne 1. During the boss fight in Ragna Rock I saved just as I got shot. Every time I loaded I had like half a second to dodge.

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Saving is for fricking noobs, if your a real gamer you'd play a game on hardest difficulty all the way through without saving. If you die in the game the only way of redeeming your self is by smashing your computer with a hammer. Plain and Simple

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I've always hold the same opinion, but despite this, if I'm really NOT in the mood to learn how exactly a certain encounter or map works I'm just going to save scum my way through just to be done with it, even if I learn nothing in the process. 

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