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Change episode in modding


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Hi! probably nobody will see/will have interest in answering but I'll give a try.

I was trying to begin a run (the way id did) but I can't see the episodes when I start. I can see only 3 episodes "hell on earth", "base instinct", "The final gate".

I already tried using only that wad, but nothing. Newest version of gzdoom. How do I play the first 4 episodes? Help would be appreciated, ignoring ... well, you're not the best person in the world :P

Edited by Codenod

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Tried, but nothing. :( When I create the folder I put gzdoom inside and I put the main mod (BDBE, bd etc.), freedom phase1, dtwid... but nothing happens. Always the same, every mod works except dtwid, which gives me only e5 and e6

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