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Cacowards 2019 Mentionation Thread

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It has to have been said multiple times already, but Lunar Catastrophe is absolutely awesome. Really stellar full Ultimate Doom replacement. If I had a pick, i'd definitely want to see that nominated. :)


Edit: Just realized the immediate above post mentioned this wad lol. At least I'm not the only one!

Edited by Arrowhead12

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Just dropping in to share the Lunar Catastrophe love for the three-hit combo. That's some great classic-styled DOOM right there.

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3 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

+++ Faithless (I don't care if its not a doom wad, it deserves a cacoward)

To date, three Heretic wads have gotten Cacowards and at least one has been a runner-up. Hexen and Strife releases have gotten very rare awards as well. It's considered eligible.

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Xim's Star Wars Mod (By Xim) for the gameplay mod category.


It's such a wonderful labor of love that gives Kyle Katarn a chance to meet Doom on the battlefield with his unique bag of tricks. The sprites, new and old (with perhaps one or two exceptions) are amazing, and combined with stellar audio and a kickass soundtrack addon make this mod the definitive form of righteous mass Star Wars slaughter in the Doom engine.





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Stormcatcher77's "Infraworld - The Hatehammer" for its overall design but especially the visual unique hellscape.

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Lunar Catastrophe. Best Ultimate DOOM WAD I've played all year.



And Bloodspeed. I know it's in "Beta stage," but I believe it's finished enough to nominate.



Edited by dylux

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On 7/1/2019 at 3:03 PM, Not Jabba said:

To date, three Heretic wads have gotten Cacowards and at least one has been a runner-up. Hexen and Strife releases have gotten very rare awards as well. It's considered eligible.


When it comes to custom wads, Strife is really underutilized. Khorus is the only one I can name who has done much with Strife at all.

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On 6/21/2019 at 9:35 PM, Master O said:


If I'm not mistaken, there was a Doom 2 demo wad that won a Cacoward a few years ago, so there is precedent.  


RTC2037 demo was listed in the top 100 wads feature... It was never technically awarded a cacoward, since the following year, rtc3057 episode 1 was actually released. 

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13 hours ago, Scuba Steve said:

Are you nominated hell forged? 




Edit: Oh, you meant "Are you nominating Hell Forged?" Yes, I am nominating it.  


I'm also nominating:


Edited by Master O

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(For either Caco or runner up; trying not to repeat ones I've mentioned earlier...)


+++Verdant Citadel




+++Slaughter Spectrum (lolol...)




Edited by FrancisT18

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On 6/23/2019 at 6:54 PM, CyberDreams said:

*I personally believe that SIGIL deserves to be at least mentioned somewhere in the Cacowards this year (and i'm almost positive that it will be). Whether or not it deserves to win is up to the Judges although i do hope that it does win some sort of Cacoward :)


*I believe that i've already mentioned Eviternity but i'll just mention it again just in case ;)


*Eviternity couldn't have been done without the OTEX textures (at least i think so) so maybe that should win something as well, if there is a category for it (also the author of those ukiro).


*Jimmy for his amazing MIDI work/compositions, as well as all of the other stuff that he does (mapping and what not).


I just want to second the last three points here, I'm pretty sure Eviternity is going to win something and well deserved, just played through it for the second time. The OTEX textures are absolutely gorgeous and have inspired me to go ahead and try my hand at some mapping, and @Jimmy deserves some kind of recognition this year for being the talent he is.

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Eviternity and OTEX have already been mentioned loads, and rightly so. They are both outstanding works and essentially what brought me back to Doom after a lengthy absence.


Another release that absolutely floored me with the sheer scale and attention to detail in its levels is The Slaughter Spectrum by @Bridgeburner56.


Edited by AwakeOnPhobos

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I really enjoyed Sinergy by Crunchynut. I think it deserves a mention at least. I also really liked Spectrum by Capellan.

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I am almost finished with episode 3 of Lunar Catastrophe and have to nominate it already.


This is some of the purest, most condensed and wonderfully realized „classic“ mapset, that successfully recreates the classic Doom map feel without overly „borrowing“ from it or diverting too much from it. When played in vanilla style it is almost indistinguishable from the original Doom.


I personally love how condensed the maps are. The real estate is actually quite small but honed to perfection. What looks like a normal hallway at first might transform into a lift later on, thus opening the next part of the map. Progression is imho very well „laid out“ without ever trapping me in too much switch hunting ir back tracking. 


An absolute delight and I regret now having tried this out sooner.

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3 hours ago, elend said:

I am almost finished with episode 3 of Lunar Catastrophe and have to nominate it already.


This is some of the purest, most condensed and wonderfully realized „classic“ mapset, that successfully recreates the classic Doom map feel without overly „borrowing“ from it or diverting too much from it. When played in vanilla style it is almost indistinguishable from the original Doom.


I personally love how condensed the maps are. The real estate is actually quite small but honed to perfection. What looks like a normal hallway at first might transform into a lift later on, thus opening the next part of the map. Progression is imho very well „laid out“ without ever trapping me in too much switch hunting ir back tracking. 


An absolute delight and I regret now having tried this out sooner.

Thanks so much for your nomination and kind words - it is very much appreciated! :)

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So how does "mentioning" actually work? Do we have unlimited nominations? If the most perfect MegaWAD ever doesn't get mentioned, then it doesn't get a Cacoward? Or is this mentioning merely a way, to steer the attention of the judges to WADs they maybe, possibly, perhaps might have missed?

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There's no limit to how many things you can nominate. The point of this thread is to make sure nothing gets overlooked. In my experience, I missed really great projects on several occasions because I overlooked their release. This thread just let's us scan a single location to find good releases, so the onus is on the community to make sure we don't miss something.


Nominate as many things you play that you think are worthy, we just ask you keep discussion to a minimum because that's not what this thread is about. Think of this thread as the communities way of saying to the Cacoward staff "hay check this out, I think it should win!" 

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4 hours ago, Scuba Steve said:

This thread just let's us scan a single location to find good releases, so the onus is on the community to make sure we don't miss something.


This answers a question that I had: Whether the Mentionation thread actually has an effect on what maps get considered by the Cacoward judges?


And the answer is that this thread apparently does influence what the judges may look at. They can still completely dismiss any particular project, but at least they're forced to see the title.

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