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DHMP - Doom High-res Model Project

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We have now released a new version of the Doom High-res Model pack for The Doomsday Engine
Grab it here https://github.com/KuriKai/dhmp
What's new
DHMP is now in one selectable pack that selects all the models(26) by default
All refelctions for doom2
New DHMP logo
Beserk pack for low res version
Spider mastermind fixed eyes
chaingun fixed rotation to be clockwise instead of counter-clockwise
Got rid of unneeded tags for the model dei's

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/5/2019 at 4:09 AM, KuriKai said:



Have you tried them yet in game? The animation is nothing like the old model packs


I didn't mean any particular DHMP pack. This applies to any 3D animation. I haven't tried new models yet. Instead of asking, you'd better post a video for clarity.

But I don't like 3D models and voxels. Because it's DOOM.

I have a collection of more than a hundred different cool mods for Doom and there are no 3D models and will never be.

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Any reason why such negativity against them if you haven't tried them? And why are you posting in a model thread if you don't the idea?

to me, doom is original gameplay, doom, doom2, tnt, plutonia with better graphics, mods are not doom to me.

Edited by KuriKai

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The mod looks fantastic!!!   It always amazes me that when people try to make better sprites and/or 3d models to try to make games like Doom, Duke Nukem, Heretic or Hexen, just to name a few, look better that there are always some people who try to take the wind out of their sails by saying things like, " I think Doom looks better pixelated, it's just not Doom if it's not pixelated", for example. NO ONE is taking AWAY your old pixelated game!  We're just trying to improve the quality for THOSE PEOPLE, LIKE ME, who really love the game and want to see where we can go with it.  There was this modder making some fantastic sprites, the best I've ever seen, for classic Doom and he got so many negative comments that he cancelled his project because a lot of people were saying they liked the old Doom sprites better.  That is great, it's a great classic game.  No one is taking that away from you by making new levels, new monsters, new graphics or any other kind of mod.  If something isn't to your taste, just look elsewhere.  Please don't spoil it for everyone else with negative comments.  Some mod may not be everyone's cup of tea.  So what.  If someone only likes sprites, of course they are going to pass on 3d models and that's their loss.

Edited by Wraith September

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  On 1/5/2019 at 12:48 PM, Wraith September said:

Please don't spoil it for everyone else with negative comments.


I feel sorry for those people whose perception of quality depends on someone else's opinion.

And I did not say that 3D models with high-quality animation for the Doom is bad. I just haven't seen anything I like yet.

For example, this animation I think is quite acceptable.

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Why don't you try the pack then? At least then you could give some quality opinions on how the models animate, and how they could be improved.

Edited by KuriKai

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The animation still has some of that stiffness that Doomenator brought up earlier in the thread but it still looks smoother here than in older 3D model packs. I really don't care about the stiffness anyway, I like the look of these so far and I think it would be fun to revisit some old wads I haven't touched for a while with big, bold, detailed 3D models. I really like how smooth the chaingun is as it slows down after firing and how the barrels can land in any position, it's a nice touch. Something seems off about it's muzzle flash sprite too but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Keep up the fine work, I'd love to see this completed.

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It reminds me a lot of the Duke Nukem 3D High-Resolution Pack. I have to agree with Doomenator that the enemies' animation leave much to be desired, although my issue is not so much the stiffness than the fact they now look and even move like parade balloons; even the Cacodemon looks like he is made of air. I also think the Pinky could be made to look a bit meatier.


That said, I do think the Cacodemon and the Spider Mastermind models are great and I would be interested to see them used to create higher-definition sprites. The objects and weapons are cool too, although I wish the latters could look a bit grittier; they come across as pristine in their current state.

Edited by JohnnyTheWolf

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The problem with all these 3D model annimations is that there are no momentum or weight to them. Doom sprites do not concern themselves with this since the frame count is too low for that to matter - the problem arise when people try to re-create the animations 1:1.


The most obvious example is Pinky - the walk is smooth as if he's skating around on wheels (or the floor is really slippery). The movement loop of his legs is one smooth motion.

Instead it needs a pause when he lifts a leg, distribution of the weight, then a sharper motion when he plants it. You also need to calculate the animation so that his other foot remains planted on the same spot instead of "skating" forward. This is not noticable in original Doom because all motions are "sharp" due to frame count.


Here, whatch this video that explains it a bit better (from about the middle)




Another issue with HD model packs is compatibility. Many wads alter appearance of monsters slightly, or make new ones, and even if its just one alteration happens (like creator using that one blackhorned pinkie) then it all falls apart because now there are sprite enemies walking among polygonal ones - the clash is terrible. Example: Ancient Aliens that replaces many monsters with sprites tweaked thematically.

Edited by Sinael

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  On 1/9/2019 at 8:26 PM, Sinael said:

The problem with all these 3D model annimations is that there are no momentum or weight to them. Doom sprites do not concern themselves with this since the frame count is too low for that to matter - the problem arise when people try to re-create the animations 1:1.


The most obvious example is Pinky - the walk is smooth as if he's skating around on wheels (or the floor is really slippery). The movement loop of his legs is one smooth motion.

Instead it needs a pause when he lifts a leg, distribution of the weight, then a sharper motion when he plants it. You also need to calculate the animation so that his other foot remains planted on the same spot instead of "skating" forward. This is not noticable in original Doom because all motions are "sharp" due to frame count.


I am learning as I go and have not had any paid training, so it won't be perfect, but thanks for the constructive criticism.
I still need to learn how to use curves in blender while animating


  12 hours ago, Sinael said:

Another issue with HD model packs is compatibility. Many wads alter appearance of monsters slightly, or make new ones, and even if its just one alteration happens (like creator using that one blackhorned pinkie) then it all falls apart because now there are sprite enemies walking among polygonal ones - the clash is terrible. Example: Ancient Aliens that replaces many monsters with sprites tweaked thematically.


We are not aiming to be compatible with "mods". Mods change gameplay and that makes it not DOOM.

We release the source so others can modify it to suit their mods if they want.

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  On 1/9/2019 at 3:46 PM, JohnnyTheWolf said:

It reminds me a lot of the Duke Nukem 3D High-Resolution Pack. I have to agree with Doomenator that the enemies' animation leave much to be desired, although my issue is not so much the stiffness than the fact they now look and even move like parade balloons; even the Cacodemon looks like he is made of air. I also think the Pinky could be made to look a bit meatier.


That said, I do think the Cacodemon and the Spider Mastermind models are great and I would be interested to see them used to create higher-definition sprites. The objects and weapons are cool too, although I wish the latters could look a bit grittier; they come across as pristine in their current state.


Feel free to load the models up in blender and render them to sprites, We release the sources.

Edited by KuriKai

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 years later...

There have been a few projects that have come out on GZDoom with nice fancy lighting and PBR materials. 

They all seem to still use Sitters Electronics' character models and props from some other Doom model source. 


One of them even used my old pinky demon model rather than the new one. 


I mean, is there some reason for this? Is it technical, or aesthetic? I want to know. 


If anyone sees one of these projects, give them a nudge that our project is out there. 

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

New pack update will be out shortly. Shotgun and Plasma rifle weapons, skull keys and other enhancements. 


We were looking at possibly moving over to GZDoom, especially now that Reinchard has issued his PBR texture pack. GZDoom has implemented a skeletal model format called IQM. We asked them if they could support something more modern and better supported like FBX. They didn't want to do that, which is their choice. They said they were debating whether to go with either gITF or IQM. I asked them if they could prioritise gITF because of multiple problems that exist with the IQM format. 


This was their response:



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  On 11/6/2022 at 12:33 PM, Tea Monster said:

This was their response:




You were given responses, ***multiple times***, and refused to acknowledge all of them. I don't want to perpetuate drama but at least provide a fair assessment of what was being done, which was people responding to your requests, you ignoring their responses, and them eventually (and understandably) becoming exasperated.


gITF is apparently going to come later down the line.

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