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Looking for scary maps, help!


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Been playing Doom since release and have done a lifetime's worth of lurking on doomworld.


Through all of the amazing wads I download, I think I'm always looking for one elusive thing in particular, more atmospheric and dark maps that remind me of Doom 64.


Does anyone have any recommendations? I have sifted through a lot of maps, but it's very rare I find anything close to the mood/vibe set out in the Doom 64 wads.  I grew up on the more fun, actiony doom maps, but it would be cool to find a few maps closer to those found in D64.  Even Doom 2016 was a bit of a letdown in this regard.


Thanks in advance!

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Here's a single horror map I made back in 2015, the screenshots are missing but it's a little mod that utilises GZDoom's dynamic lighting to provide a typical horror setting with a few scary moments. :)




To help fit your requirements, this uses some sounds and music from Doom64, as well as coloured lighting and a moody setting.


Hope it's what you're looking for!

Edited by Dragonfly

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This may or may not be what you have in mind, but a lot of those who played Wyrmwood seemed to find Map 9 tense or frightening or disturbing - which was my full intention - though I didn't use anything like conventional horror game tropes to do it. The map isn't dark and it's low on surprises. It's all about manipulating the player's expectations and building suspense.




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Awesome, I have lots to check out. I have played Maskim Xul and definitely got that vibe from it, but the others are new.  Thanks!

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Doom64 always reminded me of the Alien film which is quite Lovecraftian in the cosmic unknown horror sense. Thus I would recommend Dawn of Reality

That is a realistic map though. Not sure if that qualifies.

Edited by SP_FACE1

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10 hours ago, amackert said:


#1 for me. I've never played a WAD so disturbingly creepy. The final fight is over-the-top-ridiculous slaughter that I had to noclip through, but everything up to that end point is just incredible. 

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5 minutes ago, Salt-Man Z said:

#1 for me. I've never played a WAD so disturbingly creepy. The final fight is over-the-top-ridiculous slaughter that I had to noclip through, but everything up to that end point is just incredible. 


Agreed. Unloved is a masterpiece, although some areas are downright impossible on UV (the catacombs with the two archviles in the corner next to a switch comes to mind)

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4 hours ago, R4L said:

Agreed. Unloved is a masterpiece, although some areas are downright impossible on UV (the catacombs with the two archviles in the corner next to a switch comes to mind)

I played on HMP and remember 2-3 spots that just about made me give up, but I was able to eventually figure out. That ending, though...

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On like the fourth reply so far, I have lots of content to go through, thanks again!


It's interesting because D64 always stuck with me in a way that vanilla Doom didn't. While it has gained a bit of cult traction over the years, I think most still consider it an interesting but inferior diversion from the main Doom titles (outside of 3 of course).


Something about the lower light levels, more colourful lighting and the dark ambient soundtrack just makes it more Doom than well.. Doom.  When I load up new wads I'm reminded of how much bigger the influence of D1/D2 is. But I know it's more of a fringe opinion. 

Edited by jamai36

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