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Live coding doom's e2m2 soundtrack

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Hi everyone, 


Nice to see such a community still alive after all those years, I played doom when it came out made some maps, played on lan a lot (serial cable first...) and still have doom or and brutal close In case I need some satisfying relaxing. 


Anyway, I'd like to share a video we made loosely based on e2m2's soundtrack  using a live coding technique. 

Obviously In this video we had some  prepared stuff and then went improv, both sound and visuals. The original track has more depth and is very enjoyable but we started with the idea and finished the recording in 3 hour spawn, so be forgiving :) - we didn't go full pitch bend or drum fills like in the original, still we had fun doing it. 


 After 25 years, I love the mood of most of doom's tracks and am planning to do more tracks, maybe next time live at a concert. 


Anyways I wanted to share this with you, have a nice day! 


Here is the yt link Doom e2m2 in live coding


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