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Why was my project Removed?????


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Why was my project AIMX removed from the forums? It's a mod not a hacking client and doesn't break any rules. I would like to see it back up soon. Thank you!

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Well, when your promo video for it goes out of its way to make it seem like a hack, a result like this shouldn't surprise you.

Your one saving grace is that this can't be used client-side by a player without it being loaded by the server. Otherwise, this would be pretty much straight-up cheats, not really a mod.


That said, just because ZDoom allowed it doesn't mean Doomworld will, remember that - even they said it barely falls within the realms of what they're willing to tolerate, and even that decision was only reached after discussing things with the Zandronum team.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Well i said it clearly in the OP that the mod was serverside not clientside, but whatever. If doomworld wants to ban it the go right ahead, fuck 'em.

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If you feel strongly enough about it, talk to some of the mods then. It's possible they may have thought it was cheats.


If their decision is that it's verboten though, not much you can do about it.

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If you go out of your way to make your "mod" look like actual hacks, expect people to mistake it for actual hacks. Just saying. :P


Now whether anyone actually would want to use it is a different story.

Edited by TheMightyHeracross

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What I personally didn't like about it was that it gives a special advantage to the players who know the code to activate it.

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9 hours ago, Seidolon said:

Why was my project AIMX removed from the forums? It's a mod not a hacking client and doesn't break any rules. I would like to see it back up soon. Thank you!


If it's not a hack or a cheat why did you call it one?


Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 8.26.52 AM.crushed.png

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15 hours ago, Seidolon said:

Well i said it clearly in the OP that the mod was serverside not clientside, but whatever. If doomworld wants to ban it the go right ahead, fuck 'em.

That's the way to get what you want..

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I know I could've worded it better so I did that now on zdforum and zandro forum as well as the yt video. I admit I made a mistake but of course the moderators won't do the same and bring my thread back. It's done now and I don't care anymore.

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