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Moving level/map from one wad to another


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I have 2 wad files.  One is 7 maps 01-07.  Other is map 01-24 and map 31.  I have dck which will allow me take take level 1 from one & add to 2nd one as level 25.  But 3 levels are so huge the exceed DCK's linedef limit.  How can I move level 01 from one wad to level 25 on other to make complete 30 wad WAD file.

Edited by zztop
mistake in typing

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You'll need to open your wads, select the map markers and everything beneath them to the next marker, copy them from one and paste them in the other.

You can also use GZDoom Builder, rename the map as MAP26 or whatever you need, and go File -> Save Map Into and choose the wad you need to save the maps into.

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I normally go into XWE and rename it the slot I want it to be in the other wad, then I go into Doom Builder and go File -> Save Map Into and select the destination wad.


There's probably a better way to do that, though.

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You can use SLADE as discussed above, or you can open the 01-07 wad in DB2 or GZDB, then:


open map01

edit the map options to set it to map25

"save map into" the other wad


repeat the above for maps 02-07, remapping to maps 26-30 & 32


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