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Ideas and opinions needed for a new megawad

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I am working on a megawad for Doom 1/Ultimate Doom called Stone Of Lucifer I need some level opinions and constructive criticism for the wad itself I will be willing to send the first two levels to access open Episode 3 of Doom and it replaces E3M1 and E3M2. It is meant to feel classic so it is just a level change.


Thank you for testing if you choose to download the file

Stone Of Lucifer BETA.zip




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Really classic IWAD feel from the shots itself, I like it.

Maybe align that baron texture with the surrounding GSTONE walls?

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The screenshots look nice. They have this old-school feeling here, just like what Walter said.

Maybe change the blue key indicator into the skull one, to suit up the theme.

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Alright, I tested both maps. I've got impression that you're still new in doom mapping, but that's ok. I don't suggest to build megawad yet, instead focus on episodic release, because with each map you'll discover something new and the oldest maps will feel ugly and underdeveloped and you will feel that you need fix them. Anyway screenshot time:

1. Almost all teleporters look like this, if you want to make them look aligned, you need stick 64x64 grid precisely or use edited flats of this texture:



2. I'm not fan of this flat usage at door sector, metal flat or any other dark texture could work better:



3. No indication that this door uses red skull key:



4. Talking about same place, you might want raise sky a bit:



5. Texture isn't replaced here:



6. More personal taste, but I'm not fan of this inescapable pit:



7. Some demons can stuck here when switch and lift raises up and down:



8. Misalignements:



a+shift and a - horizontal and vertical alignment keys
L and U - lower and upper unpegged keys. They can be used on walls when those two can't do theit work.

Anyway, good luck with your project.  

Edited by Misty

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Thank you guys for the criticism but some of the stuff was already fixed like the teleporters and sky texture was raised but I needed some opinions and I will get right to fixing the things listed.







Edited by Emotrooper02

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Almost forgot. You might fix doors like this. Picture is example how to do that. For example, you draw door by 128x64 and inside that sector you draw doors on 128x32 or more and less. I works the same with smaller doors. The most optimal gap between door and gap around is 4 or 8 map units(pixels). 


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Make sure that you can't see the edges of two-sided linedefs. This is a particular issue with mid-textures.


If you look at a line from the front, you see the texture on its front side. If you look at the line from the back, you see the texture on its back side. But linedefs have zero thickness on their own, so if you look at it from the side, you see nothing. You can see an example of this if you look at the first picture under Misty's "8. Misalignments" and you look up at the small platforms. The fence/railing on the front of that platform looks to be barely there, because you're looking at it from the edge. A simple way to avoid this is to have your fence/railing would start and end at a wall or a small post. Then you can't see the texture on its edge.


Otherwise, they look pretty good. It's a good start, keep it up.

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Thanks the door problem has been fixed and I applied the advice to a third level thanks and fixed the problems with the previous problems experienced in the original file I may make a new download with these problems fixed.Also made the doors a little less bulky with the 128x32 it is now 128x16

Edited by Emotrooper02

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Just one thing I wanna ask out of curiosity: how many other maps worth of Doom mapping experience do you have under your belt? Because if this is your first effort, aiming to make a megawad right off the bat is a bad idea. Trust me, I if anyone know.

Edited by MFG38

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@MFG38I've been making maps for about 8 months  funny thing is the map I put as a download accidentally sent a backup it isnt how the actual levels turned out sure there where some problems like in level 2 where I accidentally set the wrong action also didnt make some doors clear with the keys and fixed some bars since they had no thickness thanks to the people who responded showing what was wrong and they have been fixed I will put out a new version with this stuff fixed.

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