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A doom demo written in java

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Stumbled across this the other day:


They've done their own textures (shite) and it's small (also shite) but it runs in a browser.
Shitely enough there's no user input. Obviously their idea of saying they have doom running is a non-interactive flythrough with no objects. Oh well...

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Gerbil, good to see you again! Are you still working on that little Shockwave Doom game you posted about a few months back?

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Yup, still working on it.
It took a bit of a backseat to proper work, and I have been prodding and poking at the collision detection problem. I've finally begun to sort it out and it ain't easy.
Unlike Doom, my collision detection is based on circles (Doom uses boxes). My main problem is coming up with a solution that is guaranteed mathematically correct - I don't fancy having problems of getting stuck in scenery or trapped 'cos of too many enemies nearby.
Having said that, I've got the blockmap sorted, just finished object -> blockmap and object -> object collisions so hopefully I'll get a new demo working soon, although I start my new job on Monday to slow me down again :(

Anyway, link of interest:
http://www.theburrow.co.uk/d85/demos/collisions01.htm <- click on it to regsiter keys, then cursor keys. Imagine top down moving between enemies. Restart for different sizes. It's not particularly inspiring, but should give you an idea...
http://www.theburrow.co.uk/totp3dracer.htm <- the project that held me up. UK people should spot the rather blatant company behind it!

More to come - I promise!
Using my collision detection routine I should be able to come up with a much more natural and smooth movement than Doom had (you spotted it's weird sliding at times and shaking when running into a corner, right? :).

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BTW thanks for everyone who's tried out my doom demo and given me feedback on it!
I got a fair number of mails about it, but only realised that it was popular when I received a nice bill for £80 for exceeding my bandwidth limitations in the month I posted the link up.
I used up a gig more bandwidth than normal, which since the game is approximately 500K means that the demo alone counted for 1500 views (no my maths isn't rubbish, the demo was a meg for half the month then I squashed it to half the size) - maybe I shouldn't have posted the damn URL up to so many sites :)

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