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Death Tormention: The Complete Trilogy (Compilation)

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Hell yeah pcorf.

It's been years since the last time I've played all of the DT series, this'll be a great refresher. :)

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1 hour ago, FrancisT18 said:

I don't think you can get to and from secret levels in E2/E3 in vanilla - the exits aren't placed on the standard maps.


IIRC the secret exit will still send you to the secret level but it will then kick you to the appropriate normal level for the episode, i.e. E2M6 / E3M7. This is how NaturalTvventy worked two "secret" levels into the third episode of NEIS.

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Yeah that is how I meant. So you skip about half the episodes. Probably the case in ANY engine not ZDooM-based.

Edited by FrancisT18

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5 hours ago, FrancisT18 said:

I don't think you can get to and from secret levels in E2/E3 in vanilla - the exits aren't placed on the standard maps.


Extra secret levels work with Zdoom only. Read the .txt file.


I'm going to reupload due to a problem in E2M1 that I was totally unaware about since this map was modified back in 2005. Forgot to tag a sector that raised Imps at the start. Sorry for this guys.

Edited by pcorf

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5 hours ago, FrancisT18 said:

I don't think you can get to and from secret levels in E2/E3 in vanilla - the exits aren't placed on the standard maps.


I don't recommend playing this in Vanilla, especially Death Tormention 3 which was designed for a limit removing source port.

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@pcorfI was not talking about E2M6 and E4M9 secret exits, but E2M2 and E3M2. I just tested E2M9 in PRBoom+ 2.5.14 and it exits to E2M6. E3M9 exits to E3M7. That is because those are the levels you return to in the original game.


As far as I know, you cannot 'tell' a non-ZDooM based source port what level to return to after exiting a secret level (i.e. M9 of any episode). That feature only seems to work in ZDooM-based ports. So having secret exits on E2M2 and E3M2 will cause the player to miss E2M3-5 and E3M3-6 if they take them and are not playing in a ZDooM-family port. E1 and E4 are not issues - as the original releases of the wads played on the same episodes so the secret exits are on the 'correct' levels for all ports/engines.

Edited by FrancisT18

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28 minutes ago, FrancisT18 said:

@pcorfI was not talking about E2M6 and E4M9 secret exits, but E2M2 and E3M2. I just tested E2M9 in PRBoom+ 2.5.14 and it exits to E2M6. E3M9 exits to E3M7. That is because those are the levels you return to in the original game.


As far as I know, you cannot 'tell' a non-ZDooM based source port what level to return to after exiting a secret level (i.e. M9 of any episode). That feature only seems to work in ZDooM-based ports. So having secret exits on E2M2 and E3M2 will cause the player to miss E2M3-5 and E3M3-6 if they take them and are not playing in a ZDooM-family port. E1 and E4 are not issues - as the original releases of the wads played on the same episodes so the secret exits are on the 'correct' levels for all ports/engines.


Oh okay. Well there is nothing I can do about this. Sorry.


Play it in a MAPINFO port, simple as that.


Remember Zdoom is recommended!


I've uploaded an updated version to my website and will now reupload to idgames.

Edited by pcorf

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3 hours ago, Smight said:

Hey pcorf Paul Cortis glad to cross paths with you...your wads are impressive


Cortis haha, whatever that is?. Maybe I should change my name to Romero, nah because I don't tell anybody who is my bitch.

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2 hours ago, VGA said:

It's Corfiatis!


My favourite mapper!


Yeah he is okay. A bit on the symmetrical side esp from WOS and before.


I have reuploaded the updated version. Will be on my website within the next week or two.

Edited by pcorf

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6 hours ago, FrancisT18 said:


As far as I know, you cannot 'tell' a non-ZDooM based source port what level to return to after exiting a secret level (i.e. M9 of any episode). That feature only seems to work in ZDooM-based ports. So having secret exits on E2M2 and E3M2 will cause the player to miss E2M3-5 and E3M3-6 if they take them and are not playing in a ZDooM-family port.

Actually, Eternity also supports basic Hexen-format MAPINFOs. See here for more info: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/MAPINFO

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7 hours ago, NiGHTMARE said:

Actually, Eternity also supports basic Hexen-format MAPINFOs. See here for more info: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/MAPINFO


I never use Eternity but is should work with no problems in Eternity as it supports mapinfo. Same with Skulltag.

Edited by pcorf

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This is now hosted on ZDaemon for coop survival:


Broken Glass Breakfast - Death Tormention: The Complete Trilogy


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  • 3 years later...

A few months ago I wrote about plans to make a complete UV-Max walkthrough of this gorgeous megawad. So, I recently completed it and now it's ready to be shown! And this topic is best suited for this in my opinion.

Let's begin!

Episode 1: Simply Phobos




Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Hm... an interesting level. A short brown maze with six identical secrets which are also arrows are point to (why?), a large spacious room that migrated directly from E1M1: Hangar and a final room with a bunch of enemies, ammunition and two strings of turtles behind bars (what??)

In this regard, I've got only one question - why Keswick?? ;)))



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so does this compilation rely on zdoom exclusively for its mapinfo support?

no other zdoom-exclusive features are being used?


hypothetically one could add a UMAPINFO lump and play this on dsda/woof/prboom-um without issues, right?

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13 hours ago, Delfino Furioso said:

so does this compilation rely on zdoom exclusively for its mapinfo support?

no other zdoom-exclusive features are being used?


hypothetically one could add a UMAPINFO lump and play this on dsda/woof/prboom-um without issues, right?


Its a hybrid, but you do need a ZDoom port to play it as intended. Ive made a UMAPINFO lump for this wad that should enable most modern ports to play it as intended though, the only real 'ZDoomisms' are the fact that episode 2 and 3 are E4s in the E2 and 3 slots, so the secret levels are all wonky without mapinfo of any kind, and that theres an E2M10 and a E4M10


My patch is incomplete though, I have too many things going on in my life to dedicate myself to Doom :p

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27 minutes ago, Devalaous said:


Its a hybrid, but you do need a ZDoom port to play it as intended. Ive made a UMAPINFO lump for this wad that should enable most modern ports to play it as intended though, the only real 'ZDoomisms' are the fact that episode 2 and 3 are E4s in the E2 and 3 slots, so the secret levels are all wonky without mapinfo of any kind, and that theres an E2M10 and a E4M10


My patch is incomplete though, I have too many things going on in my life to dedicate myself to Doom :p


I could consider reuploading some of my megawads with the UMAPINFO added. Same with WOS as well (will consider designing a new MAP06 and possibly MAP09 if I reupload WOS, with the original MAP06 MAP09 becoming secret levels). Maybe I'll name the new version WOS Ultra. :D

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9 minutes ago, pcorf said:


I could consider reuploading some of my megawads with the UMAPINFO added. Same with WOS as well (will consider designing a new MAP06 and possibly MAP09 if I reupload WOS, with the original MAP06 MAP09 becoming secret levels). Maybe I'll name the new version WOS Ultra. :D


Ive got UMAPINFO patches for 2002 ADO as well, both versions of it. I was actually gonna going to ask you after the 2022 polishing rush was over for some input on them, mainly on what to do with the old E4M1 (Currently I added it as a warp-only E5M3) which was the only level fully cut. I went back and played this version over the newer one due to its much richer selection of skies across the levels. I was tempted to add Blood and Guts and Unity from the new release as they can easily be patched on top of the older release.


My DT Complete Trilogy patch adds the missing three silly secret levels from DT2 as E1M10, E2M11 and E3M10 to truly make the collection 'complete', the only real hiccup was whether they should be warp-only or automatically accessed after the serious secret levels. Personally I dislike command line/console-only levels, I prefer to access levels ingame, but those levels are meant to be pistol-started..

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3 hours ago, Devalaous said:

My DT Complete Trilogy patch adds the missing three silly secret levels from DT2 as E1M10, E2M11 and E3M10 to truly make the collection 'complete', the only real hiccup was whether they should be warp-only or automatically accessed after the serious secret levels. Personally I dislike command line/console-only levels, I prefer to access levels ingame, but those levels are meant to be pistol-started..


Maybe it could be realise through death secret exits on maps E1M7, E2M7 and E3M7? Even if things are bad with ammunition in these 'stupid' levels, there are still enough of it in the last levels to kill bosses.

Death exit could be done like exit from earth jungle episode to gothic hell episode in the Scythe 2...

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Simply Phobos, the easiest episode in the whole megawad, is over! My favourite maps from it - E1M3: Waste Refinery (I love multi-step secrets) and E1M7: Destruction on Phobos (I like to find references to other maps - this is generally my weakness)

It's time to start Death Tormention episodes!

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19 hours ago, Devalaous said:

Ive got UMAPINFO patches for 2002 ADO as well, both versions of it. I was actually gonna going to ask you after the 2022 polishing rush was over for some input on them, mainly on what to do with the old E4M1 (Currently I added it as a warp-only E5M3) which was the only level fully cut. I went back and played this version over the newer one due to its much richer selection of skies across the levels. I was tempted to add Blood and Guts and Unity from the new release as they can easily be patched on top of the older release.


My DT Complete Trilogy patch adds the missing three silly secret levels from DT2 as E1M10, E2M11 and E3M10 to truly make the collection 'complete', the only real hiccup was whether they should be warp-only or automatically accessed after the serious secret levels. Personally I dislike command line/console-only levels, I prefer to access levels ingame, but those levels are meant to be pistol-started..

I did something similar to your 2002 patch except kinda in reverse: I made a wad that loads besides the 10th Anniversary edition and puts Play School, the old skies and intermission pics back, with Play School as E4M0 and the first map of that episode, which then moves to Unity and the rest as usual. I did this a while ago so it's in ZDoom MAPINFO, but I've since learned how UMAPINFO works and could easily adapt it (and distribute it if pcorf is ok with these kinds of modifications; I personally really like the old custom skies and the variety in their usage, but I'll respect an author's wish on which version they want to be out there).


For the DT2 bonus maps, I've thought about what to do with them and reading your post makes me think the best way would be to simply have them accessible from the main menu, as a bonus minisode. In fact I think I will go make my personal bonus wad to go with the Trilogy that does just that :P  The only problem is that I don't think UMAPINFO supports forcing pistol-start, so if you want that forced it'd have to be either through plain MAPINFO (which will limit the ports on which it'll work) or by modifying the maps to add a death exit.

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Both of the name and design of this map indicate that it was inspired of Dr. Sleep's works (as well as Map09 of Community Chest 3), but the moment with four buttons, which we bring bridges in turn to, reminded me of E2M4: Shotgun Blues of 2002ado. And yes, I know that the 2002ado released later than Death Tormention I - but I got acquainted with 2002ado much earlier.

The fourth cyberdemon in a row...


And the sudden departure from the style of the fourth episode... But the map is brilliant and along with another one is my favourite in this episode!

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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