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Death Tormention: The Complete Trilogy (Compilation)

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The second secret map from Death Tormention I (and bonus E2M9 map in Simply Phobos as a separate episode) is my second favourite map in the whole episode!

During the walkthrough of this map, I had a clear feeling that @pcorf likes Unruly Evil map from The Ultimate Doom - this is the second reference to it in two episodes. Also, the brilliant MIDI plays here!


And the two episodes of the megawad are already behind us! 

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Episode 3: Death Tormention II

I passed this map under a sign of berserkless fisting fight. Just this and monsters infighting helped me to save ammunition for the next level. Also, music from The Twilight Zone 2 is always welcome!

By the way, about The Twilight Zone 2... Good map from it has a good sequel in DT2! But be careful and thrifty, there is again quite a bit of ammunition... And there may be problems with killing all the monsters on the map - two cacodemons in the blue key room as a rule are very reluctant to fly out their walls.


Barons, barons, barons... For all 38 maps this is the largest number of them.




And yes, something tells me that this location of stimpack and armor bonuses was not originally planned by Chris Harbin :))

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Why does this level have such a name? Something like "Search for Stephanie" from 2002ado?

Admit it, who fell into the trap that I took out in the preview of the video? :D

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Perhaps I was waving my fist too much on this map but I really wanted to recoup for a berserkless fighting on E3M1. And this map gives this opportunity in full - there are over 60 pinkies lives here (together with spectres, of course)


In my opinion, on this map we can hear the best MIDI in the whole megawad!


What can I say about favourite maps in this episode? I liked both @Kristian Nebula's maps and maps E3M4 & E3M5 that were made by @pcorf.

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Episode 4: Death Tormention III



How to get a rich ammo depot behind the seven barriers? Kill couple of cyberdemons with a telefrag or still give them a chance to defeat you? And portraits, portraits, portraits - what is each of them hiding?

This is definitely one of the best levels in the entire megawads and in any case, it has no equal in this episode. In my opinion, of course.

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8 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

@RaRu Des2122 Coincidentally, I am playing through Death Tormention right now and your video playthroughs are definitely helpful! Thank you! :D


I'm glad that my videos are useful to somebody? What episode are walking through now? Or have you just started?

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22 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

Now @RaRu Des2122 has to do a mini video on the three DT2 bonus levels for completion :p


I finished porting this megawad to the Unity port, and oh boy, Ultra-Violence+ is not fun on this xD


If I must something, I'll do it ;))

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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It is interesting. I released this on the 20th anniversary of the original Death Tormention in early 2019, many did not care about it and only recently it has gained attention. Back then I had no clue what UMAPINFO was.


Maybe I'll release a Whispers of Satan parody for April Fools Day next year and name it Whispers of Startan. The entire megawad is mostly retextured in Doom Builder's default textures. It probably won't draw as much attention as the original butcrax.wad.

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To be fair, UMAPINFO is pretty new and is having teething issues just like UDMF did. 'Universal' indeed. My custom patches for wads tend to end up with me having to write a MAPINFO, ZMAPINFO, EMAPINFO, DMAPINFO, UMAPINFO and a Doomsday definition file (basically Doomsday's own MAPINFO, except Doomsday reads both this lump AND a MAPINFO, and causes conflicts, argh!) and its frustrating.


As for this wad, its true, ive rarely ever heard it mentioned. People DO mention the individual DT episodes though here and there, so its got enough of a following.

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12 hours ago, Devalaous said:

Now @RaRu Des2122 has to do a mini video on the three DT2 bonus levels for completion :p


I finished porting this megawad to the Unity port, and oh boy, Ultra-Violence+ is not fun on this xD


So, is the version with these bonus levels planned as E1M10, E2M11 and E3M10 cancelled? Or all in good time?

It's just that I have never played Unity, only ZDoom/GZDoom and very rarely PrBoom+.

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2 minutes ago, RaRu Des2122 said:


So, is the version with these bonus levels planned as E1M10, E2M11 and E3M10 cancelled? Or all in good time?

It's just that I have never played Unity, only ZDoom/GZDoom and very rarely PrBoom+.


Oh im still tinkering with it, I'll be donating it to pcorf when I feel ive not riddled it with typos and errors. Its literally just a patch that loads on top of the existing wad that gives it expanded features in all ports that support xINFO. Which means the ZDoom only levels (E2M10, E4M10) and the secret exits for Episode 2 and 3 will work correctly in almost all advanced ports now. Since DSDA Doom lacks advanced level warping, and UMAPINFO lacks a way to force a pistol start, I have to either implement the three bonus levels as three seperate menu entries, or have them as a single three map episode.


I'm pretty busy these days though, as im tinkering with these patches as well as porting classic vanilla megawads to the Unity port, on top of other offsite things, so the patch will take a while to debug

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26 minutes ago, Devalaous said:


Oh im still tinkering with it, I'll be donating it to pcorf when I feel ive not riddled it with typos and errors. Its literally just a patch that loads on top of the existing wad that gives it expanded features in all ports that support xINFO. Which means the ZDoom only levels (E2M10, E4M10) and the secret exits for Episode 2 and 3 will work correctly in almost all advanced ports now. Since DSDA Doom lacks advanced level warping, and UMAPINFO lacks a way to force a pistol start, I have to either implement the three bonus levels as three seperate menu entries, or have them as a single three map episode.


I'm pretty busy these days though, as im tinkering with these patches as well as porting classic vanilla megawads to the Unity port, on top of other offsite things, so the patch will take a while to debug

How do you like my idea to make a dead secret exit to these levels (from maps E1M7, E2M7 and E3M7 - there is still enough ammunition to kill bosses on maps E1M8, E2M8 and E3M8) similar to the one from Map25 of Scythe 2? Does this sound possible or do you have another idea?

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4 hours ago, RaRu Des2122 said:

How do you like my idea to make a dead secret exit to these levels (from maps E1M7, E2M7 and E3M7 - there is still enough ammunition to kill bosses on maps E1M8, E2M8 and E3M8) similar to the one from Map25 of Scythe 2? Does this sound possible or do you have another idea?


Probably add new (very hard to find) secret exits to existing levels. Will probably work on the Death Tormention update after 2022ado is complete and on idgames.

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Now only my personal opinion will be presented here. I just want to record my wishes about a possible new ZDoom-version of Death Tormention: The Complete Trilogy and do not write the same things in the future, bothering you with it, dear users ;D

1) Three bonus "silly" levels occupy slots E1M10, E2M11 and E3M10, thus becoming additional secret levels. Since they must begin with an only-pistol start, then difficult-to-find death secret exits to them can be made at the appropriate ExM7 levels. Why exactly on these? Because after them, in this case, only the boss levels will remain and they definitely have enough ammo to destroy them (even in the event of your complete ruin at "stupid" levels). 

2) It seems to me that not good when such an episode in suitable hellish style as Incineration vegetates alone in the Doom expanses. Let it be the fifth episode in the new version! And it will be another wonderful Ultimate Doom megawad consisting of 50 levels along with the upcoming 2022ado! It seems that someone called 2022 "the year of the Ultimate Doom megawads"? Well, let this glorious tradition be supported!


Of course, I understand that it is not easy to implement all this wishes and @pcorf may easily have different vision for the future of this megawad. I just wanted to express my wishes most fully and in one place, so that in the future I would return to this post and not duplicate my own thoughts again.

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But in any case, the new versions are still only the future and, perhaps, distant. And in present we are still not done with what we have now. 

I'm hurry to fix it:


The last short level in the episode - a kind of calm before the storm!




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On 1/8/2019 at 2:50 AM, pcorf said:


Oh okay. Well there is nothing I can do about this. Sorry.


Play it in a MAPINFO port, simple as that.


Remember Zdoom is recommended!


I've uploaded an updated version to my website and will now reupload to idgames.

I've tried to download this megawad as it looks great on the screenshot but for some reason neither this link nor the one provided in the original post seems to work (when I click on either of them nothing happens). Do you have any idea what this could be from?

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5 hours ago, epicyolomaster420 said:

I've tried to download this megawad as it looks great on the screenshot but for some reason neither this link nor the one provided in the original post seems to work (when I click on either of them nothing happens). Do you have any idea what this could be from?


http has now been changed to https on this thread and website. It is also on idgames.


I'll update and fix this Death Tormention trilogy junk after 2022ado (which was intended for July 2022 release but vastly running behind schedule due to the slow progress of E3M6 and many bug fixes, thanks community) has been released to idgames, estimated release from mid November onwards.

Edited by pcorf

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And the last part!

Going through @Kristian Nebula's E4M5 & E4M6 maps, I caught pleasant associations with the hellish maps from the Whispers of Satan megawad. I think I'll get to him someday, too.

She has been stalking us since the very first episode...



Well, a slightly unexpected ending... From the darkest depths of Hell, from where green fireballs of invisible hellknights straight to spaceship, which is also not all right... But it looks atmospheric and leaves no doubt that this is really the end! Thanks a lot to all four authors and a low bow for the wonderful megawad, and thanks a lot to all users for watching! I really hope everyone liked it   :D

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  • 7 months later...



A little late, but there it is... As in the case of 2022ado, everything is calculated for the Ultra-Violence difficulty.

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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  • 9 months later...



Perhaps I was a little late with this question but even after a while I can't ask it: what exactly was changed in the version from October 2022 compared to the previous ones? They don't catch my eyes (even the armor bonuses and stimpack on E3M9, which are inaccessible without a noclip, remained inaccessible) but there is nowhere to read about them and even in this topic there were no details about them.

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