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Akeldama - Now on Idgames!

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This is definitely my jam. I'm in.

I'll take anything after Map07. 

Edited by Juza

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Count me interested, sir. I'd like to take an E3 slot (which one doesn't matter to me), because that sky really strikes my fancy.

Checking out all these textures, I think I could make something interesting.

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Is there no Discord server or anywhere the team can contact? It'd be easier to organize the project this way, just a suggestion! 

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I don't see what's wrong with posting here - might be a good for others to learn from what's going on for once, plus I don't use Discord.


Either way, I've got both of you listed as mappers now.

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I think it'd be easier to organize everything overall, and communication between members of a team is vital imo, and Discord makes that easier. It'd also be more convenient. 

Edited by Juza

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This looks like lots of fun. I'd love to contribute, but I've got a busy late winter/early spring ahead of me. Much luck!

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Hey everyone. Would it be alright if I also contributed? This would make for a perfect opportunity to get my mapping motivation up again. I think I will take an E2 slot, if that is ok.

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  On 1/9/2019 at 2:36 AM, Juza said:

I think it'd be easier to organize everything overall, and communication between members of a team is vital imo, and Discord makes that easier. It'd also be more convenient. 


I just think it's easy to keep track of everything right here in the thread - that was part of the reason I wanted to make one here.


  On 1/9/2019 at 3:33 AM, TheV1perK1ller said:

Hey everyone. Would it be alright if I also contributed? This would make for a perfect opportunity to get my mapping motivation up again. I think I will take an E2 slot, if that is ok.


I've added you on the maplist for E2.

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After some consideration, I want to contribute a map for this project since I'll be done with 1/3 of my own solo megawad this month and I want to try something a little different.


Would it be ok if I claim map 02?

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  On 1/9/2019 at 4:56 AM, Juza said:

Can we contribute with more than one map? Cause I certainly want to.


Absolutely! I believe joepallai was working on two at one point - I don't know if he's still got his E2 map in the works but I have his name there just in case.


  On 1/9/2019 at 5:04 AM, Philnemba said:

After some consideration, I want to contribute a map for this project since I'll be done with 1/3 of my own solo megawad this month and I want to try something a little different.


Would it be ok if I claim map 02?


Sure thing, I've got you on the list.

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I absolutely want to contribute to this. I'll claim map04, that should light a fire under my ass. Will hopefully have something tangible in the next coupla weeks! I think the idea of having recommended monster and weapon types for each episode is a really good way to add a sense of cohesion and progression.

Edited by Doomkid

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I would be interested in taking an early mapslot (e1)if available.  Also happy to help out with running the project or testing if you need any assistance further down the line

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I do want to potentially partake in this, but I haven't mapped in vanilla except for once.
Could I still make something, even if it isn't used I want to get better at vanilla mapping.

Edit; Why not, it gets in or it don't, I just want to make, so sign me up for socket 18 if available and willing.

Edited by wolfmcbeard

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Looks fun, I haven't made a vanilla limits map in 7 years. Or contributed to a community project in my entire career...


Could I please have Map28? :)

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Did not claim a map slot for some reason.  If you are replacing 3, could I take that?

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This seems tempting so I will consider MAP29, hopefully I won't regret this decision.

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I would like to occupy slot 14. Memento Mori was always an inspiration, being one of the very first PWADs I had played.

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Nice. An old school vanilla project! I'd like to join and contribute a map to Episode 2.


By the way, what is "Akeldama?" Does that title have some meaning?

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