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Akeldama - Now on Idgames!

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@DerFurer'sFace: I'm finished with the feedback on your sections of Map31:


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To summarize things, I liked this map too, the list of suggestions may look almost as large as the list of positive stuff but the negatives are really just nitpicks, all in all your sections of this map has engaging gameplay, striking atmosphere and nice visuals, I had a fun time!

Edited by waverider

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@waverider thanks again, I appreciate the feedback and am currently making some adjustments since the points are good ones.


@valkiriforce do I have permission to edit my areas in map 31 a bit? I ask because the nature of being a collab and don’t want to work if someone else is currently 

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@valkiriforce Just a heads up, i tried removing some detail from my edits thinking I exceeded the limit, but the file you sent me (with your edits) causes a savegame overflow in choclate if I try to save at the start. I don't think the map runs in choc in its current state

Edited by DerFurer'sFace

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We're not really concerned with savegame overflows considering a number of maps likely exceed this limit anyway, and most ports including chocolate Doom itself have an option to disregard the original save limits.

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Ah gotcha, just making sure since I didn't want to break any limits, i'll continue then.


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  On 10/8/2019 at 6:28 PM, valkiriforce said:

We're not really concerned with savegame overflows considering a number of maps likely exceed this limit anyway, and most ports including chocolate Doom itself have an option to disregard the original save limits.



I think as long as you mention it on the readme (possibly as a known bug), it will be OK. There are a number of well-known vanilla sets that have this same issue on some of their maps, and that is how they handle it.

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Currently playing through Akeldama on easy and going to make some difficulty adjustments to the maps that need it along the way. There are a handful of exceptions for maps that already have skill settings implemented, so I won't be doing this for the maps that already have it unless it really calls for some minor adjustments which aren't worth bringing up here. When I'm finished going through it on easy and normal I may just think about releasing what we have compiled so far for others to check out, since that'll make testing the maps much easier.


[EDIT] Forgot to mention a bug on MAP04 concerning an inaccessible secret due to the walk-over line being set for the former humans to trigger a fast door which doesn't work in Chocolate Doom, so I decided to turn it into a lift function with action 88 as the trigger since they can activate it that way, and I included a line outside of it which can also trigger it nearby so it doesn't become permanently inaccessible.

Edited by valkiriforce

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@dt_ Sector 16 linedef 1555 which originally had a W1 Door Open Stay (fast) action, which the former humans wandering inside could not open when I was testing it in chocorenderlimits.

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  On 10/10/2019 at 10:46 PM, valkiriforce said:

@dt_ Sector 16 linedef 1555 which originally had a W1 Door Open Stay (fast) action, which the former humans wandering inside could not open when I was testing it in chocorenderlimits.


It's not meant for the former human to open, if you look closely in the window, on the left hand side there's a shootable switch.  I do think though on reflection that that secret is quite hard to spot in relation to the reward

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Um, wow...I didn't even spot this in the editor. I definitely think it's much too well hidden for a simple shotgun, especially when players will likely rely on the shotgun obtained from a former sergeant when approaching the first lift.

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Awesome, I think i'll give the beta a full playthrough and give some feedback as I play the whole set.


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Good to see a beta! Once November arrives I'm going to shift my focus back to those two tracks I need to finish.

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Maybe I'll possibly consider whipping together a backup MAP26 for this project just in case the real MAP26 does not get completed let's say in 6 months time.

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Is this supposed to be a teleporter in the blue key area of map31? If so this doesn't work.




Also the 3 cybies in the red key room get stuck in map32. I dunno if this is a glitch.

Edited by lirui1001

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  On 10/17/2019 at 4:26 AM, lirui1001 said:

Is this supposed to be a teleporter in the blue key area of map31? If so this doesn't work.




Also the 3 cybies in the red key room get stuck in map32. I dunno if this is a glitch.




Damn, I thought I had fixed everything I did in that map.   Thanks for catching this!  This was suppose to be my emergency teleport in case the player falls off the side.



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Map 28: Climbing Blood Mountain


@Khorus: Just tested this map out, I'll start off with the stuff I liked:

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Half done using GZDoom. Originally started playing the first compilation, so any notes before MAP10 may have already been fixed.


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Edited by EffinghamHuffnagel
missed a note for MAP31; missed another for MAP07 dammit

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@valkiriforce Im not certain if the last update to map31 had any other changes to other sections than mine, but I went ahead and made some changes to my sections based on feedback from Effingham. Also he references WUDTILE1 and 2 to be missing from the compilation I believe. This is a texture that is present in the most up-2-date resource pack I believe, did you remove this texture?

Changes to (my part) map31:
Added extra detail to both sections

Changed yellow key barrier switch so its shorter and has railings, removing a skip that bypassed the whole section.

Fixed 3rd trap for locking door to work properly

added spectres to 2nd trap

Added pillars and a switch+teleporter to the cyberdemon so the player can't bypass the fight using the teleporters (can still telefrag)

Changed height of yellow key arena exit teleporter so it takes longer.


I played through the map myself, WUDTILE1 seemed to be there for me but GN_MARBB was replaced with one of the bookcases for some reason 

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Edited by DerFurer'sFace

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  On 10/23/2019 at 12:11 AM, DerFurer'sFace said:


I played through the map myself, WUDTILE1 seemed to be there for me but GN_MARBB was replaced with one of the bookcases for some reason 

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You're right. The flats are there. My stupidity. I probably clicked the wrong batch file before playing that map. Geez, I hope the other notes were valid.


Edit: Not that it matters, but I had taken the original AK_E1E2.wad (which did not have those two flats) and went through the thread, adding all the E3 maps posted, because I wanted to play the whole thing. I have to remember to delete old batch files when new versions come out. Sorry.

Edited by EffinghamHuffnagel

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@DerFurer'sFace That likely has to do with some conflicting texture names that I had to fix up at some point. Not sure how something like a marble texture would get replaced with a bookcase but I can surely fix it up by including your portion of the map to the one I have since I've also made other updates not listed here.


[EDIT] By the way, the only texture I did change in your portion was one of the switches which originally used a switch texture that wasn't animated, so I set it to the correct one. Also I fixed a teleport destination from the nukage which only appeared on hard instead of all the difficulties, and adjusted the lower settings to make it easier since some parts were still brutal on the lowest difficulty. I've made these changes in other maps where I felt it necessary to make for a more smooth experience for casual players that aren't looking to get tied up in some difficult encounters, but ultra-violence remains untouched so the maps still play the same for most players that will stick with that setting.

Edited by valkiriforce

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Finally finished using GZDoom.


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Wasted3.zipFetching info...

Hopefully this adds enough variation to the original version, I think it should make it much more interesting in the background. No super substantial changes, just different instruments coming in and out and different times and different 'flair' on each play through of the same few riffs. Let me know what you think, Valkiriforce.

Edited by Doomkid

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