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does anyone play Doom Multiplayer on xbox live anymore?


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my gamer tag is: SurgicalSinger3. i think there is a search function on 360 or Xbox One. what's your gamer tag?

Edited by memes4lyfe

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this is funny as me and my bro fired up d2 on the xbox one a few weeks ago and 2 people joined, 2 french guys. we played e1m3 and it was one of the best experiances i have had in ages on xbox.

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2 hours ago, Rimantas said:

What is the point of buying and using console, when you have a PC lol?

What is the point of typing up and giving a worthless response to someone's question lol?

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16 hours ago, Rimantas said:

What is the point of buying and using console, when you have a PC lol?


Lack of system requirements is a strong advantage from my point of view.


It's great to not have to worry about potential upgrades until the console goes EOL.

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5 hours ago, seed said:


Lack of system requirements is a strong advantage from my point of view.


It's great to not have to worry about potential upgrades until the console goes EOL.

Sticking to good, reliable old PC and infinite sea of good old games is not bad idea. No need to upgrade nor keep buying new PCs or consoles. Console is limited to gaming, you still need PC for other tasks. PC is just ultimate machine for everything. :)

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I sometimes link up with guys from a xb1 doom group and play Doom 2/Doom(2016). Since I don't have a completely "functional" pc, I'm on console often. -- I rarely find a game on Doom 2/1 on xbox. And when there is a game, it's very laggy for some unknown reason, but playable.

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15 hours ago, Rimantas said:

Sticking to good, reliable old PC and infinite sea of good old games is not bad idea. No need to upgrade nor keep buying new PCs or consoles. Console is limited to gaming, you still need PC for other tasks. PC is just ultimate machine for everything. :)



I Paid 1k for a PC in 2016 and about another £600 on dual screen setup with a gaming keyboard and mouse, and even this rig is outdated and chugs on loads of stuff i was even having slight drops on ion maiden, i got my xbox one X for £400 with 2 games and its starting to run newer games better than my pc, plus doom 16 in 4k and i have been playing through oblivion in  4k on it also, i dont get why people pigeon hole themselves into one avenue of gaming!? plus i hate looking at pcs after a long work day, and there is always this to look forward too.

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Nothing wrong with multiple platforms if you enjoy what they have, I love my pc and it's limitless potential as a games box, but not a chance I'd emulate Goldeneye when I've got a working cart and n64 sitting on my table, plus consoles are convenient. so on the subject of the platform wars, I won't take a side.
As for something relevant to the topic, I had XBLADoom on my old account but it was always dead, I might buy it again sometime this month so feel free to pm and I'll add you, I'd love to try it's multiplayer for once.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are a few people on the doom community on Xbox live trying to get some decent doom and doom 2 multiplayer going for those that only need the multiplayer achievemte to 100% both. 


And for fun too. 


If we can decide a time and a decent number of people I’ll be in there. 

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On 1/14/2019 at 3:40 PM, Rimantas said:

What is the point of buying and using console, when you have a PC lol?


Often times, I just want to relax on the couch and mindlessly play on my console. 


Especially if I’ve been working on my pc a bunch and want to get away from it. Or if the wife is in the office on her pc or making crap with her cricut, I don’t want to be in there. 


And I have a fairly decent gaming pc, Ryzen 3(this needs upgrade) gtx 970 with dual 27” Msi curved 144hrz screens. 


But when I want to chill on the couch, the console is where it’s at. Or play with friends that don’t have pc and only console. 

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