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This stands for Death Sequences in case you're wondering. I was thinking, how come all the enemies only have one death sequence? Well, I know that Former Humans and Imps can be blown to pieces, but everything else only dies one way.
I think it's very strange.
And another thing: how come, whenever you get killed in Doom or Heretic or Hexen, your character always turns around to facr whatever killed him?

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Thats becuase using sprites is very limiting, id did not have the resources to put 20 death frames for each enemy, secondly why your character always faces what he dies is that he two has one one death frame, thats frame is a front veiw of him grabbing his throat and falling on his face..

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Why do you and so many other people always stick to those very old iD games when they think about the new Doom? Look at iD´s latest game, Quake3Arena: The bots/player models have 3 different death animations. Even in Quake2 the monsters had different death sequences (remember the guards). So why are you still talking about the way it was in old sprite games like Doom1 and Heretic1? Or are you talking about gibbing?

About your own death sequence: I think it feels better when you leave your dead body after being shot and see it from outside, like in Blood2, Unreal, Q3A.

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Tribes has that as well. Dark Fox is right, two death sequences for every monster way back then wasn't exactly feasible. DooM3 on the other hand I'm we can expect even better than what we saw in Q3.

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Hehe, what a laugh.

I know what you're talking about though. Imps, soldiers, etc. "small creatures" have a noraml death and an overkill state (personally, i think the SSG should be allowed to do overkill damage to small creatures at a 1/4 rate [it should take 8x damage of the character's health to initiate a splatter tather than the normal 2x]).

Of course, splatter and normal death dont fit very well when they are immolated or fried with plasma (or disintegrated by bfg like so many of us have been in DM :)

Of course im pretty sure that a chainsawed corpse looks different than one riddled with bullet holes.

And another thing they have to get down (well, they got it down in the quake series but not in doom), is that shotguns aren't known for their penetration effect. This means that firing a shotgun from 15 feet away from a line of three troopers should not go through all of them... it sohuld only start going through people if you fire at point blank range (and maybe up to 5 feet away with double barrel - 5 feet = inbetween 64 and 96 pixel units).

I dont care very much about how many normal death animations characters ahve, weither it's a struggling death or put down cold is really all in the same (except when they get dying shots off, and they sohuld ahve multiples of those too if they exist), but when are we going to see a corpse blackened by plasma rifle shots rather than a normal corpse or gibs on the ground? (and the gibs should be blackened if killed by the same measure).

There sohuld be no corpse left if a direct hit is done by the bfg and they dont survive, and deaths caused by spray damage should be incredibly blackened and have large holes in them.

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SOF II has more than 100 death sequences, so I guess your post doesn't make sense at all. More RAM + skeletal animation = Lots of deaths.

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