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e1m1q - a quake'ified interpretation of e1m1 (2020 edition)

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This looks fantastic. I'll give this a shot soon. I love the quake 1 textures. This could potentially be a great idea for a megawad! If you could find enough mappers to help.


Also I do think the realm 667 doom launcher is a fantastic front-end, but it does kind of require a bit of setup. Personally I use the very basic and simple to use ZDL (zdoom launcher) which admittedly I think is no longer updated as this link looks to have been updated last in 2013. But it still works for loading multiple wads, choosing iwads, and choosing ports.


Thanks for your submission zzzornbringer!

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Pretty neat reworking of E1M1, nice.


It didn't occur to me that anyone would want or need a True Colour version of BOOMQTEX,

but it was pretty easy to make one. For future use try using this:  ZMODQTEX

Edited by Urthar

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Maybe the time has come to remake all Doom levels in this style. I especially like that it's not just a retexturing effort, but thoughts went into structural adjustments as well to reflect the advantages offered by the Quake engine back in the days.

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56 minutes ago, NightFright said:

Maybe the time has come to remake all Doom levels in this style. I especially like that it's not just a retexturing effort, but thoughts went into structural adjustments as well to reflect the advantages offered by the Quake engine back in the days.

Yes especially now that someone is working on a tool to literally convert quake 1 maps to GZDoom maps

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4 hours ago, NightFright said:

Maybe the time has come to remake all Doom levels in this style. I especially like that it's not just a retexturing effort, but thoughts went into structural adjustments as well to reflect the advantages offered by the Quake engine back in the days.


e1m1 and map01 have pretty easy layouts and everyone played them a thousand times. so it was easy for me to convert them. other maps are not as easy, at least for me personally. i sort of like to do map02 next and i really like to do a hell theme with quake's medieval texture set.


btw. this map does not use any advanced engine tricks, unless you want to count curved walls. there are no polyobjects. this map is technically vanilla compatible, except of course it exceeds the line limit. but other than that, it's your typical doom map. it's all sector/line based.

Edited by zzzornbringer

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update to version 0.2. download link updated.


- added new secret

- re-adjusted several monster spawns

- ceiling light sectors now have higher brightness values and use gradient brightness levels to simulate more smooth lighting. various other sectors have their brightness values adjusted.

- some more detail work


todo: more testing, more balancing.



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This is a nice map, for sure.  My only real gripe is that the doors weren't immediately obvious.  I actually ended up going out the slime pit secret before learning what texture you were using for doors, since I legit thought they were impassable walls.  Maybe I'm more used to seeing the standard base doors in Quake.  But aside from that, it plays well.


Nice work.

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1 hour ago, silentzorah said:

This is a nice map, for sure.  My only real gripe is that the doors weren't immediately obvious.  I actually ended up going out the slime pit secret before learning what texture you were using for doors, since I legit thought they were impassable walls.  Maybe I'm more used to seeing the standard base doors in Quake.  But aside from that, it plays well.


Nice work.

thanks. yea, i thought about that being an issue. i actually had the doors open through a "player enters sector" thing when i started the map but eventually i decided to have a use function, because you'd open some doors by accident.


right now i'm trying something different. in the very first room, i added a small encounter. all doors are closed. when you collect the shotgun, a couple of monsters spawn. when you kill them all, a door opens. all doors use the same texture so this may give the player an idea that those textures are actually doors.  i may add some more arrows on the floor. i'll see.

Edited by zzzornbringer

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That was pretty good! You certainly did not pull any punches there... I would love to see all vanilla Doom levels reimagined in a similar fashion.


However, I cannot find the final secret.



I got the Plasma Rifle, the Super Shotgun and the Green Armour.


Edited by JohnnyTheWolf

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1 hour ago, JohnnyTheWolf said:

However, I cannot find the final secret.




thanks for playing. 



try to look around in the rooms where the two revenants are at. there's a red switch on one side. you need to shoot it. then go back to the room with the bridge. a wall will be raised. there's your last secret. i also often miss it when playtesting. even though i know exactly where it is. ;)


also, i just updated the download link.

Edited by zzzornbringer

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just updated to version 0.4. i'm giving this a couple more days. maybe i'll come up with more changes. but i think we have a final version here. i certainly want to start map02 really soon.


recent changes:


- modified scripts to optimize some encounters.

- added some messages to help players figure out a secret.

- added arrows in front of every door so players don't confuse them with solid walls.

- added some more traps.

- some minor texture and sector adjustments.

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i just updated the map to version 0.5. i'd like to call it beta. would be much appreciated if someone could play it and see if everything works properly.


i've added a shit ton of scripts to the map. some minor things like giving players messages that hint to secrets and unlocked doors, to closing and re-opening doors for some specific encounters, to some more advanced stuff that adds an element of randomness and replayability. 


also lot's of tiny script changes and adjustments to make even the tiniest of things feel great. like, to give you an example: how fast do text messages fade in, how long are they displayed and how long do they take to fade out. how long of a delay an elevator moves after i triggered a switch sound effect... is it 20 ticks or shall it be 35 ticks? you name it. it's also no coincedence that all text messages that alert the player of opening doors are in fact green and not red. lot's of stuff you never notice, but your brain might. ;)


i have also re-done the outside area twice. the mountain outside area that you're not even supposed to be at. you just look at it from the inside. and i still don't know how to make mountains look great.


anyways, please give this map a try, or another try if you have played it already. i've changed quite a bit in the first half and i'm sure i'll come up with more stuff in the second half as well.

Edited by zzzornbringer

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3 hours ago, Urthar said:

Recorded a quick demo in GZDoom 3.7.2: UrthE1M1Q_GZDoom372Demo.zip


gzdoom.exe -file ZMODQTEX.wad e1m1q.wad -record UrthE1M1Q


Seems to work pretty well. I wasn't able to break anything.

very nice. thank you very much. you missed a couple secrets though. ;)




as a hint, try to use the crates where the plasma rifle is at and look arount where the revenants are at.


also, i loved how you fell to your death in the beginning. :)


were all the text messages and arrow hints clear to you to understand? how about the difficulty? i think i'm going to crank it up a bit more. 

Edited by zzzornbringer

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updated to version 0.6.


- overall more polishing. most light sources now draw a smooth gradient light cone. hand drawn with the vertex curve tool. looks nice and organic but awful to do.


- added many, many new script entries and altered existing scripts. without spoiling too much. there's a random global variable that picks between 3 values. each value will spawn a specific combination of monsters and items. this applies to various rooms. the script also picks one of two routes at the beginning. in earlier versions both routes opened but this way it's easier for me to balance everything. the goal with this is to add a little bit of replayability. thinking about giving the player a message about that, so he knows that there are multiple routes.


- more spawn locations added to some rooms. changed monster variety. added more traps.


- added custom powerup: quad damage. thanks to the zdoom.org wiki for helping me do that. imported sound from the original quake to have the full experience. currently the sound gets overlapped by monsters. will try to fix this soon.


- added ambient sounds to various rooms.


the map is also significantly harder now. i probably have to add a couple more stimpacks. it's doable but you might die if you're unlucky and not find all the secrets.

Edited by zzzornbringer

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11 minutes ago, JohnnyTheWolf said:

How do you get the final secret now?



near the end, right before the small room with the revenants. when you look at the door where the revenants are in, go to the right hallway thing. that's where the imps and the pinkys are. just pass the first platform where a stimpack (or medikit, can't recall exactly) is placed. there's a "player enters sector" thing. go back to the bridge room. a wall has been lowered. it's on a timer, so be fast.


or if you're talking about the plasma gun secret. the switch required for it only activates after you've entered the crate room where the plasma gun is at. it's actually connected to the doors that lead to the crate room. once the switch is activated, use it and run to the crate room. a row of crates will be lowered giving you access to the plasma gun and it's ammo. trivia: that's actually for technical reasons. you could actually activate it and when you run really fast you would trigger the crate platform while the secret crates were still lowered. this would then cause a bug and them not raising back up. 


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Thanks! It was the former.


One small criticism about the map's new ending, though:



Why is the Shambler so weak? I realise that Doom II's Super Shotgun is far more powerful than its Quake counterpart, but still, it feels weird that it can kill a Shambler in two shots, at worst. Even the Hell Knight is more resilient than this.

Edited by JohnnyTheWolf

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9 hours ago, JohnnyTheWolf said:


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Why is the Shambler so weak? I realise that Doom II's Super Shotgun is far more powerful than its Quake counterpart, but still, it feels weird that it can kill a Shambler in two shots, at worst. Even the Hell Knight is more resilient than this.



i didn't intent for the last room to be a big challenge. it's more of a gimmick. maybe you missed that this room actually had a quad damage powerup in it? it's a modified megasphere with a blue tint. can be done through decorate even. this makes this last encounter substantially more easy. otherwise, with at least two shamblers and only one pillar in the center, some attacks would be unavoidable, leading to certain death if you enter the room with low health. i had one version of the map where the quad damage was in the outside area and a megasphere at the end so you could survive the encounter for sure. but i decided to change it and have the quake elements in the final room as sort of a gimmicky easter egg. you know, the entire map consists of doom monsters only. except this one last room that not only is very different thematically, with lava and medieval walls, i also wanted to utilize some of the custom monsters that @Urthar has created to sort of surprise the player. it can be a little challenging. it was quite challenging at some point. but i thought, hey, put quad damage in there, have all the quake elements in that last room. surprise the player but not challenge him that hard.


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