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Unreal Tournament 2003 like Quake 3


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Anybody get the feeling the gameplay of unreal 2003 strongly resembled that of quake 3 arena????
Why has u2003 received such ordinary reviews?...i only have the demo, was thinking about buying the game til i read nothing special about the game, this will no doubt put more pressure on ID as all hype is now solely on doom3
By the looks of it, doom3 will own all

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doomedout said:

Anybody get the feeling the gameplay of unreal 2003 strongly resembled that of quake 3 arena????


It plays like shit. I liked Q3 because it was a stripped-down, fast paced and perfectly balanced deathmatch game. UT2003 is nothing of the sort.

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I like UT2003 way better than it´s predecessor, the weapon balance is hugely improved from UT1, the graphics are great, the whole style is much cooler, darker, "quake-ish" compared to the kiddie manga style UT1 had. The new movements are fun and enhance the gameplay... it´s not like Q3 movement, but it has it´s own flavour and it´s actually fun IMO.

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Uhhh, YES.

Quake 3 was the most boring game ever created.


I've always fount UT 100x more fun for some reason.

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I dont know but the more i play u2003 the more it reminds me of quake, unreal tournament was so much more different with the guns being really powerful, like the flak cannon and the rocket launcher, in ut2003 they toned down the weapons and some actually resemble those used in quake 3 in terms of intensity and damage, the movement also is slightly similar to quake3, my first impression was...man this game reminds me of quake3

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[sarcasm]In an incredibly intelligent post[/sarcasm] MaCvILeWhOrE said:

Posts like this one get deleted, unless a valid reason for the argument is given.
I don't want to see posts with the IQ of a brick put into them.

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SlayeR said:

Uhhh, YES.

Quake 3 was the most boring game ever created.


I've always fount UT 100x more fun for some reason.

What is the difference between Quake3 and UT? Unreal Tournament 2003 in particular.
UT2003 has the same speed and feel as Quake3 IMHO.

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SlayeR said:

Uhhh, YES.

Quake 3 was the most boring game ever created.


Complete bullshit... have you ever played Q3 longer than half an hour? UT(1) was lame, it had totally overpowered and spammy weapons that didn´t alow a lot of strategy. In Q3 the weapon balance is great and alows for a lot of strategy. Also, never judge Q3 by it´s pure out-of-the-box content. Play Q3 Threewave CTF, it offers the best CTF gameplay ever, even better than LMCTF for Q2 (also much better than UT2003 CTF, but I´m looking forward what the mod and map community will have to offer), or play Rocket Arena 3, or CPMA...

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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

Isn't that what all MP games are like?

Well yes, pretty much, but UT does it better :P (and it has good CTF and other game modes)

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I think UT2003 did take a step or two closer to Q3, but it's not THAT alike. I always preferred UT over Q3 tho. It seemed to have more variety.

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All Ut2003 has for me is the physics and kind've better weapons that to me do basically the same thing to the enemy, its lik ut's old weapons, different look, same effect.

If I'm talking out of my ass please let me know :D

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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

If I'm talking out of my ass please let me know :D

Hehe ok, the next time I see one of your "bad mood" posts (I make some of these myself so I can perfectly understand your situation), I'll just edit and reformulate it :-P

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I played both Q3 and UT1 and I really enjoyed them both for their seperate reasons. I would comment on UT2003, but My goddamn computer wont let me extract all the files for it for sum reason cuz of sum error.

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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

All Ut2003 has for me is the physics and kind've better weapons that to me do basically the same thing to the enemy, its lik ut's old weapons, different look, same effect.

Uhh, all weapons do the same thing. They kill stuff. Did you not realize that or are you still drinking milk out of a bottle?

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SlayeR said:

Uhhh, YES.

Quake 3 was the most boring game ever created.


I've always fount UT 100x more fun for some reason.

Yes, because its
formula is so much more than Quake3. Stupid.

UT and UT2003 both suffer from horribly unbalanced weapons. Otherwise they're just run of the mill multiplayers games. nothing special. At least the instakill weapon in Quake3 takes some skill. I can win every UT game with my eyes closed and my keyboard upside down. The sniper rifle/lightning gun are so fucking easy to get one hit kills with. Within an hour was smoking eveyone and everything in online games in the UT2003 demo. Boooooooring.

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Well maybe thats why I like UT better, it's easier to play. I find that much more fun than dying constantly and getting frustrated.

And don't call me stupid, stupid. :P

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Lengis said:

Uhh, all weapons do the same thing. They kill stuff. Did you not realize that or are you still drinking milk out of a bottle?

Well DUH! Tell us something we didn't know.
Maybe he was referring to the way in which the weapons kill stuff and the feel of the guns. Could that be it?
/Me nods, then rolls eyes.

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yesterday i've played some UT2003. for about 2 hours and i thought "man - this ut 'version' looks and feels very quakeish". But later I switched back to quake3. osp clan arena; just for fun like nearly every evening...and oh i have to say:

quake3 "feels" IN NO WAY like ut2003. NO! NEVER EVER!

ut2003 looks superb and oh yeah that karma engine works out great - but it has not that "smooth" feeling like quake3 has. i can't explain that in words: the quake series has that particular smooth movement that I love so much: its like comparing a mercedes benz with a bmw. a beemer's manual gear/steering feels very smooth over a mercedes' one. the latter is good for older ppl; the beemer's is for sporty drivers. (guess what I drive - vrooooom).

but a "die hard" quaker will never accept unreal and vice versa. sad but true.

therefore my fps-MP true love will always stay at quake (doom, any(?) id) games.
(maybe some unreal2 fun later this year - just for the anim and gfx)

just my 2€cent!

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I've tried UT2k3 and I must say Quake3 wins. It doesn't even come close to Q3 in gameplay. The graphics aren't that good and the weapons are too similar and unbalanced. Q3 is just more 'fun' to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice analogy uniQ...i played both games, q3 infinte times more, and when i switched back from ut2003 to q3...im like....AHHHHHHHH
But ut2003 while playin it, still reminds me of q3...in contrast while playing q3, im so into railing ppl that i dont think bout anything else.... :P
and i think what u mean by smooth is that it play faster?
cause no matter what ut2003 does, quake in this regard owns it in gameplay and in "smoothness"

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I will admit, at a glance, some people could mistake UT2003 for quake 3. They certainly look similar. And while I've only played UT2003 for 10 minuets at a store computer, I can say that It certainly feels closer to Quake 3 then UT... in fact, It could almost be a weapon and skin patch for quake 3! But, like I said, I only played it for 10 minutes in a store.

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