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Fast weapon switch in Zdoom 2.2.0?


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I found a mod that appealed to me for its fast weapon switch (without resorting to insta-switch ala Quake). However, I tried loading it in Zdoom 2.2.0 and it doesn't work. Is there a similar mod I can download that will work with Zdoom 2.2.0? I prefer Zdoom 2.2.0 for DM. Thanks!


The mod I found that doesn't work with ZDoom 2.2.0:




Edited by Hellbent

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You could just write one yourself. All it is that does it is copying the A_Raise/A_Lower line twice and changing one to 0 duration.

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It always amuses me the two worlds that exist. On the one hand, you have the world where 99.999% of humans exist in, where they consume technology by interacting with an easy to user interface. Then you have the 00.001% of humans who actually know the inner workings of technology! These are the true wizards of the world, and are a rare and special breed indeed. You, sir, clearly belong to this second class of beings, with your talk of copying the A_Raise/A_Lower line, as if the pleb posting this thread has any clue of which line you speak of. Yes, it always amuses me. 


Hellbent waits patiently for a reply that involves a solution from the pleb world, and not the wizarding world of those wondrous beings who know the very mechanics, the very underpinnings behind the curtain of this wondrous world of technology we live in.

Edited by Hellbent

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3 minutes ago, Bryan T said:

Heh, I was about 90% complete with making it and then banjie posted.  


Mine does also tweak pistol little bit, so feel free to post your version if you want to do one changes only the weapons switching speed.

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I overlooked a few things anyway and deleted my progress when I saw you posted.  I was going to use mapinfo for classes, not keyconf and that probably would've been a bad idea for such an old port.

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