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The DWIronman League dies to: Fomalhaut


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On 2/4/2019 at 10:21 PM, NaZa said:

Edit @Catpho I tried running your demo in Eternity and prBoom, in prBoom it gives me an unknown file header 255 warning, and in Eternity the demo seems haphazard with pauses, jumping and shooting in place.

Surprisingly that demo played back properly for me in Eternity 4.00.00 with this line:

eternity.exe -iwad doom2.wad -file thtthren.wad -nomusic -playdemo dwironmancatfeb19


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On 2/13/2019 at 7:37 PM, Nine Inch Heels said:

If eternity records demos the same way GZDoom does then yes, menu pausing as well as saving or loading can cause desyncs.

If merely starting the menu is going to desync a demo, we have a problem.

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Survived 54:57




I want to say cat 2 but I've played this map multiple times, once on 2x fast and powerful survival.  But did not technically prepare for the run.  So make of that what you will!  Enjoyable map from mechadon as always,  framerate bogged down on a couple of occasions but nothing serious

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Many folks have survived, so I gave myself a chance.

A fantastic map, but I died :(

No panic for most of my playthrough, maybe a bit at the very start with all these lost souls. After I found a soulsphere and I was very, very calm.

Got two keys. The first rocket launcher I guess I got it quite late, so lots of minor weapons usage.


Now, onto the death description:

One minute before the R.I.P moment I had 129%health 200%armor. Released a big big horde. I heard a mancubus behind me, this lured me to a seemingly "safe" spot. Not very safe, chaingunners at my back and easy to get the health reduced because of splash damage. No way to escape. And revenants.


[1] Dead, 365 kills. PrBoom+


Once again, great map, well done, mapper. Oh, it's Mechadon.


Edited by vdgg

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just a test Dont include it as an official attepmt, as I already did a run earlier this month lol

Edited by Fiendzy

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Category 3.


I had intended this month to be blind (I'm going to set that as a goal every month), but I died because I didn't notice


the group of lost souls behind me

at the beginning, and I actually wanted at least a double digit kill count. My goals are modest.


142/965 kills while I was breathing. My demo ended with 143 kills, but that was due to monster infighting and occurred while I was laying dead on the ground. I didn't really expect to survive, but I thought that I was doing reasonably well and might make it a decent ways through the map. Then I ended up meeting up with a small band of hell knights while I had lower ammo and no heavy weaponry. True, the encounter wasn't insurmountable, but I didn't handle it the best way one could have. Oh well, chest la vie.




I really liked this map. It felt, to me, like enemies were introduced in a reasonable way. There were some traps, but they weren't unreasonable. There was a good distribution of ammo and health so that it seemed to me that you might run low, but you would have to be rather careless to completely run out. I enjoyed this level, despite not progressing that far into it.

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Category 2 run in 18:38.



I'm familiar with the map having played THT in SP and as part of TNS before, funny the map isn't sprawling and gargantuac as I recalled, because the objectives are actually quite close to one another and it's quick to traverse between areas, but the potentially long duration comes from the near 1000 monster count stemming from large spawn ins and if you choose the wrong path before picking up heavy weaponary it can be far more difficult and take longer to progress. A great example of placing monsters carefully to put pressure on the player and without one Archvile used it's an impressive feat.

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55 minutes ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

Category 2 run in 18:38.


The pace you put up astounds me, familiarity or no. Not only did you complete this level almost 28 minutes faster than the current #2 (who was also familiar with it), I spent over 20 minutes just clearing out 142 of the enemies. I know I'm slow and cautious (and generally bad at Doom), but still, color me impressed (as usual).


55 minutes ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

the potentially long duration comes from the near 1000 monster count


While it would be tempting to point a finger at that as the reason for my 2 hour, 15 minute pace, I won't do that. I'll leave that to others who actually did well and still spent a lot of time in the map to nod knowingly about the high monster count.

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2 hours ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

A great example of placing monsters carefully to put pressure on the player and without one Archvile used it's an impressive feat.

What do you mean no archies used?

There are archies in some big groups along with a lot of ene......oh right, you were fast enough for the archies to left them unnoticed XD

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Cat 2 survived in 38:00. Not playing blind proved to be a huge advantage as always.



This map is an absolute masterpiece, constantly keeping you on your toes throughout despite what weaponry you have available, thanks to optimal monster usage and unpredictable enemy presentation and attack angles during larger fights. The map is relatively easy all things considered but still manages to provide a real threat of death (as i discovered on more than one occasion in this month's attempt), something that is quite difficult to achieve from a mapping standpoint, i think. As is the case with a lot of Mechadon maps the playing space unravels and expands in clever ways - i find this map to be very reminiscent of Counterattack. A good tonic to the shitshow that was Hellfire Dreams last month.


Edited by Scotty

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On 2/26/2019 at 1:50 AM, leodoom85 said:

What do you mean no archies used?

There are archies in some big groups along with a lot of ene......oh right, you were fast enough for the archies to left them unnoticed XD

Maybe you just haven't got far enough to see it for yourself. :)


Joke aside (I hope no hard feelings!), there are indeed 5 archviles, but all of them are tagged as multiplayer only.

Edited by NaZa

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Last minute entry.  Type 1: blind because I don't want to take time to prepare.  It's awful as I manage to get into the middle of a monster sandwich through carelessness.


219 kills  Grinding down 8 hellknights with shotgun/chaingun was for naught.


Edited by Crusader No Regret
Forgot to indicate shottype

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Survived in way too long 1:08:55.


This was a fantastic map; and was sooooo much more fitting for an ironman than last month's selection imho. :)


A shame this survival was so slow that I'm still around 4th in the Britbowl for the month, heh. D:




Edited by Dragonfly
Added video :)

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Survived in less than 58 minutes, category 2 as I played the map when Mechadon publicly posted it in the THT Threnody development thread (you never wanna miss a Mechadon map !).

This is a top-tier level, with a great expanding layout and masterful usage of the stock textures.
As others said, despite not featuring any Arch-Vile or Cyberdemon, this map can still be very dangerous due to the varied traps and to enemies that could come from unexpected places and get the player cornered. Ammo is actually quite tight, too.

Fortunately, I remembered where the BFG9000 was (but not the way it is obtained - which is pretty creative IMHO). Most of the map got neutered thanks to it.


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Cat3 run, as usual: BadFormSteve


I was hoping to make this my triumphant return, but died at the infamous Red Key Battle through a really silly GAD suicide. The reason it was extra silly is because I had the bloody BFG!!!!! God, what a jagoff!!!!! :D :D :D


This was really the best chance I've had to survive since DTWiD. I was only able to do a single practice run earlier this month, foolishly on GZDoom. I finished the map with multiple deaths but saw the potential of skating past the final wave and making a run for the exit. I figured I could put myself in position to do that if I had the BFG.


I watched a few runs to see how you get the BFG, but I never did a practice run with it. This may help to explain the sudden brain-lock I had at the Red Key Battle. I never took that BFG out of its holster. That fight is nasty, but really not so bad if you keep your wits about you. I did much better on my practice run -- how often do I say that? :D --  but I did better at the rest of the map this time. Not so much flop-sweat as usual. Overall, I was tense but relaxed, if that makes any sense. My proudest moment is the Yellow Key Battle, which I think is my all-time best display of Stumbling Drunken Monkey Fu. The monsters were completely mesmerized by my uncoordinated and unpredictable movements, making them putty in my hands! ;D


My time of death stats were 384 Kills at 42.xx.xx. My final stats once I recovered from my GAD shock were 395 Kills in 43:05. I think if i had switched to SSG, I would have made it. With BFG, it would have been easy. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!! :D


The map itself is utterly magnificent. Can anyone make a better techbase than Mechadon? An absolute thing of beauty, with really amazing use of the stock textures, and a lot of fun gameplay. On my practice run, I did weary of it after about 600 monsters, though.


Props to Alfonzo for his outstanding Gutter Penny midi. It was perfect for a long map like this and had some really cool horror movie moments.



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