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I want to see your classic fps collections

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Here's most (but not all) of my classic FPS collection:





* The Quake and The Ultimate DOOM Compilation appears in two photos; the box is the same copy.  Likewise with Spear of Destiny.

* Sonic Jam is only there because I purchased it around the same time I got the other games in the photo.  The same goes for Manhattan Project which is in one of the new photos below.

* Elite Force's disc is removed from the jewel case to show the tray's background image.


2019-28-02 edit - more photos (Rise of the Triad, Wolfenstein 3D, Outlaws, and Half-Life):









Edited by TheUltimateDoomer666
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I don't have access to my collection at the moment (I'm away from it at the moment), so this is the best I can provide; photos someone took for me a while back when I asked for photos of my game collection in general so I could double check what I had while I'm away from it.


I have boxes for a lot of them stored away.







Edited by Vermil

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