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Mappers and mod grips

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Are there things that you wish people would stop putting/doing in there maps? to many/little monsters/health/items/ammo? maybe a texture your just sick of seeing, or a mistake that far too many people make. Well post 'em here. but try to be constrictive.

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Metal support textures. In tech\base levels, sure, they're good, but
would you ever see a steel pillar in the midst of an intricate marble
room, or a steel pillar supporting the ceiling of a cave? Not usually...

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What I dislike is far too much ammo, except when it's a high-carnage map with tons and tons of big monsters. (eg. Plutonia, Fragport, HR)

btw, I actually like revenants round every corner....and the odd archvile too!
(no wonder Plutonia's my favourite wad of all time!)

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Stupid puzzles: why in Heaven's name should you have to throw three switches, run through a lake of nukage, and survive a crushing ceiling just for a Blur Sphere? It doesn't make any sense.
One of my other favorites is the one where you pick up a key, the walls raise up and you are instantly faced with about 13 Barons of Hell and 28 Imps. That's NOT good level design IMO.

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DooMBoy said:

why in Heaven's name should you have to throw three switches, run through a lake of nukage, and survive a crushing ceiling just for a Blur Sphere?

Because reality has been corrupted by hellspawn?

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I hate levels which are "symmetrical" in all respects (architechture as well as item and monster placement).

I also hate secret doors that you cannot discover in any other way than randomly pressing every wall in sight (Wolfenstein-style).

I hate secrets that you require to find in order to complete the level.

I hate extensive usage of illusionary walls.

I especially hate levels where all the walls, floors and ceilings are done with solid white custom textures and the whole area is full-bright.

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one light level throughout the whole map bugs me, especially if its bright and the walls are silver, or white. crates in stupid places. overuse of revenants/cyber-demons/arch-viles, especially if its the first map of a megawad on the easy skill levels. don't get me wrong, I love a challenge, but shouldn't a game start out easy and then get harder?

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Little Faith said:

I also hate secret doors that you cannot discover in any other way than randomly pressing every wall in sight (Wolfenstein-style).

I hate secrets that you require to find in order to complete the level.

Oh yeah. Especially the required secrets one. A big no no in my book. Very frustrating.

I also dislike it when people don't mark doors that require keys with something suitable (eg DOORRED etc). I can never remember where the door was once I get the key, and the visual clue helps. Also, once you have the key, if the door isn't marked, there's nothing to tell you that you just went through/back through the key requiring door because it behaves just like a regular door from that point on.

Oh yeah, and the stuff VileSlay said about big monsters on level one, or in too big a number.

And stair ways to desirable pick up items being made out of conveniently placed crates and boxes is getting a bit clichéd. It's just like, you walk into a room with crates in it and immediately start looking for the small boxes 'cause they are bound to lead to some goodies. Still quite good fun though.

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I wish more people use new custom textures...it makes maps look so much better.Nightmare1,gothic,IKD,quake,quake2,and ogro textures look real tight in wads.

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I hate the wolfenstein ss. They are ok in nazi themed secret levels maybe, but when people put them in normal levels it just makes me sick. Well i've seen a couple of maps where the map author has put just one or two of them in one map, and it has looked ok, but usually I instantly think that a person who places wolfenstein ss in map is a newbie.

Another annoying thing to do is to place chaingunners in the end of a big hall.

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In DM wads....the BFG. I hate the BFG when DMing. It wouldn't be bad if it required a direct hit, but damn.. And another thing...putting SSGs right on spawn points. I'm sorry, but maybe a normal shotgun or the chain gun would be better.
Don't take this too seriously.

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Quast said:

In DM wads....the BFG. I hate the BFG when DMing. It wouldn't be bad if it required a direct hit, but damn..


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Revenants in confined corridors/rooms etc. I hate Revenants bad enough without a confined space to make it even harder to dodge their rockets...

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I agree with slayer. Revenants are annoying in tight corridors. Some people place chaingunners so that they teleport behind you or a wall opens behind and you will die in a second or so to chaingun fire, THAT really is annoying.

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I hate those maps where it is practically impossible to find a certain key or switch, especially on large, complex maps. If I can't find what I'm looking for after a few minutes of running around in an empty map (all enemies killed so far), I may end up using IDCLIP. What's really aggravating is when you've been looking for a key for about twenty minutes, and you examine every wall for secrets. Then you find a switch that you haven't seen before. You hit it, thinking that this is the one that opens the way to new areas of the map, only to have a door right behind you open up, and inside is a small room with a couple of medikits inside...and nothing more.

That's when I delete the file...

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mustafa saed said:

I wish more people use new custom textures...it makes maps look so much better.Nightmare1,gothic,IKD,quake,quake2,and ogro textures look real tight in wads.

IKD- I dont remember that one.
Quake- wasn't too fond of the textures for it, too darke and forboding.
Quake2- Aah, there's my favorite. My DM map proj, and soon sp will be Q2 themed. Dont worry, I wont make these sucky!!

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VolteFace said:

or a steel pillar supporting the ceiling of a cave? Not usually...

Imagine a hollowed-out rock face with bits of machinary lying about - that's usually a good scenario for the steel pillar/cave idea as it gives the feel of a recently excavated building site.

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SS Nazis, he looks damn stupid.

Commander Keens thrown in for no apparent reason. (As above, at least he has some use in odd situations though)

Romero heads that aren't hidden. (As with #2)

Places that can't be escaped from, majorly annoying. (marginally acceptable if the place is a death sector.)

Stupid sound effects. I especially hate when the player "oof" sound of dropping to the floor is changed to something stupid, because that sound plays WAY more often than you might expect.

Stupid textures (scanned photos, MS paint junk, out of place converted web graphics, etc).

Stupid music, this doesn't happen too often but I have seen a wad or two where the music was really ridiculous.

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Draconio said:
Stupid music, this doesn't happen too often but I have seen a wad or two where the music was really ridiculous. [/B]


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Unnecessary berserk packs that annoyingly make the screen red

Poison you must walk through while fighting monsters

Too many shotgun guys - you cant dodge!


Lost souls

Too much detail in DM - causes lag

Non ZDooM wads (I be ZDooM freak)

Ok so some things are exaggerated, but you get the picture

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Epyo said:


Well that's a given.

...Too much detail in DM - causes lag...

I happen to like detail. (lots is good, but excessive is too much)

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ravage said:

Is ROTT music stupid? I don't believe so.

I have no problem with ROTT music in general, except for the joke tracks like Fish Polka. I've heard some ROTT music to be quite good in Doom levels.

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Mist Ache is probably the best music for Doom, especially some of the later Hell maps.

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