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Argent Agent's "Sky-Fi" Skybox/Sky Texture Archival Dump

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It's about time. These are some fantastic skyboxes. Some of them have already seen use in maps and they truly add a ton of atmosphere. Thanks for taking the time to make these skies, upon request and otherwise, and definitely for putting them together in a convenient pk3. Looking forward to seeing it build up over time as well!

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20 hours ago, Ralphis said:

They look sick

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Odamex's true colour software renderer would support all these skies right? That opens up some possibilities for some sweet sky use in some oldschool dm maps if people were so inclined

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5 hours ago, Nevander said:

I'd love to see one made with a Halo ring around it like in Halo CE.

Maybe sometime in the future once my editing skills improve - I think it'd be great as well!

Glad to see all of the positive feedback for this. I have already started work on the secondary phase (plus there's other stuff I still need to release), so here is a little sneak peek at new content. Depending on how much spare time I have to make everything, this could be done relatively soon.


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