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He tries to impress his friends by playing on Nightmare mode and die in the second level.


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The facts happened in November 12, 2018. Josh, a 11 years old boy , invited his friends after class, to play some games.


A game of Fortnite was initally scheduled until 18h. However, Josh was tired of that game. So he decided to introduce his new game to his friends: Doom 2. Despite the outdated graphics, his friends were instantly hooked to the game. Everyone  enjoyed surviving on Ultra-Violence. Nostradamus , one of his friend, died in map 23 because of a Pain Elemental. Fatso  died in map 06 because of an imp. It was Josh's turn. Thirsty for sensation and pride, Josh said to his friends: "Pffft, it's too easy on UV, I can finish it on NM blindfolded!". Under the amazed eyes of his friends, he launched the game on "Nightmare!".


The first level was finished at light speed , in 10 seconds. "It looks hard but with some practice , it's easy to dodge the zombies, just don't be a noob". He was then at the second level and things got worse at this point. Josh noticed that he did not have a lot of armor. He opened a door and got shot by a shotgunner! Damn! The screen turned completely red!  Sweaty , Josh said: "No worry ! I rock". He continued to progress in the flooded tunnels, BOOM , another shotgun shot in the face. From the top of his 17 health points, Josh began raging because of the barely concealed laughs of his comrades. But the tragedy happenned just after, an imp reappeared behind Josh and threw a fireball on his back.. the space marine poorly died in the water, which caused the ragequit of Josh.


To justify his dismal defeat, he said: "I played with the classic Doom but the controls were shit, that's why I failed, it's better to play it with Brutal Doom."

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Perhaps if he knew more about the lore of the game, he would have done better.


-Paraphrased from the Youtube video of modern teenagers playing Doom for the first time.

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I wonder if Nostradamus or Fatso ever played Doom after that, or just remembered it for that one time Josh showed it to them and got really pissed off and ragequit.

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