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How many maps have you created / released? (Wadmaker's Wadography Thread)


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15 hours ago, Phobus said:

Not sure why this thread was bumped when there's a newer version here: 

Although that's also a bit out-of-date for some people. The presentation seems to be a bit better in this thread.

Heh,i bumped mainly because this is the first "resume" thread on dw i know(when i was a lurker),so its the first one i remembered.Both threads are quite similar :)

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Naval Battle (Jun 27, 2005): My first release ever, and it's, well, not very good. Being a Duke Nukem 3D fan, it took me a criminally long time to realize that realistic maps in Doom are a bad idea, and equally long to learn the art of gameplay design beyond just scattering monsters around haphazardly. It also showcases my early tendency to get overly hung up on cool-looking "setpieces" (in this case e.g. the giant crate that reveals the spiderdemon) and half-ass everything else...


Harmful Hospital (Jul 07, 2005): My first ever attempt to use custom textures. They don't exactly improve the look of this "realistic" map, though, with its crude-looking operating theater, asylum cells, doctors' offices etc. — all of which seem to have been designed for giants (or maybe Doomguy's a midget.) I'm pretty sure I drew some inspiration from Theme Hospital for this one, not that you can tell...


Mean Mines (Jul 09, 2005): A map set in dark, deep mines... so why is the light level uniformly bright throughout?! And why is everything so BIG? Anyway, here's more examples of fancy "setpieces" (such as the drill, the poorly-looking mine cart, or the giant lake that fills with water) stuck into huge, bland-looking rooms (see e.g. the final area, where a sad giant gray ashwall triangle tries to play the role of "detail"...)


Tagzonez (Jul 28, 2005): My first foray into multiplayer mapping. Once again I had a random idea after playing Duke Nukem 3D, and immediately proceeded with hasty and lackluster implementation. Forgettable...


The Machine (Aug 10, 2005): I vaguely recall this map was originally made for someone's community project (on Newdoom?) and soundly rejected, on account of overall suckitude. The motif was meant to be some sort of a horrific, overwhelming machine which spans the entire level and can be seen crushing people and monsters, with the player forced to go deep into its mechanical bowels at one point; however, my mapping skills were nowhere near the level needed to bring my imagined scenario to life, and so we got a humdrum map with more choppy looking "setpieces" (crusher cage, giant gears etc.) sprinkled among plain architecture that has no consistent theme. However, apparently I had already begun paying attention to visuals at this point, trying to emulate some of the more effective Doom 2 bits...


Forgotten Phobos Station (Aug 16, 2005): With lackluster gameplay and undistinguished visuals, no wonder this station is so forgettable. In some places you can almost notice an attempt to create some functional visuals, however most of the level remains bland...


1024x1024 & 2 sectors contest wad MAP16 (/idgames release Sep 3, 2005): Here it is, my very first community project/mapping contest contribution ever... And, zing, it took last place, and quite deservedly so. The concept behind the project was a great one, but I managed to do pretty much everything wrong in my entry: no interesting ideas whatsoever (oh, if only I'd taken more than a few seconds to think of cool things to do with two sectors), a stuck imp, and demons in pits that make the map unplayable with infinitely tall monsters on...




Hotel of Tragedy (Jan 26, 2006): You'd think I'd have learned my lesson after the ship and the hospital, but here we are in yet another "realistic" locale. The main purpose of this level was to show off a neat gimmick I'd cribbed from Silent Hill, with the player going between the "normal" and the "infernal" version of the titular hotel. Gameplay suffers though, with all the typical realistic map woes, along with the need to run back and forth all over the map to complete it... (Can you find the pervy janitor's secret Peeping Tom room?)


Urban Twilight (/idgames release Aug 19, 2006): Whaddaya know, another realistic map! And once again, emphasis is placed more on trying to build a realistic city rather than on coming up with good gameplay. This time I've got an excuse, though, since this was an entry in Newdoom's Realistic Map contest. It even won first place... which isn't surprising since there were only two(?) other entries (one of which was a troll entry consisting of a single looping stairwell). Anyway, this marks my first map with ZDoom scripting, although it's used for little more than a single cutscene and a pointless camera...




13 years of Doom 'R' section (Dec 26, 2007): I'd completely forgotten about this until Xymph added it to my mapography at the wiki. Anyway, my contribution to this collaborative map isn't that bad compared to my earlier efforts, having a consistent visual style and some decent lighting. It's still rather simplistic though...




Repercussions of Evil: The Game (Jun 16, 2013): My grand return to Doom mapping after a seven six-year break. This mod got a pretty good reception, but in retrospect it definitely suffers from wasted potential. The gimmick of replacing all graphics with childish crayon scrawls is a cool one, but I got lazy — as a result the mod is downright ugly, if not visually impenetrable: most of the new textures don't really resemble anything, the sprites are unclear, and the overall level design is very much rushed...


Doomworld Mega Project 2013 DMP2013L MAP16: Hatchet Job (Nov 15, 2013): The beginning of "serious" mapping for me. This is the first level where I actually made sure to polish the visuals, add some details to the rooms, and carefully design monster encounters so that they'd be properly challenging. The result, gameplay-wise, could definitely be better at times, but it's still a quantum leap over my previous efforts...




A Party Downstairs (Jun 4, 2015): This is what I consider my first truly "good" map. I spent a *lot* of time on it, polishing it over and over, and I was very proud of the results once I was finally done. The visuals especially came out really great in some places...


One Year Closer To Death (Jun 20, 2015): My first speedmap, made in two hours. Holds up rather well, although the ending is a killer. Later re-released as MAP01 in rb2013.wad...


Doomworld Mega Project 2015 DMP2015B MAP12: Bleeding Hearts and Artists (Nov 11, 2015): A castle with impossible topology, Eternal Doom-inspired design, and my first use of an external texture pack. The design suffers a bit from a "detail for sake of detail" syndrome but I'm still quite proud of this map, especially the memorable gimmicks such as the concept behind the blue key quest, or the centerpiece in the ending room. There's actually a whole small backstory behind the castle, which is hinted at in the level, but I'm saving that for my developer's commentary if the DWMegawad Club ever has a Mega Project installment...




Doomworld Mega Project 2016 MAP08: Bliss Toxin (Nov 12, 2016): This was my first attempt to make a map with a more complex design, one that wasn't just a series of rooms and corridors. My basic concept was that of an UAC base being constructed in an excavated cavern, except the construction was interrupted by the usual hell invasion nonsense, leaving behind half-deployed prefab walls and crates full of hexagonal floor tiles. Anyway, while the gameplay feels rickety at times (and the giant hell noble/mancubus/chaingunner ambush may be one of the most devilishly unfair things I've devised so far), I like the way the visuals came out...




Confinement 256 CONF33: Turbulent Waters (Jun 6, 2017), CONF38: Agitation (May 14, 2017): Two maps prepared for the unfortunately underappreciated Confinement 256 community project. These are among my hardest maps, but then again they're also very short, so I guess they can afford to keep killing you over and over before finally letting you exit...


Pigeon Speedmapping Session 3 -- 50 Christmas Pigeons MAP06: Bloodshot Ice (Dec 9, 2017): My first entry into a speedmap community project. I wasted about an hour trying to make a really complex and nonlinear map with the various areas interconnected in a myriad of ways, until I realized I would never manage to decorate, populate and playtest this mess in time. Cue a restart. You can probably tell the rushed nature of the level from the rather haphazard enemy placement on the outside...


Never finished:


Supermarket. What would have been my elementary-school magnum opus if I had more attention span than a typical elementary-school kid.


There was also a ZDoom mapset taking place on board of a space station. I don't even remember when was I working on it, but it was likely sometime in 2006-2012. I made two or three maps for it, but sometime along the way, it got misplaced and I have no idea if any files still exist.

Edited by JudgeDeadd
add "13 Years of Doom"

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I'm gonna assume this thread is still active, and post my stuff here:


December 2017

Doomworld Mega Project 2017 - MAP46 ''Antidote''



''Castle Struggle'' - A single map



January 2018

''Unhappy Expedition'' - A single map



June 2018

Verse Hopper Community Project - E2M3 ''I Get Wet''



September 2018

''NoMonochrome'' - 8-level wad



October 2018

''The Oasis'' - A single map



Edited by Lorenz0

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  • 4 months later...



90s - Kill Episode 1 (9 maps)

Early 2000s - Kill Episode 2 (9 maps)

2010 - One Doomed Marine (5 maps)

2016 - Extreme Terror (1 large map)

2017 - Shadows of The Nightmare Realm (5 maps)

2018 - Umbra of Fate (1 large map)

2018 - Freaky Panties (1 map)

2019 (for the pending NDE project) - My Delirious Blood House of Contrivitiums (1 map)


So 32 maps total!  I'm counting that last one because I finished it last year, so it's literally just waiting to be released.  The Kill stuff... I don't remember the original dates.


Extreme Terror and Umbra of Fate are technically split into three conceptual areas as if they were individual maps.  I approached the areas this way when designing them, so I suppose you could count each of those as three maps if you wanted to split hairs.  But I left them at 1 here so that it wouldn't look like I was trying to artificially inflate my total.

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That's not a bad idea, to create like a mapping portfolio or something with all your various work.


As far as my released work so far, I think this is everything but I don't know the years. I might be missing some.


1. Depraved Classic Edition (first mapping attempts, alpha version of project on haitus)

2. D!ZONE Simulated Screenshot Recreation

3. Doom Comic As a Level (COMIC.WAD)

4. "Overgrowth" map in Gridlock 64

5. "Trials of Iniquity" map in Gridlock 64

6. "Command Station Zulu" map in Doomed in Space

7. Doom 64 Retribution TC


This is just maps, there are numerous mini mods for GZDoom as well.

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Most of my maps are in production. 


2000 - Vilecore (32 maps)

2003 - Blood Pentagram (1 map)

2003 - 10 Years of Doom (1 map)

2005 - 11 Years of Doom (1map)

2006 - Desecrated Paths (map01 NDCP megawad)

2006 - Bitter Harvest (map25 NDCP) (colaberated with BlackFyre)

2006 - Conglomeration Complex (map31 NDCP) (colaberated with Aliotroph?, PumpkinSmasher, Lutrov71, Fatal and Nuxius)

2009 - Ominous Core (map18, NDCP 2) 


I also made the 'D' in the 13 Years of Doom map. Lol.


39 maps. I'm close to release of a couple more and working hard on Vilecore 2 and a couple other projects. I'll get there someday.




Edited by Doom_Dude

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A lot more than I was expecting lol (120 maps at total, although some maps are improvements of older ones)


ZDOOM stuff:


-> Eclipse (2008): 19 maps

-> Discovering The Hell: The Invasion (2012): 8 maps

-> Discovering The Hell: The 5 Worlds (2015): 19 maps

-> Nevasca (2016): 9 maps <- only one actually worth playing from the zdoom-era


MBF/Boom stuff:


-> Moonblood - 2017: 32 maps

-> Exomoon - 2018: 22 maps

-> Ozônia - 2019: 11 maps


Edited by Deadwing

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Mapping since mid 2018 so far I must've only made 3 maps that I haven't released, and none of them were finished

About the finished/WIP ones...




- Joy of Mapping 6, E3M14  "The Fury" // Actually got this name from that MGS3 Snake Eater boss of the same name


Finished and soon to be released:

- A Perdition's Gate Resurgence map

- Akeldama: MAP13 "Toxic Disgust"



- MAP19 of Akeldama

- A 32-map megawad of my own. Posted a few pics on the post your screenshot thread and on a few Doom discord servers

Edited by Juza

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Let's see:

  • 1 map for Community Chest 64
  • E1L3 Port of Duke3D.2018
  • 18 maps for Platforms of Doom 2017
  • 1 map for DMP 2017
  • 1 map for DMP 2016
  • Action time for Action Doom 2 - 1 map 2016
  • 1 map for DMP 2015
  • 1 map for DMP 2014
  • 21 maps for MM8BDM MA
  • 4 maps for ZBloody Hell
  • 1 very crappy First map from 2012

50? wow

Edited by tempdecal.wad

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Well, since no-one will be interested to play any of my maps, I won't bother listing them detailed way.


Basically, it's 2 mediocre maps for DW community projects (one of which somehow got a wiki page, heh), 2 mediocre maps for ZDF community projects, 1 boring bland map, 1 trash map, 2 no-effort troll maps I made because I was edgy... That's it.


Edit: ok, not counting the no-effort maps, that'd be 6 maps in total so far.

Edited by Li'l devil

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1. "Building Escape" Worse than UACMN, most pathetic excuse of a Doom map you'll ever play. Released in 2018 and made in only a week.


Do I have any future maps upcoming? The answer to that question is

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17 maps if I count those which are still in wip projects and included in threads. 14 if we count already released stuff.  More maps will come in future. 

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2014 - BSMAZE (Bryan J's Room of DM)

March 2018 - Hellro

Oct. 2018 - Just Demon Closets!


All of them are single maps, however this year, me and a couple of mappers are making a compilation deathmatch WAD of maps mostly created by (mostly) the three members of "Chocolate Doomslayers" (including me!)


Edited by Baratus II

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Doomworld Mega Project 2017 MAP46 ''Antidote'' (1 map)

Castle Struggle (1 map)

Unhappy Expedition (1 map)


Verse Hopper E2M3 ''I Get Wet'' (1 map)

NoMonochrome (8 maps)

The Oasis (1 map)

Scattered Ashes (10 small maps)

Joy of Mapping 6 E4M10 ''Misnomer'' (1 map)


Nothing released as of yet, but I have some big plans :)



Edited by Lorenz0

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somewhere in the 40s, counting all my stuff tallied on the Doomwiki, plus a few others that aren't listed there, such as a map for CEMP. a pretty disappointingly low number though considering a good chunk of them are multiplayer speedmaps. and even worse that this has been over a 13+ year time span D:

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1 hour ago, KVELLER said:

A big, slick and curvy 0.


1 hour ago, Gaia74 said:





50 minutes ago, Maggle said:




Go me.

What they said.

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Haven't released much yet, but here we go:


2017: Heretic Upstart Mapping Project (HUMP) ~ E1M1: Sidhatraz

2018: Heretic Upstart Mapping Project Mini (HUMPmini) ~ E2M5: Cave of Damnation

2018: HeXen Upstart Mapping Project (XUMP) ~ MAP01: Pit or Sorrows

2019: Nova III ~ MAP2?: Platform Base


Nova III isn't out yet, though early versions of Platform Base were available on the Nova III development thread at one point last year (I've since removed the links).


Ironically, while I've made probably close to one hundred unreleased Doom maps, most of the maps I've released so far are for Heretic (Sidhatraz is actually the first map I ever made for Heretic, yet it's my first public release).


I keep track of my releases in my profile description, so any future releases will be included there.

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