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How many maps have you created / released? (Wadmaker's Wadography Thread)


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I have four released maps. There was one I released on ZDoom forums when I was literally 13, one for Doomworld Mega Project 2014, one for DUMP 2, and one for Joy of Mapping 4. They're all pretty dogshit and I don't suggest playing them, I kinda wish I didn't release them. I'm also still in the credits for my Joy of Mapping 6 submission even though Jimmy removed it at my request, because I thought it was also dogshit.


I also scrapped pretty much an entire vanilla Doom 1 episode I made for Nanowadmo 2019, which I actually regret doing because looking at the screenshots I posted it wasn't, like, embarrassingly bad compared to my earlier stuff. At this point I haven't touched UDB or Eureka in almost 2 years and probably have to learn how to map all over again, if I ever get the motivation.

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I made a couple back in 2018. Finished maybe 2 or 3. Never published anything, just showed em to friends. Didn't touch mapping again until last week and now I'm interested again.

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@TheMightyHeracross The key into better mapping is not scrap maps and keep going. By scrapping levels you just strip chance from getting feedback and improving your skills and confidence, besides what you perceive as "dogshit" for someome else might be lost treasure they searched all along. It's hard lesson I learned through those few years I'm here in forums and this side of community. Do maps, release them, get feedback, take feedback for new stuff and repeat until you see how much you can do than you could do earlier. There are no easy ways. I hope you will pick up mapping and increase your count for more projects in the future. Good luck!

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I've made ~4.

2 for the Tenth Gear community project, one for Half Moon, and the other one (although a stretch) is my Barrels O' Fun recreation for my Doom GBA Delta rom hack.


Well, for stuff that's in the works, I'm working on a single techbase map as well as a mapset with new monsters/weapons (can't share too much about that one though!)

Edited by Wavy

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Globglogabgalab's trasure trove (Decino played it and destroyed it, so let's not ever-ever speak about it)

3 maps for MAYhem 2020 (MAP24: otsegolectric, MAP42: re-refueling station, MAP45: circus charlie)

1 unreleased map for "Line in the sand" CP (looking at you, @BluePineapple72 !) in collab with surreily

1 map for Parallel Doomensions CP - MAP20: The Slits Of Woe

(diagonal) REALM (one i'm proud of, kinda)

MAP05: Deja Vu for Wadazine Master Collection #1

One unreleased map for upcoming WMC#2 and one WIP map


Oh, that is 7 released maps, i thought it would be less.

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11 maps for my own project

5 maps for Hellevator

4 maps for Skulltiverse

3 maps for various Pineapple Under the Sea projects

Half of Line in the Sand map, not yet released

A small bit of Hot Potato map

1 map for TMMC2

1 map for THEME-GAWAD

1 map for 2048 units of /vr/
2 experimental maps that weren't any good


I think that's about it. Kinda surprised now that I counted them, considering how much I procrastinate.

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In the thread @Doomkid linked I was up to 126 in February 2019. I’ve somehow released an additional 55 maps in the intervening time and made one for my next megaWAD project. Total is now 182 finished maps in existence and by the end of next year I’m aiming to be over 210. Crazy, but there you go...


There’s also been even more stuff made and then deleted in that time. My profile lists every map released (although I’ve not found a way to see that on mobile) and my Doom wiki article is also pretty thorough, so I’ll not write the whole thing out again!

Edited by Phobus

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I think I released 4 maps, all for UDooM. Right now I have 3-4 maps in the making and the goal is to make a D2 megawad ... by Christmas, maybe. I intend it to be a learning experience, so no time pressure. Some maps were tested by others.

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My first map was a godawful "slaughtermap" that got... appropriate feedback. Nobody should ever play it. Afterwards I made some decent maps.
One standalone tech-basy map called "yfrbtm" that got rather positive feedback (Even got a review in the wadazine, I was really happy about that :3). One hellish map for Civvie's cp called "Oath of Darkness", which I'd consider to be my best, and a honey-themed map for Jimmy's Doomiversary named "Sweettoothed Brimstone", which showed some signs of haste, but is still pretty decent and people liked it. Currently working on one for decino's mapping contest again, which is meant to be pretty hard and that I'll hopefully finish next month.

So, finished maps:

for the love of god what were you thinking, "Bloodfalls 2" - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XOsEYTCzlN8NnFoprqspK6FN268CwGFn/view?usp=sharing
bprd tech base, "yfrbtm" - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nYgexXuuOdCFMG3UTnQ2XYIuoUdvbsAD/view?usp=sharing
edgy corpse pillar, "Oath of Darkness" - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HmGIPyXTEZDmDNGS7vMPPJKlMFJqBmpf/view?usp=sharing
honey laser, "Sweettoothed Brimstone" - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i-fpeSPhnccWOCuHGM3_Tx_JjjeI5wvy/view?usp=sharing

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Eclpse (19 maps)

Discovering the Hell 1 (10 maps)

Discovering the Hell 2 (19 maps)

Nevasca (9 maps)

Moonblood (32 maps)

Exomoon (22 maps)

Ozonia (29 maps)

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11 hours ago, Chip said:

counting Walter's, I found there to be about 460 maps that he made

And thinking that list is two years old and doesn't have the latest maps i made (both released and unreleased), the map count i think it's bigger!

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I dread to think what number of maps I've made total over the years, it'd be some form of 3 digit number; definitely less than some out there (cough Jimmy cough), but I do recall the madness that was 2018, where I made / contributed to 50 maps. That's just shy of one map per week. I can't see myself ever being that productive again, heh. 🙃

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Disjunction (11 maps)

Confinement Community Project (map15) 

Texture Extravaganza (map14) 

Plain ol' Doom (unreleased) 

Medikit Cave (Fuzz' speedmapping thing)

Bunch of Asses (ASS38 map08, map18; ASS43 map09; ASS46 map15)

Team Rocket (map08)

Slaughtermax (map10)


So total of 39.

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ones I'll admit to:


Job (one map)
Sheer Poison (one map)

Dedicated to Francisco Pizarro (one map in a DMP)

Doggy (three maps)

Spidersilk (one map)

NATO (one map)

Theresa (six maps)

Tivauri (six unreleased maps)

Northern Powerhouse (one map)

Hip Replacement (one map in a JOM)

Testing Pool (one map)


none of these projects are ever intended to be single map only; I just get bored of the idea I have and move onto a worse one
hasty impulsive releasing of stuff in the evening I had no idea I was ready to stop thinking about in the morning is my general MO, no prehype at all lol

often this is based on music I make that I feel needs to be attached to a level. I have more MIDIs and tracker tunes than maps by far


working on:

Wealth is Worthless (one map in a community project)

Crack Hack Apopheniac (revamping my worst maps project)


Zekhmet (a community project I started and am sad about not knowing how to reapproach)

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uhhh i have:

Nukemap (1 map)

UAC Arena (1 map)

ANCenter (1 map)

FURDEMON.wad (5 maps)

DIMWERID.pk3 (3 maps)

Rising Base (1 map)

VOBM Labs (1 map)

and 3 more for a collab.

also 3 finished IMPSCAPE maps.

those all (except the collab and impscape maps) are listed on my webpage: https://urrova.github.io/mods.html


so i think i finished 19 maps (some are really large and took me like 2 months xD).

plus edits on negativeone maps.

Edited by URROVA

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Hmm, about 35 released. Got 2 or 3 maps sat in projects and about 8/9 maps sat unreleased on a HD. Although that is probably only half of what I have made over the years.

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for things I've released:

32 over 32 - 32 maps

Another 32 over 32 - 32 maps

Innocence - 6 maps

Innocence 2 - 6 maps

Innocence 3 - 6 maps

Innocence X - 10 maps

Innocence X2 - 10 maps

Shadows of Destiny - 13 maps

Machines of Death - 16 maps

Innocence X3 - 7 maps

Abysm: Dawn of Innocence - 17 Maps

Abysm 2: Infernal Contract - 21 Maps

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I'm not a very productive mapper considering I take roughly a billion years to release one single map

Although, I guess I've made about 12 that are released. But, 2 of these are updates to pre-existing maps (substantial updates though, so I guess it counts haha) and 1 (archangels) is from a WIP project called "cereal killer" although, I have no idea if it will ever be released (the project that is). 


Released (10 maps + 2 updated ones, so yeah, 12 maps if we count the updates as separate maps)


2010 - e1m8 remake for zdoom (yay)


2013 - Water control (dwmp13, map 4 of the zdoom mapset)


2013 - Canyon Complex (2048 Unleashed, map 8, prboom+), not too sure on the year 


2013 - Undesired reality (single map for zdoom)


2016 - Travelling to the moon (single map for prboom+, cl9)


2016 - Crimson Wood (dwmp16 project, map 28, prboom+, cl9), was later released as a standalone map in 2018 (I'll count it as one though)


2017 - Archangels (Cereal killer, prboom+ cl9. Note: CK is a wip project)


2018 - Orange juice (Tangerine nightmare, map 5)


2018 - Man on the Moon (Single map and sequel to "travelling to the moon", prboom+, cl11), recieved an honorable mention in the 2018 cacowards


2021 - Moon series (massive updates to both travelling to the moon and man on the moon, currently in RC2 phase, released on idgames) - I guess these count as "new" maps 


2021 - Techgrown demo map for my upcoming "techgrown" mapset (21/12/2021 EDIT) 


Unreleased (2 maps)


2021 - Unfold the darkest scheme (Necromantic thirst's map 17). It's done but, obviously, can't release it yet :D 

2021 - Fold the brightest chaos (Necromantic thirst's map 14, currently). SAME AS ABOVE. PS: The title is wip lol (21/12/2021 EDIT) 


Scrapped (1 map)


2015 (decision to scrap it was in 2017 I think) - Fortress of Misery (Single large map for zdoom, UDMF) 
Was too ambitious/lack of interest to continue. The "leftovers" (the map in it's current state) are available somewhere


WIP (? maps)


202? - Man from the moon (The third and final installement in my moon series) - Officially started in april of this year. On hold currently.

202? (probably 2022) - Techgrown, a 4/5 maps mapset. My current priority. One map done (21/12/2021 EDIT) 


There you have it. After a long 2-3 year gap (after Man on the moon, I released nothing but, I was working on stuff), I am finally back in the game ^^



Edited by Yugiboy85
I've since released some stuff

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I made a few maps


+1 for WOOO3

+4 for DMP 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

+1 for Action Doom 2

+21 for MM8BDM

+10 for SRB2

+21 for Platforms OD

+8 for Project SSS

+6 for ZBloody Hell

+1 Duke3D E1L3

+1 for Community Chest 64EX

+1 for Rowdy Rudy 2 POWERTRIP

+1 upcoming map for Ray Mohawk 2

+5 for an upcoming Contra Remake


More to come whenever those crEAtIvITy JuIcEs start flowing again.

Edited by sluggard

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I made a bit above 20 maps so far, most of them are located in my doomwiki page. There will be more in the future for sure as I have several projects pending at various stages. 

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I've been making a few maps for a long time, but most of them ended not getting released, because I'm weird lol
Hopefully I will be able to change that on the future. So far I only released 8 maps, but If I count all maps I made, there are at least 24.

Released stuff:
- mushie_mushie.wad 
- Spicy Evil Spaghetti
- Red Zircon
- The Trickery Domain
- The Passage
- Nemesis 
- E3M6 by memory

- Pier Pressure

Abandoned projects, with complete maps:
- The Downward Spiral (5 finished maps)
- Umnamed spooky map (1 finished map) 
- Arcade Doom (7 finished maps)
- The Gloomy Towers (1 finished map)
I may show some of these on the future :-)

Active projects, not released yet:
- ??? (3 finished maps)

Not mine, just made minor touches:
- D4V's Map07 (original from Freedoom)
- D4V's E2M8 (original from Freedoom)
- D4V's E3M8 (original from Freedoom)

That's the last one I did, probably will be part of something bigger: 

Since I'm on an autobiographic stance, here's other stuff I did or contributed as well:

Credited as Phobos867 (yo that's me)
- Phobos867's add-ons for D4D 
- Doom 4 Doom (sprite artist)
- Death Foretold (sprite artist)

Credited as Noiser
- Doom 2 for Doom 1 (gameplay mod)
- Doom 4 Vanilla (gameplay mod)

Edited by Noiser

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I have some unreleased maps like my first maps ever,a deathmatch wad,a wip megawad with a focus on fleshy techbases and flesh monsters.
For released maps I have 2 old wads called Shit.wad 1 and 2 that i deleted for being too bad. And recently Too Many Imps and Too Many Zombies.

I have done some work for the Pineapple under the sea speedmapping sessions, specifically Boss Battle Bonanza and Rowdy Rudy Attack of the speed demons. Oh and I did a map for Half Moon.

Edited by Theperson
I did halfmoon

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(2017 - 2021)
1 big single map (Hydrologica (v1.1) - released)
4 maps for Hellevator (community project - released)
4 maps for Skilltiverse (community project - released)
6 maps for Re-Doom 2 (personal WIP project - WIP available for download)
2 maps for scrapped project (Day0, Fleshworks - to be reworked for Re-Doom 2)
2 maps for Delta domain project (WIP - 1 map - Mewows palace was send for testing to few people)


Old stuff

1 map for Heretic (hill.wad My first released map, quite a trainwreck, made long time ago, before I even started using my current allias)
3 maps for CS 1.6 from like 2005
An unreleased E1 episode for Shareware doom and some.
other Shareware Doom maps made close to 2 decades ago.

Edited by Shawny

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15 hours ago, Doom_Dude said:

2000 - Vilecore (32 maps) (wiki says 2003 due to a small bug-fix update)


Oh, you're the author of Vilcore? I remember playing it like many many many many years ago and I kinda like it, even tho it was very 90s style :) I should play something newer from you to see your progress.

Edited by LiquidDoom

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