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How would you describe the whole Doom 3/Doom 4 in just 4 words?


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Doom 3/4: These Sarcophagi are Important

Again: T'was Doomguy All Along


Totally not pushing my headcanon here.

Edited by Kira

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Doom 3: It is not Doom.

Doom 3: Just one word: Meh!

Doom 3: Great tech, bad game.


Doom 4: The game we lost.

Doom 4: Probably for the best.


Doom (2016): That's more like it.

Doom (2016): Maybe I'll try it.

Edited by Empyre

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Doom 3: Betruger was the demons.

Doom 3 ROE: Then Betruger was kill.

Doom 4: The return of Doomguy

Doom Eternal: The Revenge of Doom II

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Doom 3: Really Not That Bad

Doom 2016: Pretty Fun, But Overrated


Edit: Needed 4 words not 3.

Edited by Nevander

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