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Project Proposal - Ultimate Doom: By The Map

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On 4/19/2019 at 5:07 PM, Thedoctor989 said:

We need a better Phobo's sky, the pic now looks like a earth setting, also judging by the way the bases are, the sky should look kinda like this:




with Mars being a not so close, as Phobo's is 48.34 miles or 6.86214845123795e-12 light years away (for realism)



Oh, I don't know. Here's Mars as seen from the surface of Phobos in SpaceEngine. Seems to take up a good chunk of the sky (SpaceEngine doesn't map a terribly high resolution for Phobos' surface, though so doesn't make a great candidate for skybox unless mountains get manipulated into the image):



Agree about the focus on mapping for now, though. Haven't forgotten! Progress is slow, but still being made on Phobos Anomaly.

Edited by LordEntr0py
posted without text, oops!

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There's a couple other ways to get more accurate skies. SpaceEngine is one. Celestia also had a lot of really high-rez maps of Mars, I remember that, but it's a bit older and I don't know if there's any way to "land" on Phobos/Deimos (although technically you wouldn't really need to exactly land on them for background sky purposes - the tiny distance deviation would be negligible). Universe Sandbox 2 is yet another possibility. I've got access to all three of those, so I'll likely wind up making the skies at some point.


But yes, as I said, this is but a mere proposal until maps start coming in. Especially since I can't test how they'd look until at least one map from E1/E2 comes in. :P


(Also, if Phobos were 48 miles away from Mars, it'd be well within the Roche limit and be torn apart. Phobos is really about 3,721 miles above Mars.)

Edited by Dark Pulse

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like map for this, E3M1 Hell Keep.

So is it confirmed it is Gzdoom with 3d floors?

Edited by Angry Saint

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11 hours ago, Angry Saint said:

I would like map for this, E3M1 Hell Keep.

So is it confirmed it is Gzdoom with 3d floors?

Pretty much. Only way we're going to get even remotely close to some of the structures shown on the map.


Thanks for volunteering, too. :)

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  • 2 years later...
8 hours ago, Shibainumaster said:

Is this project still going on?

While there was a lot of interest, I never received a map for it from anyone (barring one person who offered up an existing set of maps), so at very best it's on hiatus, at worst it never got off the ground.


I'm still very interested in having it happen and working with it, though, if other people are! Done a fair bit more mapping in the last two-plus years myself.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/11/2021 at 9:13 AM, Dark Pulse said:

While there was a lot of interest, I never received a map for it from anyone (barring one person who offered up an existing set of maps), so at very best it's on hiatus, at worst it never got off the ground.


I'm still very interested in having it happen and working with it, though, if other people are! Done a fair bit more mapping in the last two-plus years myself.

If I may make a suggestion: what if you just tried to do a single episode, rather than the whole game? I feel like that’s more doable. Personally, I think Inferno offers the best opportunity, as the intermission screen is the coolest and the images there are the most surreal and notable.

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Not a pro DOOM Mapper, but I wanna take a stab at E2M8; Tower of Babel. I can picture it all already! Huge, Unnatural tech/hell tower with flesh covering it and "stairway" battles. And at the very top, a recreation of the original battlefield taking place in the dome on top. Oh yeah, very ambitious but God damn would it be awesome if executed perfectly!

Edited by ✯𝔉𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔑𝔬𝔬𝔟✯

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17 hours ago, Captain Keen said:

If I may make a suggestion: what if you just tried to do a single episode, rather than the whole game? I feel like that’s more doable. Personally, I think Inferno offers the best opportunity, as the intermission screen is the coolest and the images there are the most surreal and notable.

I'd be down for it, of course. I have no problem releasing it in phases/stages. (Earliest of earlies would have to be a mishmash though, no doubt, until at least one episode had been done in full.)


Obviously the intent would be to eventually have the whole game covered, but I know some people like Techbase, some people like Shores, some people like Hell. Rather than just turn those people off (plus, again, the intention was to have everything covered eventually), I figured I'd just throw them out there and eventually build up the WAD as slots got filled out.


16 hours ago, ✯𝔉𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔑𝔬𝔬𝔟✯ said:

Not a pro DOOM Mapper, but I wanna take a stab at E2M8; Tower of Babel. I can picture it all already! Huge, Unnatural tech/hell tower with flesh covering it and "stairway" battles. And at the very top, a recreation of the original battlefield taking place in the dome on top. Oh yeah, very ambitious but God damn would it be awesome if executed perfectly!

If you're interested, by all means, go for it. As I said in a prior post, I never received any map submissions, so technically everything is still 100% open.


As a side note, E2M9 could also be done pretty similarly since it's a similar tower, but I'd leave that call up to you. :P

Edited by Dark Pulse

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On 2/7/2022 at 5:12 PM, Dark Pulse said:

If you're interested, by all means, go for it. As I said in a prior post, I never received any map submissions, so technically everything is still 100% open.


As a side note, E2M9 could also be done pretty similarly since it's a similar tower, but I'd leave that call up to you. :P

Well, you are in luck, because I just finished it. Is it rushed?




Yes. Due to me having to move to Minnesota, and also because the tower part felt finished, but the area before climbing it kind of looks off. I didn't see that little piece of tower that looked like a floor, so what I did was convert the ground area to a brick area. I also added Mt. Erebus as a nice little touch, though it is just a basic mountain with some dead trees and some stalagmites. I think it can run on limit removing ports, but I would use a BOOM source port like PRBoom or Woof, just to be safe. It also has weird looking linedefs using software based ports, with them shaking and moving, so expect that. Enough said... Here is a screenshot and the WAD.


WAD: https://mega.nz/file/SH4VnAgb#UG4VfSOp2xjhdA3DNWymfrYr9UmOJ71lMrc-oLm6YcA




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6 hours ago, ✯𝔉𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔑𝔬𝔬𝔟✯ said:

I didn't see that little piece of tower that looked like a floor, so what I did was convert the ground area to a brick area. I also added Mt. Erebus as a nice little touch, though it is just a basic mountain with some dead trees and some stalagmites. I think it can run on limit removing ports, but I would use a BOOM source port like PRBoom or Woof, just to be safe. It also has weird looking linedefs using software based ports, with them shaking and moving, so expect that.

It should be totally fine, since the port was aiming for GZDoom-compatible at any rate. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that I've finally had some time to do it, updated the first post. Thanks to @YeOldeFellerNoob for drawing first blood!


All other map claims, while not voided, are now considered unsubmitted. Some of those people have since wandered away from the community; some of them are still here. If any of those guys are still interested, just let me know.


Otherwise, well, we're getting there! If maybe a few years later than I hoped originally...


Anyway, if anyone else is interested, all you have to do is shoot a message, pick a slot, and have at it! A reminder that you can pick a map even if someone else already has, and even if they've submitted a map for it - nobody "owns" a slot, and the final choice for any given slot will ultimately be by community feedback. An outtakes WAD is absolutely planned for, so your work will not go to waste either way.

Edited by Dark Pulse
Now @-able!

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  • 6 months later...

Hello yes i would like to submit my map for DIS e3m8.


(Also I'm new to doom-world how do i attach wads?)


Edited by Slireth-Gunman
Correcting files to wads

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 Welcome to Doomworld. Put the map in a zip file and then post it here. I personally use google drive to post zip files here as it doesn't use forum attachment space. Also, please read this.

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I'd also use Google Drive or Mega or some other file service to host the map, since yes, Doomworld attachment space is extremely limited, and the only way to get more space is to delete old content.

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On 2/19/2019 at 7:54 PM, Dark Pulse said:

For some reason I got a pretty strange idea in my head over the last few days. After mulling over its feasibility, I've decided to go ahead with a proposal, and see what the community thinks.


In short, in Doom/Ultimate Doom, as you know, there is a map at the intermission screen, with you going into and out of various levels, with the map helpfully pointing out where you're going, but of course, the levels themselves don't even resemble these locations at all.


I thought "Why not make a set of levels that actually resembles these locations?" And thus, "Ultimate Doom: By The Map" was born in my head.


We've had projects that reinterpret Doom levels by their names only (Ultimate Doom In Name Only), by the features of advanced engines (Knee-Deep in ZDoom), and so on. To the best of my knowledge, there hasn't been a project done that actually tries to make levels that resemble what is displayed on the intermission map.


So if you're interested and want to take a crack at it, let's explore that frontier, and see if we can come up with a new great megawad. :)




The rules for a project like this are pretty simple. I'll be stating the main point of the rule; to keep that section fairly brief without glazing over everyone's eyes; you can click the spoiler box beneath the main point for further explanation.

  1. Community opinion has spoken, and we are switching the IWAD on this project from Doom II to Ultimate Doom. The final tally was 39 votes in favor of Ultimate Doom, 13 for Doom II. Therefore, all the limitations of Ultimate Doom are going to be in force. Maybe (key word "maybe") down the line there will be a Doom II version of it, but the main project will be tuned for Ultimate Doom.
  2. Obviously, you'll be mapping levels that are based upon their external appearances in Ultimate Doom's level intermissions. The resolutions for some of them are pretty low, so understand we're not expecting perfection here - just try to make it as close as you possibly can. Owing to the fact that some of those level structures are very obviously 3-dimensional (no way are you doing a 3-story building like Hell Keep with vanilla's flat nature - not without lots of painful trickery, anyway), we are going to aim for GZDoom here.
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      I know it's not the only source port out there that could fake 3D effects, but it's probably the easiest common denominator at this point. Since we're taking advantage of GZDoom (and relatively recent GZDoom at that), stuff like portals, ACS scripting, Doom 64-style lighting, 3D Floors, and so on is all fair game - while we're trying to keep a fairly vanilla feel and experience, we aren't going to be making something vanilla-compatible here, since just making a more "true" 3D-nature effect automatically DQs us from Doom/Boom compatible for the most part.


  3. Maps' basic floor plan must naturally resemble whatever they look like from the outside. If you wish to do an Episode 1 or Episode 2 map, you do have a secondary option available to you - @Wraith777 has kindly donated his attempts at a previous stab at this idea that he called "Real DooM," and has given permission to make use of and modify the maps as we see fit. You can download them and use them as a basis for a map from this link here if you would prefer to not make an entire map from scratch. Note that only layouts for Episode 1 and Episode 2 (up to E2M7) exist - E2M8, E2M9, and all of E3/E4 are not covered by his donation to the project (because he never made ones for those). As a gesture of thanks and respect for him, any maps made that make use of his versions as a base will be co-credited to him and the other mapper who modifies his maps accordingly.
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      If the outside is shown during gameplay, try to resemble it as it appears on the map as much as possible, as well as in terms of the overall layout (where applicable - kind of hard to do that when you're, for example, a skull in a cliffside). For the interior, pretty much anything goes, as long as it's thematically appropriate. Remember, the outside appearance is mostly what matters - there's plenty of ways to add breadth and depth beyond the limitations of the "physical appearance" of the map if you think about it.


  4. I don't see any reason to demand a specific map format, but UDMF is actually necessary for some stuff (like D64-style lighting).
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      That said, since map formats can be mixed for GZDoom, if you would rather do Hexen or Doom format maps, those are fine too - just be aware of the various limitations of those map formats. I'd recommend UDMF if you don't know what you want to pick - it's a tiny bit harder to learn, but the vast flexibility increase is worth it IMO.


  5. Thy Flesh Consumed's levels will be based on the third-party thyinterpic.wad, which (to the best of my knowledge) was made by Xaser and Skunk. While I am aiming to do the four Ultimate Doom episodes (hence the name), if there's only large demand for the first three episodes, I will cut it down to the original three episodes. REGARDLESS OF IF THE SCOPE GETS REDUCED, ANYONE WHO MAKES A LEVEL FOR THE ULTIMATE DOOM LEVELS WILL HAVE THEM INCLUDED. They will simply be bonus levels in addition to the main ones if the demand just isn't there for a full Episode 4 map set.
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      Takes on Romero's Sigil levels (assuming they don't come with such an intermission map) won't be included, unless someone wants to be crazy enough to make an intermission map for them based upon whatever names he winds up giving the levels. If someone wishes to, then I will include map slots based on the custom intermission map as fair game, and the project will expand from 36 to 45 levels accordingly.


  6. Custom resources should be fine as long as we have permission for them and are thematically appropriate. I'd generally prefer to keep this to textures or decorations as opposed to new monster or weapon types, but if the community thinks we should have those, that would be considered.
  7. Finished maps should get sent to me; I will then pack them up and when a significant number of new maps gets released, put out a new version for testing/feedback purposes.
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      Ideally I'd like to do it upon an episode's completion, but in practice it will probably be about when five maps or so get added (since there's 36 levels in all, 6 new levels would represent 1/6th of the total project - assuming that takes on Romero's Sigil levels don't get added at some point). Mappers are free to share screenshots and video of the maps in progress, but do try to keep some surprises for the players if you do - it's never fun if we know everything we're gonna run into before we get to run into it. :)


  8. Mappers of all talent are welcome, and while there will be level "slots" there is no such thing as exclusivity for a slot - any number of mappers can submit a map for any given map slot. If someone did a version of E3M1: Hell Keep and you think you can do it better, go ahead and do it!
    • In this case the community/team will get to vote on what one they think is better, and the one that wins out will get to "officially" keep the spot when the final version is compiled. The loser(s) won't go home empty-handed, though - they will be compiled into some kind of alternate WAD, as someone who took the effort to make a map shouldn't just have their hard work forgotten, and the project isn't officially done until a final version with all slots filled has been made anyway. Mappers also don't have to pick just one map to do - if you'd like to contribute several, go right ahead.
  9. While I'm not going to be strict on it, to preserve Doom's "slow drip" of steadily expanding the weaponry, enemy roster, and powerup composition, I am going to moderately enforce some placement rules. Some are more flexible than others - maybe we'll move when a monster or pickup makes its first appearance, but you're not putting a Baron of Hell in before E1M8, for example. The spoilertagged box below (which I lost a bunch of times while writing it since Ctrl-Z would erase the whole thing... so appreciate it! A non-WYSIWYG mode would've solved this completely...) will have all the necessary info in terms of the original game.
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      • Episode 1: Knee-Deep In The Dead
        • In general, this episode is meant to be fairly easy and to get the player's feet wet. A lot of decent stuff is out in the open, but players who hunt for things generally get better armed and armored. Health and ammo are fairly generous, and powerups are often free rewards.
          • Weapons
            • Chainsaw: First appears in E1M2 as a secret. It never appeared openly in this episode, but was in two other maps (E1M5, E1M6) as a secret.
            • Shotgun: E1M1 as a secret, E1M2 openly. The exception to this rule is that on UV/NM, Shotgun Guys appear on E1M1.
            • Chaingun: E1M2 as a secret, E1M4 openly.
            • Rocket Launcher: E1M3 as a secret, E1M5 openly.
            • Plasma Rifle: Not found in Episode 1.
            • BFG9000: Not found in Episode 1.
          • Enemies
            • We're sticking to shareware/E1 rules here, generally. That means basically fodder enemies, and nothing that's more powerful than Demons with the exceptions of the end-boss Barons, of course. In terms of enemies, you'll be thinking more about quantity than anything.
              • Zombiemen: Available in all maps and difficulties.
              • Shotgun Guys: E1M3 and later on HMP and lower, all maps on UV+.
              • Imps: Available in all maps and difficulties.
              • Demons: E1M3 and later on all difficulties.
              • Spectres: E1M9 on HMP and lower, E1M3 and later on UV+.
                • Spectres actually are slightly weird in how they're placed. A more specific guide is as follows:
                  • ITYTD/HNTR: Only present in E1M6, E1M7, and E1M9.
                  • HMP: Same as ITYTD/HNTR, but add E1M5.
                  • UV/NM: Same as HMP, but add E1M3 and E1M8.
              • Lost Souls: Not used in Episode 1.
              • Cacodemons: Not used in Episode 1.
              • Barons of Hell: Two, and only two, as the bosses of E1M8 on all difficulties.
              • Cyberdemons: Not used in Episode 1.
              • Spider Masterminds: Not used in Episode 1.
          • Powerups
            • In general, you can be fairly generous with your powerups - this is Episode 1, after all. Green Armor tends to be fairly reliably found, and even a Blue Armor in the open here and there isn't uncommon. Often, powerups found in secrets come with no strings attached.
              • Berserk Packs: Not found in Episode 1.
              • Soul Spheres: From E1M2 on, there's at least one per map. Some levels have two.
      • Episode 2: The Shores of Hell
        • Weapons
          • Chainsaw: First appears on E2M2 as a secret, as well as E2M5. It is finally non-secret for the first time in the entire game on E2M6.
          • Shotgun: Appears in all levels and difficulties.
          • Chaingun: First appears on E2M2 as a secret. First appears openly on E2M3.
          • Rocket Launcher: First appears on E2M2 as a secret. First appears openly on E2M4.
          • Plasma Rifle: First appears on E2M1 as a secret, and in several maps thereafter (also as secrets). Finally appears openly on E2M5. Ironically, appears as a Multiplayer weapon openly on E2M2.
          • BFG9000: Not found in Episode 2.
        • Enemies
          • Episode 2 sees the introduction of Lost Souls, Cacodemons, and the Cyberdemon as the end-episode boss. Barons of Hell get demoted to regular enemies, albeit their appearances are still fairly sporadic.
            • Zombiemen: Available in all maps and difficulties.
            • Shotgun Guys: Available in all maps and difficulties.
            • Imps: Available in all maps and difficulties.
            • Demons: Available in all maps and difficulties.
            • Spectres: E2M4 and later on ITYTD/HNTR, E2M3 and later on HMP, All maps on UV/NM.
            • Lost Souls: All maps on ITYTD/HNTR, E2M2 and later on HMP and higher. (It replaces a Cacodemon on lower difficulties on E2M1.)
            • Cacodemons: E2M3 and later on ITYTD/HNTR, all maps on HMP and higher.
            • Barons of Hell: E2M5 and later on ITYTD/HNTR, E2M4 and later on HMP, E2M3 and later on UV/NM.
            • Cyberdemons: One - E2M8 final boss, of course, on all difficulties.
            • Spider Masterminds: Not used in Episode 2.
        • Powerups
          • Powerups start becoming a bit rarer here. Blue Armors outside of secrets are rarely found, and Soul Spheres start being better hidden. Sometimes grabbing a goodie also springs a trap. Maps begin baiting players here - E2M5 had two pretty notorious cases of this with two crushing ceilings, one which you could avoid but the other guarded a yellow keycard.
            • Berserk Packs: Appears for the first time in the entire game on E2M2. They appear every level or two from then on, and in almost all levels in Episode 4.
            • Soul Spheres: First appears in this episode on E2M2. There is about one per map from here on, though E2M4 has three (albeit one is multiplayer-only).
      • Episode 3: Inferno
        • Weapons
          • Chainsaw: First appears in E3M5, hidden behind an unmarked yellow door. It's "openly" visible in E3M6, but getting to its sector is a secret. It's only available truly openly in E3M9.
          • Shotgun: Appears in all levels and difficulties.
          • Chaingun: First appears semi-secretly behind the "thumb" wall of E3M2. First appears openly on E3M3.
          • Rocket Launcher: First appears on E3M1 in a secret. First appears openly on E3M2.
          • Plasma Rifle: First appears as a secret in E3M2, behind the famous "arrow wall." First appears openly in E3M5.
          • BFG9000: First found OPENLY nice and tucked away in a nook off the blood room in E3M3.
            • Due to being first found openly, there is perhaps a little flexibility for when it might be found secretly - it never seems to appear in a secret.
        • Enemies
          • Zombiemen: E3M2 and later on all difficulties, but in small amounts.
          • Shotgun Guys: E3M2 and later on all difficulties.
          • Imps: Available in all maps and difficulties.
          • Demons: Available in all maps and difficulties.
          • Spectres: E3M2 and later on all difficulties.
          • Lost Souls: E3M2 and later on all difficulties.
          • Cacodemons: E3M2 and later on ITYTD/HNTR, all maps on HMP and higher.
          • Barons of Hell: E3M9 and later on ITYTD/HNTR, E3M3 and up on HMP and higher.
            • Approximately similar numbers as The Shores of Hell in terms of appearances - sparingly.
          • Cyberdemons: Once, as a surprise boss in E3M9 on all difficulties.
          • Spider Masterminds: Once, as the final boss in E3M8 on all difficulties.
        • Powerups
          • Much rarer now. Anything that's remotely good tends to be hidden carefully in secrets, even if it's just a couple of Medikits. Good stuff that's out in the open is usually a sign that a big battle's about to happen, or a devious trap - beware!
            • Berserk Packs: First appears in E3M2.
              • Occasionally used in place of Soul Spheres to provide good healing but not quite +100% Health. Found at about the same frequency as in The Shores of Hell.
            • Soul Spheres: Also first appears in E3M2.
              • Actually appear the most in this episode out of any of them (although Thy Flesh Consumed ties it on UV/NM). Always hidden away, always precious.
      • Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed
        • Weapons
          • Chainsaw: First appears openly on E4M2 on all difficulties.
          • Shotgun: Appears in all levels and difficulties.
          • Chaingun: Appears in all levels and difficulties.
          • Rocket Launcher: First appears in a secret on E4M1. First appears openly on E4M2.
          • Plasma Rifle: First appears openly on E4M2.
          • BFG9000: First appears "openly" in the Cyberdemon sector on E4M2. E4M3 and E4M4 got a multiplayer-only one. You can finally get one without hunting on E4M5.
        • Enemies
          • Zombiemen: E4M9 and "later" on all difficulties.
            • Zombiemen bounce back in a big way here, appearing in numbers that dwarfs even The Shores of Hell and is second only to their E1 appearances in terms of volume.
          • Shotgun Guys: Appear in all maps and difficulties.
            • There are lots, and I do mean LOTS, of Shotgun Guys in E4 - nearly as many as E1 on UV/NM, and actually more than E1 on HMP and lower. Definitely one of your bread-and-butter monsters for E4 mapping.
          • Imps: Appear in all maps and difficulties.
            • Volume is approximately equal to The Shores of Hell. Imps are always a bread-and-butter though.
          • Demons: E4M2 and later on all difficulties.
            • E4 has, surprisngly, the least amount of Demons of all the Doom episodes. Second-lowest episode on ITYTD/HNTR, approximately equal to E1 on HMP, and almost HALF of E1's total on UV/NM. In short, use them sparingly.
          • Spectres: Appear in all maps and difficulties.
            • There's almost as much Spectres on HMP and lower in E4 as in the other three episodes combined, and UV/NM is similar to E1 UV/NM in terms of amounts (which is still half the amount of UV/NM Spectres in the main game). In other words, be fairly generous here with them where appropriate.
          • Lost Souls: E4M2 and later on all difficulties.
            • Appear the least of any episode they appear in (i.e; not counting E1). HMP and lower has similar amounts as E2, but UV/NM has a good 30 less than E2. In short, use them where appropriate, but probably no need to go crazy with them.
          • Cacodemons: E4M2 and later on all difficulties.
            • A weird case where they're generally in-between. ITYTD/HNTR has them appearing about as often as they do in E2, but HMP and higher has them somewhere between E2 and E3 in terms of appearances - more than E2, less than E3.
          • Barons of Hell: Appear in all maps and difficulties.
            • Barons are plentiful in E4, appearing in ITYTD/HNTR almost as much as they appear on UV/NM on E2/E3, and anything from HMP on has not only the most appearances by them per-episode, but more appearances by them than in the other three episodes combined! Don't be shy on using them here.
          • Cyberdemons: Two on HMP and lower, three on UV/NM. One on E4M2 (all difficulties), one on E4M6 (all difficulties), and one on E4M7 (UV/NM only).
          • Spider Masterminds: One - once more as the final boss in E4M8 on all difficulties.
        • Powerups
          • Rare, rare, rare. Make them work for it. Then make them suffer afterwards so they don't get much breathing room.
            • Berserk Packs: First appears on E4M2. Almost as much appear in E4 as they do in E2/E3 combined of the full game - 50% more than either of those episodes individually, but not quite as much as both of them combined.
            • Soul Spheres: Also first appears on E4M2. Appearance rate similar to other episodes, but they are very deviously hidden - or given so you have a better shot of survival for the heavy flow (or very tough) baddie hordes you'll face.


With those all said... all that should be left is to open the floodgates to any interested parties. If you're interested, just leave a post in here with what map(s) you'd like to do, and I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Good luck.


  • Episode 1: Knee-Deep In The Dead


  • Episode 2: The Shores of Hell
    • E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
    • E2M2: Containment Area -- OPEN
    • E2M3: Refinery -- OPEN
    • E2M4: Deimos Lab
    • E2M5: Command Center
    • E2M6: Halls of the Damned -- OPEN
    • E2M7: Spawning Vats -- OPEN
    • E2M8: Tower of Babel
    • E2M9: Fortress of Mystery -- OPEN


  • Episode 3: Inferno
    • E3M1: Hell Keep
    • E3M2: Slough of Despair -- OPEN
    • E3M3: Pandemonium -- OPEN
    • E3M4: House of Pain -- OPEN
    • E3M5: Unholy Cathedral -- OPEN
    • E3M6: Mt. Erebus -- OPEN
    • E3M7: Limbo
    • E3M8: Dis -- OPEN
    • E3M9: Warrens


  • Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed
    • E4M1: Hell Beneath -- OPEN
    • E4M2: Perfect Hatred -- OPEN
    • E4M3: Sever the Wicked -- OPEN
    • E4M4: Unruly Evil -- OPEN
    • E4M5: They Will Repent -- OPEN
    • E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly -- OPEN
    • E4M7: And Hell Followed -- OPEN
    • E4M8: Unto the Cruel -- OPEN
    • E4M9: Fear -- OPEN


If the project is still going I would like E3M3

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5 minutes ago, Lord_Future said:

If the project is still going I would like E3M3

It's absolutely still going! (Technically, it's still going until enough entries are in for it to be "done.")


I'll get you added to the list in a little bit!


Bold of you to take Pandemonium, by the way. That one looks pretty challenging. :)

Edited by Dark Pulse

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2 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

It's absolutely still going! (Technically, it's still going until enough entries are in for it to be "done.")


I'll get you added to the list in a little bit!


Bold of you to take Pandemonium, by the way. That one looks pretty challenging. :)

Thats good to hear, Ive been thinking about doing this idea recently but now that this is here im gonna pour my heart and soul into this project. Ill be keeping my maps fairly vanillia aside from using UDMF. Also if i vanish for like a month or 3 don't worry, something irl came up.

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12 minutes ago, Lord_Future said:

Thats good to hear, Ive been thinking about doing this idea recently but now that this is here im gonna pour my heart and soul into this project. Ill be keeping my maps fairly vanillia aside from using UDMF. Also if i vanish for like a month or 3 don't worry, something irl came up.

The project's been "around" for almost four years; at this point I'm not too worried about a few months :P

Edited by Dark Pulse

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21 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

The project's been "around" for almost four years; at this point I'm not too worried about a few months :P



Really (REALLY) basic tower layout is done, now i gotta polish it n stuff

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Oh wow, my name is still on here!


You can free up E2M1, I don't think I'm gonna be contributing.


Did make some progress on it at the time, but it's not really to my standard anymore and I'm not gonna have time to contribute on top of other stuff I have going on.

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43 minutes ago, LordEntr0py said:

Oh wow, my name is still on here!


You can free up E2M1, I don't think I'm gonna be contributing.


Did make some progress on it at the time, but it's not really to my standard anymore and I'm not gonna have time to contribute on top of other stuff I have going on.

Fair enough. Slot relinquished.


Though I'll point out just in case new eyes are reading these posts and considering jumping in: There is no such thing as a "claimed" slot here in this project until every map slot has a finished map submitted for it. At that point, a vote gets taken on which version of the map is the one that becomes the "final" map for that slot, and the rest are put into a companion WAD. Of course, if a map only had one version submitted, that person automatically wins the slot.


No one's work is wasted, but as in Highlander, there can only be one. But I hate people thinking their map will go to waste, so that's at least a fair way to thank them for their contribution.

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8 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

Fair enough. Slot relinquished.


Though I'll point out just in case new eyes are reading these posts and considering jumping in: There is no such thing as a "claimed" slot here in this project until every map slot has a finished map submitted for it. At that point, a vote gets taken on which version of the map is the one that becomes the "final" map for that slot, and the rest are put into a companion WAD. Of course, if a map only had one version submitted, that person automatically wins the slot.


No one's work is wasted, but as in Highlander, there can only be one. But I hate people thinking their map will go to waste, so that's at least a fair way to thank them for their contribution.

Oh interesing idea, though I dont like the idea of using GZDoom (prefer the Boom format for this kind of project). Sadly, I'm occupied with other 2 CP along with personal project, but if I the project still up after finished my maps I can make one for E1M8 

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5 hours ago, Herr Dethnout said:

Oh interesing idea, though I dont like the idea of using GZDoom (prefer the Boom format for this kind of project). Sadly, I'm occupied with other 2 CP along with personal project, but if I the project still up after finished my maps I can make one for E1M8 

I intend to let it "run" until it's done, totally forgotten about, or I'm dead. :P


So it'll be around once you're done for sure.

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  • 1 year later...
11 hours ago, Johnny Cruelty said:

you guys need to restart this

It's still effectively open. It's just never really reached a critical mass of enough people interested.

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I think I could make tower of babel if nobody has done it or claimed it yet. I had an idea for a tower map a long time ago that I never finished.  This is one of the coolest doom project ideas, btw.


Edit: just saw its finished. Could do fortress of Mystery.

Edited by jo2ukegappy

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