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TNT 2: Devilution (Final beta released)

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5 minutes ago, Processingcontrol said:

Just hoping some good samaritan on the dev team had the kindness to remove my barrel trap in map05...



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16 minutes ago, Processingcontrol said:

Just hoping some good samaritan on the dev team had the kindness to remove my barrel trap in map05...

that trap is great though :p

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13 minutes ago, Tarnsman said:



lol I remember seeing it in one of the dev builds. Pretty mean trap, happy to dodge credit for it if it wasn't actually mine 😀

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22 minutes ago, Processingcontrol said:

Just hoping some good samaritan on the dev team had the kindness to remove my barrel trap in map05...

That was a highlight for me though.

Really enjoyed this map, high damage, high risk, high octane all the way through.

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3 hours ago, Chainie said:

The Plutonia Experiment, Plutonia 2, PRCP, Plutonia 3 (by Silverminer), PRCP 2, Plutonia 3 (by Joshy et al), Plutonia 4, Blutonia(not released yet), Plutonia 7 

Don't forget Plutonia 1024: The PluTINYa Experiment.

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Might play this once the last map is added. Congrats on the release though!

Edited by Suitepee

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Playing this in DOOM Retro on HNTR, because I feel not enough people test wads on lower difficulties. These are just my general impressions on behalf of casual players.


MAP01: Pretty good introduction here - I only felt the Arachnotron might be a bit much even on easy, and I wasn't fond of facing hell knights on the first map. It's not particularly hard, it's more to do with players that might try to avoid the extra work of dealing with such monsters so early in a megawad setting.


MAP02: I think the sector 294 area that opens up was a bit underwhelming even on HNTR - a solitary demon emerges from a large empty space. Maybe at least one more could make it less void.


MAP03: I feel pretty good about this one - I only wonder about the last area before the exit with the fight against two mancubus enemies and a revenant. It's probably fine as it is, but it stood out in my mind as another potential hot space for easygoing players.


MAP04: I would probably remove the arch-vile for HNTR, at least - seems a bit brutal to face them so early on the way I know some players would. I might ease up very slightly on some hitscan enemies, as it almost feels like an early Stronghold-type map with dozens of zombies wandering about. It's probably fine, really...but the arch-vile stood out the most to me as something that could change.

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Finally! Maybe the real TNT 2 was the friends we made along the way :P

(What's the deal with those eyeball computer textures appearing in most of the maps?).

Edited by Hitboi

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Played 'till Map07, this wad might be my favourite one next to D2ISO! I loved everything about the first five maps, specially Map05. Really good combat and fuckin' fantastic lighting :D

Map06 gave me a headache and I had to IDDT to find the blue key, but I guess that's just part of the tnt experience ;)

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I've only played the first map, and there's just a small issue: If you teleport back to the earlier area, the fleshy spiral staircases don't reset, kind of spoiling the effect.

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Just browsed through the maps and confirmed this is the version I saw a while back. Lots of repeating music tracks and older versions of my music - some of which I don't even remember making.


Also, I guess you didn't go with the font I submitted.

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4 hours ago, valkiriforce said:

The day has finally come - there are a couple of maps I made back in 2011 (maps 07 and 11) and one that was made in 2012 (map 17). I'm surprised to see they've survived this long without being replaced, but I'm glad now they get to see the light of day. Really looking forward to digging into another TNT megawad!


Fun fact: both of your maps held the record for "oldest map in the set by Last Modified Date" for virtually the entire project -- they're both super-solid and needed no tweaking until the veeeery end when a handful of minor bugs were discovered. Otherwise, they're virtually unchanged, 'cause they didn't need changing. ;)


3 hours ago, Rudolph said:

In MAP02, is there a way to open the prison cell door in the blue key area? Or is it just an easter egg?


There's actually some very deep Official TNT2 Lore(tm) behind this very room! Spoilers ahead:


lol jk, I just put that stuff in there as a dumb joke. I have a habit of hiding inaccessible BFGs in maps so I snuck one into TMD's while doing some texture tune-ups :P


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12 minutes ago, Bucket said:

Just browsed through the maps and confirmed this is the version I saw a while back. Lots of repeating music tracks and older versions of my music - some of which I don't even remember making.


Also, I guess you didn't go with the font I submitted.


Do you have the latest versions of your tracks posted up somewhere? The stuff we've got on the dropbox hails from the olden days of the project, so stuff's probably out of date.


We're still planning on using the font, I just forgot about it before the beta; welp. :P


[EDIT] dubblepost since I'm having a rubbish time trying to edit in this quote to my previous post. Blasted newfangled forum software... I miss vbcode.


[DOUBLE-EDIT] Aha -- these still the latest versions? If so, we'll get to updatin': 


Edited by Xaser

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6 minutes ago, Bucket said:

Also, I guess you didn't go with the font I submitted.

We still have the font but CWILVs are low on the priority list so we just haven't really gotten to recreating all of them yet.

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Finally, after years of drama and members coming and going on the forums, we have a release. Great work, Devilution team. I've been looking forward to playing this for a long time :)

Would it be safe to record playthroughs of this or is that generally saved for the final build?

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2 minutes ago, Athel said:

Would it be safe to record playthroughs of this or is that generally saved for the final build?


Would make sense to wait until an RC equivalent. This is a beta in the real sense, missing a map and all. 

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It was probably reported already, but in the last room on MAP01 when I stand on the teleporter, monsters don't hear or see me.

Update: Port PrBoom+ with complevel 2.

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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1 hour ago, Xaser said:



[DOUBLE-EDIT] Aha -- these still the latest versions? If so, we'll get to updatin': 


Hold off on that. Since the tracks you're actually using aren't what I was led to believe, I'm going to quadruple-check tonight.

Maybe I'll also make those CWILVs if I can find the time.

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I don't know how strict you guys are gonna be about vanilla compatibility, but I might as well mention that I did get a crash on MAP05 error saying: Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 212292 bytes when I try to quick-load. Essentially this means the game has run out of memory.

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18 minutes ago, OpenRift said:

I don't know how strict you guys are gonna be about vanilla compatibility, but I might as well mention that I did get a crash on MAP05 error saying: Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 212292 bytes when I try to quick-load. Essentially this means the game has run out of memory.

The vanilla savegame limit is unpredictable enough and hard enough to accurately test for that most vanilla wads since the 2000s ignore it. If you're using Chocolate Doom, there's an option in the Setup program to toggle extending the savegame limit.

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26 minutes ago, OpenRift said:

I don't know how strict you guys are gonna be about vanilla compatibility, but I might as well mention that I did get a crash on MAP05 error saying: Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of 212292 bytes when I try to quick-load. Essentially this means the game has run out of memory.

I think the project maintains vanilla compatibility in terms of running the maps, but the savegame limit is ignored because so many other maps will break it.

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My first playthrough of the original TNT on doom95 back in the day was ended by a savegame limit crash on map32 so breaking the limit here is certainly keeping with tradition 

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36 minutes ago, Bucket said:


Hold off on that. Since the tracks you're actually using aren't what I was led to believe, I'm going to quadruple-check tonight.

Maybe I'll also make those CWILVs if I can find the time.


I believe someone else on the team is already working on the CWILVs, but the offer is appreciated.

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OK, got up to map08.

So far, describing this as excellent is underselling it.

I've never seen a happier marriage of TNT's gameplay and atmosphere and modern sensibilities.

Simply put, playing this feels like playing TNT. Sorry Revilution, love you, but this is TNT 2 as official as it can be.

1 hour ago, ViolentBeetle said:

It was probably reported already, but in the last room on MAP01 when I stand on the teleporter, monsters don't hear or see me.

Update: Port PrBoom+ with complevel 2.

I think you should use complevel 4 instead, since this is a TNT PWAD.


Edited by rzh

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