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Obviously very true Doom facts thread

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  • The original Doom engine was actually based on the tech demo engine that John Carmack sent to Nintendo
  • According to John Romero, Doom was originally developed for Commodore Amiga, and was originally released in 5 November 1987, but due to John Carmack too busy making a highly advanced and self-aware robot, it was delayed for 6 years
  • You see, the name "Doom" is not from the movie "The Color of Money", it was actually from an event called [REDACTED] in the year [REDACTED]. John Carmack confirm this in an interview.
  • The name of the company "id Software" was actually going to be "id=?57319374261213 Software" but was changed because nobody will remember the name of the company after 5 years

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Originally, Doom was meant to be un-moddable. This technology was calculated to take 20 years to make a mod for. However, this would launch the world into chaos. 
So a man named John Romero time-travelled from 2052 to 1989 to become friends with John Carmack, and eventually influence him to make Doom moddable. Later on, John's time in the future influenced the first draft of Deus Ex, however Warren Spector had too many creative liberties, causing Ion Storm to split up. Warren Spector gained custody of Deus Ex, much to John Romero's dismay.

Edited by Telemassacre

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The original Doom engine is, astoundingly, completely bug-free, and may be the first piece of software ever to achieve such an accomplishment.

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If you type IDUNLEASH while in-game you will be teleported to a debug testing map, which contains the Heart of Lothar, the fabled demon that was meant to be in the game. Not responsible for potential side effects upon unleashing the beast.

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Just like how The Color of Money inspired Doom, The Hustler, which preceded The Color of Money, inspired Wolfenstein 3D.



What you got in there?


In here? Wolfenstein 3D.


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In TNTs Map 19, Shipping and Respawning, if you hit the use key 30 times against the side of the truck out back you activate a lift to the conveyor belts which will take you to a super secret with the 9th slot weapon.

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Doomguy was born on March 30, 1992, in Austin Texas. He had 2 older brothers and a younger sister.Ever since he was 12, he loved animals, especially rabbits and dreamed of one day owning a rabbit farm. He and his brothers were drafted in the military during the Mars Colonization Plan,aka Project Indigo. The operation's intent was to beat both Russia and Australia to colonize Mars and it's moons, and eventually Jupiter's moons.

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Fun fact: John Romero actually died in 1994. You can tell because his severed head can be found inside the icon of sin.

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Only slightly Doom related, but Kaiser is so good at making ports for games missing their source code that if the source code is available, he won't be able to do anything. This is why he cancelled his ROTT port. As for his Quake port... eldritch magicks, I guess?

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Doom 2 and Absolution's escher-esque depiction of Hell is the canoncial version, but Sandy Peterson got tired of having to do all the maps himself so he burned the design documents so no one else could copy it, so they had to reimagine it for the later games and changed influences.

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Somewhere out there in the grand multiplicity of the omniverse, there exists an alternate timeline where Kick Attack was made into a full megawad and included alongside Final Doom. With its expertly-crafted action, jaw-dropping visuals, extensive dehacked magic and a soundtrack still unmatched in quality in the modern day, Kick Attack was a smash hit in the Doom community and the mainstream, and it shot Kick up to the #1 preferred soft drink of the world, leaving Alpine Spew Mountain Dew in the dust. Even in Alternate 2022 you'll find people shocked to hear that Final Doom included three entire games, because Kick Attack overshadows the other two in popularity by such a huge margin!

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Doom 64 is the 64th Doom installment. According to Tim Willits, the 4th book up to the 63th book lacked too much in story depth and character development to have a game based on them.

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brad hawkins, voice of goblin slayer, participated in motion capture filming for doom 4 aka doom 4 (1.0) in that interview with doom 4 he also said that he is a big fan of the series, it is not yet known whether he voiced anyone in the game, here are the pictures.






Edited by Wad overdose

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Casali Bros. originally was an title for Id Software new experimental game prototype, where the main feature was smooth scrolling, but Nintendo didn't appove it.


Remembering it at one night, when others waiting for Romero to play, he secretly proceed some sort of dark ritual to take a revenge, based on the skills he have acknowledged while he was a d&d master, and summon two strange figures...


Later those strangers from another dimention decide to mark this day and their shadowcaster by creating something that was called "The Plutonia Experiment". Gradually, their creation became a cult and gave rise to many followers.



Edited by UnknDoomer

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The "Shotgun" in doom, fires in a way where bullets don't travel but they actually instantly hit the target. This is known as hitscan and the weapon uses a ammunition known as shells.

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Memento Mori III: The Quake Encounter was supposed to have an original engine boasting true 3D graphics, a first in its time. id Software bought out Memento Mori III as a commercial game and renamed it to what is now known as Quake.

Edited by dotQLL

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Sandy Petersen wrote the hit game Call of Cthulhu, based on the fiendish eldritch rituals he witnessed, as famous satanists 'ID Software' conjured up the hideous video game 'Doom' to influence the delicate minds of children and frighten politicians for years to come. 

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