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Obviously very true Doom facts thread

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Doomguy was originally going to be voiced by Jon St. John, and was going to at various points in the game say things like "It's Doomin' time!!", "Rip and tear, baby!", "That's a big friggin' gun!", and of course, "What does anomaly mean?" John Carmack, however, fired him for having a stupid name.  This of course was long before American McGee came on board.  

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  • 1 month later...

I think few people know about this, don't look for deep meaning here devs of QC in Quake's official discord server  said a long time ago that it was added for the sake of fun for some reason it was removed but added back again, I not joking or lying it's really for fun devs added this Easter egg you can ask them calmly in discord if you don't trusted me.

Edited by Wad overdose

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The Doom source code was entirely commented in iambic pentameter. Bernd Kreimeier thought that this was too fancy and deleted all this poetry, rewriting the comments from scratch to be clearer and more concise.

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Doom is always online, some ancient server deep in texas is still compiling player data, finding where they've died, finding what they've killed and adjusting accordingly. Come time, Carmack will fuse with the server and become one with everything. All will return to Carmack in the end.

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34 minutes ago, Mr Masker said:

Contrary to popular belief, Maze War is objectively better. Get better tastes, losers.

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All it needs is a ray tracing mod and it'll take the throne for sure.

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- To kill the cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies.
- To be killed by the cyberdemon, shoot at it until you die.
- There is no such thing as a pistol in doom.
- There were never any chainsaws on Mars or any of it's moons. Anybody saying otherwise is gaslighting you.
- Doom 2 MAP15's pain elemental secret is the intended way. Ask John Romero if you don't believe me.
- Skulltag > Zandronum. Anybody saying otherwise is gaslighting  you.
- Difficulties below Ultra-Violence don't exist. Anybody saying otherwise is a pansy.
- John Carmack is, in fact, a voice-actor and not a programmer. His performance in Doom 3 (Specialist Wilson) is particularly astonishing.

Edited by CFWMagic

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not many knows, but In the film The Devil's Advocate (1997) doomguy called Keanu Reeves tried to make a perfect run thru tough city episode with UV-Max, No Saves, 100%, but failed at the last battle and used a trick to back at start, to what does the devil say in his last sentence: "Savescumming. My most favorite of all sins".

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Doom 3's maps can actually run on the original id Tech 1 engine! However, it will crash due to visplane overflow on every source-port. (yes, even limit-removing ones!)

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Carmack wrote down the preliminary lines of code for the Doom engine upside-down in Egyption hieroglyphics on the greasy patch of an empty Domino's pizza box with one of the arms of his glasses.

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If you leave an explosive barrel for long enough (I think it's something close to 20 years) the substance inside will overheat and melt the barrel, spilling out and forming a nukage pool.

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In 2024, Doom 7: The Return of the Father Demon will release. Doom 7 is a sequel to the 2010 game Doom 5: Dimensional Crash. Along with its release comes the long awated Doom Remake! Updated graphics, gameplay, enemies, and sounds! It even comes with a brand new battle royale mode!


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ID software planned to make 62 sequels leading up to the famous DOOM 64, but, during a scuffle between John Carmack and John Romero, Carmack accidentally choked out and killed John Romero, causing development in all games to abruptly stop.

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The idea for the Revenant originally came about when John Romero met up with a time-travelling Vince Gilligan, who informed John about the well-loved character Heisenbones from his future television series "Breaking Bad". Originally, the Revenant was supposed to resemble Heisenbones much more, but the design had to be changed in the middle of development as to prevent causing a rift in the time-space continuum.image.png.2b47d5a1f1442b434936a6c6eff183d2.png

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On 1/4/2023 at 11:27 AM, Z50 said:

Carmack accidentally choked out and killed John Romero

Does this make him the only human to beat Doom 2?

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John Carmack hired id Software to help him fix up Wolfenstein 3D's code. After numerous lines of code were rewritten, they accidentally made Doom.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/6/2018 at 7:11 PM, NoisyVelvet said:

Did you know that if you use Berserk Strength on the TNT truck (Map19) exactly 666 thousand times, that a new, unique type of monster comes out from under the truck?

I never did it because I'd always lose track counting, but my friend did it and here's proof:


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I am recycling old material, but people must know the truth!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doom originally planned to be a first of it's kind walking simulator with one only difficulty intended - "Ultra-Silence". As rumors told that at one dark night Romero was going back home on empty streets, thru empty park, strangely not meeting anyone around. Later he decide it would be a good idea for their new game title. In this concept doomguy exploring empty tech bases, otherworldly locations, finding keys, pick up items and... meets nobody, untill after a long and strange journey he finally wakes up. Slogan planned to be as: "Hell is not a place, it's a state of mind...".


But things turned out that on end developing stages ID gave a some copies for forming rating comissions, like ESRB, and they were scared out too much. So at the end point things been stick to the formula they have get used after Wolfenstein 3D.


Still. One thing suddenly remained in the game till final cut, that you first time can hear on E1M5. Which might act an easter egg, or, a reminder?...


Similar case took a place many years later in the Alone in the Dark (2008). Central park of New York became a core place of the game after one of the developers lost at night there.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you know that John Carmack actually wanted to release the source-code of the simulation he has us living in?
He first discussed it with Juan Romero, but he was too busy building "El Arte Nuevo de Hacer Mapas", a gargantuan map that was supposed to go in Doom II and act as a bible for map design. It is believed by many to have been scrapped after hundreds of hours of work, though if you open E4M2 on Doombuilder and read between the linedefs you'll find some interesting stuff, like:

"Damaging floors are only fun if you don't drown the player on radsuits, cause if you do, they're certainly not gonna die from the damaging floor, but form lack of air."


"Texture variety is overrated. Bet I can design a whole game worth of maps using only brown bricks."

Anyway, back to Carmack's quandary, he then asked Sandy Petersen's opinion, who told him that that amount of truth, if freely distributed, would eventually lead someone to acquire enough kundalini to connect to the internet hivemind and achieve immortality at the cost of getting the Big Old Ones to notice human activity on earth. That first part was a big no-no for Carmack, so we have to content ourselves with a botched understanding of physics and sharing comments on forums.



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