continuum.mid Posted May 30, 2023 (edited) The "BSP tree" is a long-running in-joke, initiated by id Software, but which spread to the wider world of computer science. It actually stands for "Bad Sandy Petersen Tree", and is based on a crude drawing of a Christmas tree made by Doom game designer Sandy Petersen during a slow work day. After it became so legendary at id as to be memorialized as "the BSP Tree", John Carmack shared the image with his friends alongside an elaborate fake description, saying that it was a diagram of a data structure, which he named by chaining together various buzzwords: "Binary Space Partitioning". This early "meme" spread through both mail, jokes in industry journals, and word of mouth. It was eventually referenced in several CS textbooks, often alongside much clearer versions of the Bad Sandy Petersen Tree that more convincingly resemble a diagram. Edited May 30, 2023 by continuum.mid 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted June 6, 2023 Slaughtermaps were really meant to be known as "slottermaps" -- referring to "slot machines," because of the RNG element. But in the '90s IRC chat, the famous mapper who came up with the term was Norwegian so it got lost in translation. "Slaughtermaps" makes a lot of sense which is why people rolled with that, but if you stop to think about it, you "slaughter" plenty of demons in regular maps too so it would be odd to make that the distinguishing factor. 16 Quote Share this post Link to post
houston Posted June 6, 2023 If you destroy one of the walls in the E1M2 maze, you can find a phone number in an additional bit of maze. If you call it, they let you order a disk with Episodes 4, 5, and 6. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
YeOldeFellerNoob Posted June 6, 2023 Fun DOOM Fact: The enemies are modeled after you, your mom, and the mysterious void known as your dad. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chezza Posted June 6, 2023 In a secret wolfenstein 3D level, you will find a room with a bench and a dead pinky on it, suggesting the Nazis dabbled in Hell. It's the earliest spite of Doom that was originally designed as a Wolfenstein expansion. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
bobstremglav Posted June 6, 2023 Pistol in Doom serie is most useful weapon, utilizing just regular bullets and having fine firerate. It was so overpowered that they had to cut it from Doom Eternal 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
houston Posted June 6, 2023 Yeah, actually now that you mention it, there's this thing about the pistol one-shotting Demons if you aim for the fleshy orange spots isn't there? Sometimes little gaps in their pink flesh open up and expose them. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
⇛Marnetmar⇛ Posted June 6, 2023 Sunlust is an erotic Doom visual novel in which Doomguy sets out on a quest to fuck the shit out of the sun -- an absolute rogering of solar proportions. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lucius Wooding Posted June 6, 2023 4 hours ago, baja blast rd. said: Slaughtermaps were really meant to be known as "slottermaps" -- referring to "slot machines," because of the RNG element. But in the '90s IRC chat, the famous mapper who came up with the term was Norwegian so it got lost in translation. "Slaughtermaps" makes a lot of sense which is why people rolled with that, but if you stop to think about it, you "slaughter" plenty of demons in regular maps too so it would be odd to make that the distinguishing factor. I heard they were originally meant to be called "Laughtermaps" because the sheer number of monsters was meant to be a form of Doom satire; due to a typo in an AIM chat between mappers they earned their current moniker as a way of mocking this mistake. It's not known if that had anything to do with Mockery or Mock 2 which also were meant as a satire. Over time however due to Poe's Law the maps with lots of monsters became a genre in their own right and split off from joke WADs. 30 minutes ago, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said: Sunlust is an erotic Doom visual novel in which Doomguy sets out on a quest to fuck the shit out of the sun -- an absolute rogering of solar proportions. The term "Sunlight" refers to Doomguy's custom made fleshlight modeled after the great glowing orb. Solar Struggle is the Doom 1 based sequel in which Doomguy explores BDSM themes with his fusion powered waifu by being denied his super shotgun. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted June 6, 2023 Although Doom appears to be 3D, it's actually perfectly flat. The stairs you encounter on various levels are in fact just series of silent teleporters moving you between rooms with different vertical texture offsets. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
UnknDoomer Posted June 7, 2023 (edited) Quote Romero is still alive, so the fact is that nobody completed ever Doom 2. @RataUnderground, other rumors, from the very bottom of the old, 90's doomworld forum iceberg, said that he actually "died", in a some sort of speaking, during "developing incident", that was related to some of weird experiments with M30. As for the further story... it goes as a such: It was one of those silent rainy nights of summer '94. Carmak was sitting in his office alone, working on something technologically superior called "Quake". After a bunch slice of pizza and soda cola with zero sugar he shoted: "I can't handle this anymore. This McGee guy and his candy fairy tails just pointless, time is rough and not on our side. Sandy was right after all, the idea of the sequel was just an rage cash grab and nothing else.". Suddenly a telephone start ringing. "A call? At this hour?", said Carmak. "Hello?". "Greeting, John.", said the dark voice. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go to the straight line. What do you need?". "Oh, vanity. My favorite of sins.", said the dark voice. "Remember that night, when you have lead an DnD game, John? That specific one, that contain a thing, called "Daikatana"? I want it to be converted to a game... A game, that will crush the standarts, in side ways of speaking. So, here is the deal. I'll bring the Romero back, but you will must settle things up in such way that he will chase his abysmal dream.". "Eh? Whatever. Just bring this guy here already.", said John. "As you wish, John. Please accept my best wishes with your new title and remember - beware of your dreams, someday they might come true...". The stranger hung up. "What a funny guy. Time to buy a another bulk of zero sugar soda", said John. Next moning, suprising everybody, Romero appear at the office. "So, what the design issues you have, folks?" - he said. "You here! But that day with M30...", said one of the folks. "Which day?". Romero asked in surprise. "How... nevermind. Let's get to the business value." - said Carmak. Edited June 7, 2023 by UnknDoomer 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
⇛Marnetmar⇛ Posted June 10, 2023 (edited) Before converting to Mormonism in the late 1980s, Sandy Peterson suffered from a severe case of alcoholism, earning him the industry nickname of "Brandy Petersen" Edited June 10, 2023 by ⇛Marnetmar⇛ 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
UnknDoomer Posted June 21, 2023 (edited) Today I've saw a dream, where I've been playing, it seems, some sort of fast themed / placed megawad (32 levels). Doomguy there was running there faster then usual and levels mechanics was pretty unsual, puzzle kind, stick, on top of all, wind, like in original Ninja Gaiden series from NES. As I remember I've managed to complete it and ever upload it to youtube, but don't remember what the name of it was, same as, back to our reality, basically never heard about any wads that could use such thing in it's gameplay. Edited June 21, 2023 by UnknDoomer 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted June 22, 2023 Switching away from the SSG to accurately hit far away targets may seem like a good idea for beginners. On paper, it's true - weapons such as the chaingun or the regular shotgun will technically deal more DPS to distant targets than SSG, assuming perfect precision on the player's part. However, in practice, the emotional labor of deliberately abstaining from SSG usage will inevitably diminish a player's precision and reaction time to the point where it outweighs the shotgun's and chaingun's technically higher damage output. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
SiFi270 Posted June 26, 2023 (edited) When Kaiser was making the DSV series of wads, he deliberately chose every weapon replacement to hint at a game he would one day help Nightdive remaster. These include: Doom 64: Spoiler yes it really looked like that Quake 1: Spoiler Blood: Spoiler Strife: Spoiler Powerslave: Spoiler And it even goes as far as the upcoming version of Rise of the Triad: Spoiler But in addition to this, there's a handful that, based on what we've seen so far, are clear proof that despite not being announced yet, all of these remasters are somewhere on the horizon, starting with one that's already being rumored: Spoiler Plus Raven's library? And even P.O'ed! And, um... ...i'd better stop there. there is nothing funny about giving false hope to unreal fans. Edited June 26, 2023 by SiFi270 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted July 22, 2023 John Romero's upcoming biography was ghost-written by Stephen King. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted July 22, 2023 Based on a previous mechanics convo: if you round your RNG calculations to multiples of 4 then you are always right. All excess numbers are "bethesda features".poking fun at myself 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted July 26, 2023 The phrase "I am become death, destroyer of worlds", originally ascribed to Cillian Murphy, was actually uttered by John Carmack at like 3 in the morning after he hosted his first smoothly-running LAN deathmatch. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
houston Posted August 1, 2023 This is what GZDoom looks like, if anyone would just leave it on the default settings for once. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
yum13241 Posted August 4, 2023 (edited) There's a way to play Brutal Doom in M$-DOS, just change the file extension to .wad! If you press "Save Game" exactly 2,763 times, the game will crash. The counter is reset on every launch of the game. Edited August 4, 2023 by yum13241 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Darkcrafter07 Posted August 5, 2023 If you start Doom Eternal 2020 times in 11:58PM it will finally convert to a proper Doom 2 remaster with all the levels, monsters, guns, hud, music are being the same but remade using the modern technology. All textures back sourced and remade as high-res 100% faithful and actually not looking that bad with linear filtering anymore. This way you can play it for a whole minute. You can definitely say when the fortune just smiled at you: on the 2020th launch of the game a loud "hehehe and an opl syntesized trumpet" sounds will be played. But next, the 2021st time you launch it, yes, a robotic "Microsoft Sam" telling you, "give me your money" and the counter is reset and you have to play through it 2019 times again just to play that in its truest form once more. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
thiccyosh Posted August 5, 2023 Doom is not a game. That's it, that is the entire fact. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Herr Dethnout Posted August 5, 2023 (edited) Doom Eternal was intended to be a "Game as Service", with all levels and story brought as seasons, id even planed a multiverse story with all variation of the Doomguy along with BJ and Blaze in a Battle against the Icon of Sin. This got scrapped after Sound Director and Main Producer, Mick Gordon said: Quote Yo, that's sounds like a big bullshit. Edited August 5, 2023 by Herr Dethnout 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Terrcraft Posted August 6, 2023 (edited) In 1999 John Romero released an unlicenced Paid version of Doom known as SIGIL with the 4 original episodes and a new episode 5 called SIGIL. This was done through the fact that Romero stole the Doom source code after he was fired due to low sales from his pet project W.O.R. And the fact that Romero wanted something to tide over fans till Daikatana's release. ID software would sue John for millions of dollars, winning in court for a clear case of violation of copyright law and piracy. John Romero would also serve 3-4 years in prison, where he, and I quote "Made other inmates his bitch". SIGIL was pulled off store shelves and The Ultimate Doom was reissued with a warning to not buy or play SIGIL. This resulted in ID delaying the source code release for most ID software games (Other than Wolfenstein 3d) for nearly 6 years. Raven Softwares Heretic and Hexen, both games had source code released around the turn of the millennium. Dedicated Doom fans reversed engineered the code around 2003 with the help of Heretic and Hexen's source code. ID software would DMCA the Websites that hosted the reversed engineered code and ports for modern systems based on it in 2005 around the release of Doom 3 on PC. It was the fandom's darkest days. But with the Doomworld site admin Linguica and many Doom fans pleading, ID software would release the Doom Source Code along with Quake/W.O.R/Quake II Shortly afterward. Romero was released from jail around 2004 (just in time for Doom 3 on Xbox!). W.O.RII and Doom 3s source code has been released in the year 2012. The same fans that reversed-engineered Doom 1/2 would do the same for Doom 64 and would work on the official remaster for all 3 games around 2014 under the name Nightdive Studios. And in the Doom 1 rerelease, SIGIL was included as an official addon, showing the water was under the bridge from Microsoft (who now owned Activision who owned ID). Reportedly Romero is even working on a 6th episode called SIGIL 2 due for release this year. Edited August 6, 2023 by Terrcraft spacing and spelling 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quill Posted August 6, 2023 Every copy of Doom is personalized. from the bars in MAP02 and the secret door leading to the outside in E1M1, to whole new sections in a level. One person even reported a brand new episode called "Redemption Denied", though this information is questionable. Of course, this was only on the original DOS executable and Doom95. While Bernd Kreimeier cleaned up the source code, John Carmack and 2 men in black suits approached and told him to remove any and all traces of the personalization code. That's why all modern source ports (and official ones too!) never have this feature. Screenshots of this phenomenon that I've managed to capture for myself: Spoiler they're actually EXTRAMAP, E5M1 from the Romero Doom Dump, and beta MAP06 lululullulululululul 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Darkcrafter07 Posted August 6, 2023 It's possible to revive an archvile if you find a virgin pain elemental piss and an archvile, the uprised monster can not spell fires and its attacks harm as much as a lost soul bite would. Can be restored if transported back to hell where other archviles would be spelling magic forces on him after a couple of SSG pellets made them to exile into nothingness. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
bsharp Posted August 6, 2023 Up until Doom v1.3, arch-vile attacks could be thrwarted by saving and loading the game during the attack. To combat this in version 1.4, id Software implemented a fix. If the player were to save the game during an arch-vile attack, the game would crash and their computer would set on fire and explode: a subtle reference to the nature of the jazz-handed hellspawn's attack. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ludicrous_peridot Posted August 21, 2023 The reason it takes on average more (say 3) shotgun shots to kill a specter over a pinkie (2 shots) even at short distance it that pellets go through the transparent areas of the specter without doing it any harm. Obviously, bullets have a bigger caliber, so even with the pistol you are in a better position. I think people have mostly ignored this because they play Doom II for the most part since it came out, and there you get an SSG with much greater number of pellets per shot before you meet the specter. I even suspect it was by design abd that it was this downside of single barrelled shotgun that prompted the introduction of SSG in the first place. Otherwise game balance changes id needed to make to let people play without juggling all of their arsenal all the time, would have been too drastic. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scypek2 Posted August 21, 2023 It takes about the same amount in most source ports I tried. I'm pretty sure increased resolution also makes the spectre fuzz more hi-res, meaning smaller gaps, while shotgun pellets stay the same. And it's something id software obviously didn't account for. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
elborbahquarama Posted August 22, 2023 BFG means Beautiful French Girl pink demons are cows the damaging blinking blue lights in containement area and spawning vats are particle accelerators demons hang human ham on the ceiling don't blow up other people's barrels in their house if you wouldn't want that done to you there is a lot of specialists of the swastika in command control among the doom community doom is such a violent game i'm shocked 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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