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Obviously very true Doom facts thread

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The Soulsborne genre was inspired by a game designer shotgunning Barons but forgetting to use autorun.

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In the spring of 1994, John Romeo tried to move a bit of hair out of his face with his hand but scratched his forehead with his fingernail. This left a small scratch mark that developed into a small scab. While sitting across from him at lunch, Sandy Petersen (who was a retired ping-pong legend) flicked a piece of ham directly into the scab. Everyone at iD laughed for hours over this and it inspired the Icon of Sin boss fight with the player shooting rockets into John's scab in-game.

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The Icon of Sin is actually the ghost of John Romero's long lost cousin's friend's brother, angrily haunting the code of Doom II.


There were over 100 recalls and patches of Doom 2 to remove the Icon of Sin level, replacing it with the true MAP30: Dead Simple 2 (Deader Simpler), but the level wouldn't go away. The last time this was attempted, was in the Bethesda port, to which the coder who attempted it started bleeding hyperrealistic blood out of his eyes after seeing, "you have been CURSED" in the game code. The entire neighbourhood was then quarantined by the FBI, CIA and the Vatican in order to de-curse the area.


I am warning you... do NOT attempt to remove the Icon of Sin code from Doom 2, or else you will suffer a terrible fate!

Edited by Mr Masker

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22 minutes ago, Mr Masker said:

The Icon of Sin is actually the ghost of John Romero's long lost cousin's friend's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate


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Doom (1998) is a popular de-make of Build-engine masterpiece Duke Nukem 3D, being id Software's first release. It was mildly popular, selling just over fifty thousand copies, mainly due to its satisfying nature, bouncy heavy metal soundtrack, and a secret automap minigame.

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Doomguy as a character was created to empower people that love the film The Color of Money due to it being underrated, the doomguy was named after the guy that said "Doom" in said film

Edited by SpaceCat_2001

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Fact: Everyone is wrong, I made Doom 2.


Here is proof:




Edited by Mr Masker

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On 3/4/2019 at 9:49 PM, ⇛Marnetmar⇛ said:

Post your absolutely most very obviously true Doom facts in this thread


Did you know John Romero designed levels for the Bethesda game "Doom"? 

John carmack did not make any maps for doom 1 and 2

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Good Will Hunting was originally going to be called Good John Carmack, and feature Ferrari chases, swordfights, his juvenile criminal background, and possibly one of the greatest and most poignant stories of lost friendship (with co-star John Romero) in all of cinematic history.  

As well as one kick-ass NIN soundtrack

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Id Software originally planned to release 64 sequels to Doom (which Sandy Petersen didn't like very much). During the summer trip of '94, lying thru Michigan swamps, whick been took for speedrun purposes by Sandy's recommendation, developers been attacked by crazy local rednecks with chainguns. The whole team managed to leave the ambush, but all the master discs, which they been took with themself, were forever lost in this swampy fields. Rednecks tried to play around with their new treasure, but it's ended up badly - demons were called to the swamps. Later, partly based on this events, Team TNT released a wad called "The Plutonia Experiment". Leaving the lifeless swamps, one of the cyberdemons decided to take one disk with him as a trophy and with an idea in mind to sell it for huge amount of bucks later.

Few years passed away. The story been forgotten until... Until '97, when Doom 64 released. Few people know, but the same cyberdemon manager to complete his evil plan by selling the only remaining master disk to company called Midway. He not only obtained what he wished, but also gave the developers a note with concept sketches. This is why Doom 64 looks so scary and different in compare to original titles.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Each time, when someone publish another extra controversal (and funny) topic, such song starting to play somewhere, in secret a lair, known as "Doomworld's HQ" (this is why moderators doesn't miss any of those):


You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools
But that's the way I like it, baby, I don't wanna live forever
And don't forget the joker!

Pushing up the ante, I know you got to see me
Read 'em and weep, the dead man's hand again
I see it in your eyes, take one look and die
The only thing you see, you know it's gonna be

The Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades

(directed by @Doomkid).

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Doom 64 was originally intended to be a colorful and family friendly third person platformer similar to Mario 64, and was originally going to be published by Sega for the Nintendo 64. However, realizing that Sega Saturn needed money to continue production, Sega eventually pulled the plug and let the project in utter disarray. That is, until Midway comes in to id's office and offering to publish and develop Doom 64.


Originally, Midway suggested that Doom 64 would be a 4 player fighting game, similar to Super Smash Bros that would be released 2 years later. However, most staff at id says that the idea sounds "really lame" and "minesweeper with cyberdemon's ass would unironically sold better than that lame ass concept of a game". So, Midway, came in with another idea, this time saying to make Doom 64 a fully 3D game similar to Quake. This idea was originally accepted, however, the dev quickly realize that they were making a game for a console with a 64 mb cartridge for storage. And then Midway came with another idea, this time suggesting that the game would be similar to previous Doom titles. One of Midway developer, Johnny Midway Games, says to id: "I mean after all, kids likes brutally saw a demon in half with a chainsaw with Nintendo 64™ three-leg-revolutionary-controller-with-analog-stick-with-a-dpad-that-serves-almost-absolutely-no-purpose-in-most-games-outside-of-menu™" This idea was quickly accepted, and the game was quickly being developed after the agreement.


Now you may say, "nice joke bustam, that's almost funny", I would correct that last sentence by saying that all of the information of this post (yes, all of it!) is factually correct and confirmed. Someone in 2006 actually emailed one of id staff, Adrian Carmack to confirm about this whole information.



Edited by lokbustam257

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When he was seven years old, John Carmack was in a hotel building with his parents waiting in the reception area. He walked up to the elevator and poked the left side of the wall opposite of the control panel. To his surprise, the elevator made a loud 'ding' and descended back to the ground floor. Unable to explain this phenomena, Carmack assumed that intractable switches and buttons simply had infinite height and that he had pressed the button inside the elevator from below. This is the reason why the original Doom allowed you to press buttons from any height.

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Boom based ports have a bug where if you try to summon TNT, an unused Doom item with object with Sprite TNT Frame 1 Rotation 0, the game will not render it and the object will immediately cease to exist.

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When John Carmack was testing out his VR headset, he told the following famous words right after taking off the headset to everyone who happened to be present.



Edited by OniriA

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Xaser accidentally downloaded a virus that, while he's away from the computer, will comment "you know you don't have to limit yourself to 32 maps if you use UMAPINFO, right?" under community project threads.

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