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My thoughts on Doom 3 multiplayer!


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Its has come to my attention, and many of you others I’m sure that Doom 3 will only have 4 player multiplayer and no co-op. While a lot of people complain about the limit of players at once, I can’t help but laugh, the rants are coming from people that played old school doom (like myself) with only 4 players at once. If you ask me, I think its doom’s style, and this is what makes it original. Although the lack of co-op pisses me off, its nothing I can’t stick it out for, a mod will come along (al-la Half-Life).

But what makes me even more pissed off about these rants is the fact that doom was memorable for its single player game just as much as it’s multiplayer. And if you haven’t paid attention to what iD has been doing while busting their ass’s on this single player revolution…then you’re a fool. I mean come the hell on, iD just got done with quake 3 arena, you think they’re going to go straight into multiplayer again, if they did I bet people would be bitching about the lack of a single player game.

Plus doom 3 will have more then enough support for anyone making a mod. And iD said something about the possibility of a mission pack, who knows. But if people are going to be so upset for lack of multiplayer when the single player game based on the power of the engine psyichs producing ground braking game play elements and the best graphics a game will have for years…then stick with doom legacy.

But it is also to early to tell what the multiplayer experience will be like, don’t judge the game till it is released. He it could be worse, it could have taken them 5 years of creating and it still isn’t finished like one game that shall remain nameless (Duke Nukem Forever, John Remero’s feel good hit of 2012).

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Perforator said:

Perforator's rant

Damn straight - I'm tired of these whiners bitching about the mp in Doom 3. Go play Q3A, UT or another of these boring non-coop mp only games.
Anyone who bitches about the Doom 3 deathmatch not having more than 4 players or similar complaints from now on will get banned
J/k, I can't ban people.

About Co-op, yup it's sad that id didn't drop dm and focussed on coop instead, but it's their decision and hey, maybe someone would add coop in a mod or, even better, a mission/expansion pack is made which upgrades Doom 3 with coop.

Personally, I think it'd be cool if after Doom 3 they did a mission pack with main focus on co-operative play.

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DOOM 3 WILL ALLOW FOR MORE THAN 4 PLAYERS DAMMIT!!!!!!!!! they said the MAPS that ship will not support more

that said, engine modifications are much more than what a mod could do, if the ENGINE was limited to only 4 players there would be no way to fix it, and it would be pretty damn stupid.

fortunatley thats not the case

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Actually, I think that id definitly will create an add-on thing for Coop. Even though it's our loyal id, it's still about the money. Think about how much more money they'll get if everyone likes coop, and they have to spend extra for it.

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Xian said:

that said, engine modifications are much more than what a mod could do, if the ENGINE was limited to only 4 players there would be no way to fix it, [/B]

For on in response to "there would be no way to fix it." They could recode part of the engine if they were talented enough, I mean look at all the modes that have "Doom Legacy, Quake 3 Generations". There is even modes for quake 2 and 3 that alow 64 player deathmatch. And iD also announced that as of now "which was about a week ago" there will only be 4 play death match, john carmack said this himself. He said do to limitations of the engine (because how bad ass the graphics are) that would be about as many as possible. They also said they would only be able to put about 4 to 5 characterson screen at once without making for some major frame dropping.

iD did say they would have maps that support more then 4 players, but bassed on what john carmack has been saying lately, no one has any clue. But iD really hasn't even started the multiplayer part of the game yet, so its pretty unfair to say what will happen. If anything I think it will at least support up to 8 to 16 player multiplayer. But then again who knows...we do know when this thing gets on xbox that it wont support more then 4 play multiplayer, because xbox is a 733 mhz pentium III with geforce 2 tech...It suprisses me that is even bothering with consoles, but I own an xbox so I'm not complaining.

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4 player limit and P2P is great as long as it's executed really well. I am hoping for some really slow-paced, very tactical DM style.

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Erik said:

4 player limit and P2P is great as long as it's executed really well. I am hoping for some really slow-paced, very tactical DM style.

Yeah, that could be great for a change instead of the ol' tried and true "run-brainlessly-around-and-gun-down-everything-that-moves" - not that the old type was bad, but a new type of dm would be great imo.

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Personally, I can't help but to think that Halo really knew what it was doing. There was a lot of tactics involved because of the size and shape of the environment, and the different objects at ones command. Snipers are dangerous, until they're spotted. Then a good player can move up in a certain fashion and take out the pesky bugger. People in vehicles have bigger weapons, but make bigger targets. Weapons have their own advantages, and the game has many cliffs, bridges, and other such places where you will have to look up and down for your opponent. Doom should be like this, but with a Doom feel I guess. I like Coop better in any case, but I'll take what I can get.

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Hey, Performator? You REALLY want Doom-style Co-Op with pretty graphics?

Go buy Serious Sam! Leave the single player stuff to Doom 3!

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Trasher][ said:
Hey, Performator? You REALLY want Doom-style Co-Op with pretty graphics?

Go buy Serious Sam! Leave the single player stuff to Doom 3!

Serious Sam? Pfft, it doesn't even get close to the true coop feel of Doom.
Actually, I could easily imagine a very moody coop mode for Doom 3 - you don't move around as fast and generally, you and your buddies have to move ahead with greater caution instead of just running in guns-a'-blazin' like most of the cases in the old Doom.
Unfortunately, there won't be coop :-(

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Perforator said:

For on in response to "there would be no way to fix it." They could recode part of the engine if they were talented enough, I mean look at all the modes that have "Doom Legacy, Quake 3 Generations". There is even modes for quake 2 and 3 that alow 64 player deathmatch. And iD also announced that as of now "which was about a week ago" there will only be 4 play death match, john carmack said this himself. He said do to limitations of the engine (because how bad ass the graphics are) that would be about as many as possible. They also said they would only be able to put about 4 to 5 characterson screen at once without making for some major frame dropping.
no your wrong about almost everything you said. Doom Legacy was CREATED WITH FUCKING SOURCECODE, IT IS NOT JUST A MOD!!!!!!!! Quake 2 and 3 have had 64PLUS capabilities AT THEIR RELEASE, IT IS NOT A EVEN A MOD!!! Johyn carmack said that the MAPS that ship with teh game will only be for 4 players, and that the engine at this time has trouble with more than 4 characters on screen - a problem that goes away with technology quickly, as computers get faster. duh.
iD did say they would have maps that support more then 4 players, but bassed on what john carmack has been saying lately, no one has any clue. But iD really hasn't even started the multiplayer part of the game yet, so its pretty unfair to say what will happen.

THER WILL NOT BE A MULTIPLAYER SPECIFIC PART OF THE GAME. the mp maps will most likely be single player maps chopped up into small peices, just like quake 2, with very few mp specific maps if AT ALL>

you apparently dont understand the difference between modifications to an open engine and open sourcecode. You cant modify an engine without the sourcecode, im sorry you just cant. It surprises me that people think id software is actuallly stupid enough to drop support for more than 4 players. I mean, i would be insulted if i worked there.

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