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Oddball theory on the Marauder and Doomslayer

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So, I had an odd thought  regarding the Marauder and, in general, Doomslayer's apparent immortality. I apologize if this is redundant and has already been proposed... 


Anyhow, I've seen a few theories positing that the Marauders are former slayers who fell in battle. This seems entirely plausible, but the big key here is that Hell apparently cannot "kill" the Slayer. We know he can be physically blown up, shot up, stabbed and otherwise curb-stomped, but for whatever reason, he seems to just keep coming back. The extra lives power up in the levels may even be an in-universe representation of this fact for all we know (over reading, I know...), but either way, we get that Doomslayer cannot be permanently killed. Thus, Hell had to simply lock him in  a box so he would stop respawning. 


But what happens to all the corpses that get left behind when he does get taken down? Again, we know he's mortal insofar as being capable of bleeding and at least momentarily dying, we know that he leaves stuff behind when he does.... 


So rather than the Marauder being "previous slayers", what if they are, in fact.... you? Your corpses from failed battles once upon  a time? 


Another reason why I'm starting to suspect this is the Marauder's weapon choice; sawed off shotgun. Literally NOTHING else in Doom, in ANY Doom, has used that specific weapon besides Doomguy/ Doomslayer. It's technology is not seen anywhere outside of former human hands or UAC bases, there's no indication of such firearms being on any of the cyborg demons or pure fiends... so why would an ancient slayer of aeons past have it out of nowhere if it had nothing to do with this current slayer? 


So. What do you all think? Could the Marauder be the consequence of all those times you did actually get shot down? Does the Doomslayer's immortality come with the consequence that every time he dies, Hell gets a hit-man? Or could the Marauder be some kind of sick experiment the Archviles ran on Doomslayer as he slept in the crypt?  

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Probably nothing so complex as that.


I’m guessing that he’s the Betrayer based off of the Argent script on his armor and the symbol that bears a striking resemblance to the Mark of the Slayer, which could easily make him a former member of the Night Sentinels rather than a death clone or something.


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11 hours ago, Taurus Daggerknight said:

What do you all think? Could the Marauder be the consequence of all those times you did actually get shot down? 

I like your theory, except for the last paragraph. 

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I have some theories about the Marauder (because I'm very Doom religious), Here we go:


1) He might be the Wretched Betrayer's son resurrected by the Demons. According to the lore: Betrayer (Betruger) got his son again into a demonic form, so he might be still human but corrupted.

He can't be the Icon of Sin as others say because the Bukavac (Icon of Sin) is sleeping. What we know about the IOS is that he absorbed the Argent D'Nur realm into Hell (in a similar way he did in Doom2 when demons awoke the IOS) in the first age. Who knows, people can be right!!!


2)From another Doom universe: he carries the Super Shotgun and died in Hell battling the Maledict (Betruger). Now the Marauder is a nod/reference to the Doom3 ROE Marine now being a former Night Sentinel corrupted by Hellish forces in this new timeline (Doom 2016) and you must fight him.

Why ROE Marine?? Simply as shown here: (You "Doomguy"=Classic Doom 1993-1997'excluding Master Levels in lore context', Doom3, DoomRPG and Doom 2016) and others protagonists: (ROE Marine, Resurrection Marine, Lost Missions Marine, Stan Blazkowicz(Doom 2 RPG) and Dr. Peters(Doom VFR) but these other protagonists are You as well, but not the main you.


3) He is a corrupted You as you already stated in your theory. It might be that the Doom Slayer could have died and something or someone could have resurrected him and it might have used Doom Slayer essence to create his Nemesis: the Marauder. Who knows??


I must confess this, call me crazy but when I first saw the Marauder in Quakecon Live Stream, it reminded me of one of my ideas for an upcoming project where you must kill an "Evil" you, idea I planned in 2008


Now this battle might be the main You: "Doomguy/Slayer" vs The Marauder "the other You"


Edited by Gerardo194

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How do you place Doom 3 in the timeline? I've always tried to put it alongside the other games lore-wise but I could never find a way to place it's story in the "canon".

Edited by caikelm

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11 hours ago, Gerardo194 said:

I have some theories about the Marauder (because I'm very Doom religious), Here we go:


1) He might be the Wretched Betrayer's son resurrected by the Demons. According to the lore: Betrayer (Betruger) got his son again into a demonic form, so he might be still human but corrupted.

He can't be the Icon of Sin as others say because the Bukavac (Icon of Sin) is sleeping. What we know about the IOS is that he absorbed the Argent D'Nur realm into Hell (in a similar way he did in Doom2 when demons awoke the IOS) in the first age. Who knows, people can be right!!!


2)From another Doom universe: he carries the Super Shotgun and died in Hell battling the Maledict (Betruger). Now the Marauder is a nod/reference to the Doom3 ROE Marine now being a former Night Sentinel corrupted by Hellish forces in this new timeline (Doom 2016) and you must fight him.

Why ROE Marine?? Simply as shown here: (You "Doomguy"=Classic Doom 1993-1997'excluding Master Levels in lore context', Doom3, DoomRPG and Doom 2016) and others protagonists: (ROE Marine, Resurrection Marine, Lost Missions Marine, Stan Blazkowicz(Doom 2 RPG) and Dr. Peters(Doom VFR) but these other protagonists are You as well, but not the main you.


11 hours ago, Gerardo194 said:

I must confess this, call me crazy but when I first saw the Marauder in Quakecon Live Stream, it reminded me of one of my ideas for an upcoming project where you must kill an "Evil" you, idea I planned in 2008




I always assumed the Betrayer's son was ressurected as the Icon of Sin, who then got beaten into a coma more or less? Might have misread it then... 

Actually, it's interesting you mention Betruger himself, as I never really did factor him into stuff. Curious connection you draw there, suggesting the presence of a son that made him turn! I admit I'm sceptical, given that the Betrayer sounded like he was a Night Sentinel, but interesting possibility none the less. 


Far as other marines go, I was under the impression that DG was the only 'human' to have become a Night Sentinel himself. I sort of figured that the other characters who faced hell in the series were just that; other people. 


9 hours ago, caikelm said:

How do you place Doom 3 in the timeline? I've always tried to put it alongside the other games lore-wise but I could never find a way to place it's story in the "canon".


It is a bit of a hard one, given that Doom 3 was explicitly released as a hard-reboot. Barring that one Martian tablet that depicted a tribute to the original cover art, there isn't a whole lot in it that even tries to connect to prior entries. The only way I think it can seriously fit in with all the others is if we count it as an alternate dimension/ timeline. 


One possibility though (and this requires tons of retconning) is if we simply place Doom 3 on Phobos rather than Mars, and assume the Doom 3 marine is -not- Doomguy/ Doomslayer. If we figure that the Doom 3 marine is just some guy in the base as per Doom 3's campaign, then we can figure that Doomguy as we know him came in as he did in the originals; part of the response team dispatched to check on the base after it went dark. In that case, we can maybe say that the marines who 'rescue' the marine in Doom 3's end are the guys who get smashed up before Doomguy/ Slayer gets bored of waiting outside and goes on in.... 


Following that, it goes as per the originals I suppose; Doomguy kicks ass, gets zapped to Deimos, kicks more ass, then goes to Earth. Let's also assume that his time in Hell ends up being longer than he thinks, and that in the mean time Resurrection of Evil takes place. After all that, Doom 2 happens, then Plutonia, and finally Doom 64, which then leads to 2016.   


Lot of mental gymnastics to make it work, but that's my two cents on "how".

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7 hours ago, Gerardo194 said:

me or @Taurus Daggerknight ??


You both lol


3 hours ago, Taurus Daggerknight said:

One possibility though (and this requires tons of retconning) is if we simply place Doom 3 on Phobos rather than Mars, and assume the Doom 3 marine is -not- Doomguy/ Doomslayer. If we figure that the Doom 3 marine is just some guy in the base as per Doom 3's campaign, then we can figure that Doomguy as we know him came in as he did in the originals; part of the response team dispatched to check on the base after it went dark. In that case, we can maybe say that the marines who 'rescue' the marine in Doom 3's end are the guys who get smashed up before Doomguy/ Slayer gets bored of waiting outside and goes on in.... 


That's really neat. I really hope the plot of the new Doom movie goes in a similar way.

Well, I guess placing Doom 3 in the timeline is harder than I thought. I wish it was like Final Doom or Doom 64 that can easily be placed and removed from the canon with little to no difference.

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I remember the codex or testaments saying that the Slayer/Doomguy is incorruptible and a tweet from the official Doom twitter refering to Marauder as "corrupt".

I'd imagine the Marauder either being a rival that could be a recurring boss or even an enemy that is meant to mirror how the player plays, to make him stand out compared to other enemies.

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3 minutes ago, whatup876 said:

I remember the codex or testaments saying that the Slayer/Doomguy is incorruptible and a tweet from the official Doom twitter refering to Marauder as "corrupt".

I'd imagine the Marauder either being a rival that could be a recurring boss or even an enemy that is meant to mirror how the player plays, to make him stand out compared to other enemies.

Well, Doom Slayer might be incorruptable, but my point is still that no one said anything about his corpse :P .

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@caikelm My Doom canon goes like this, read carefully:


Original timeline: (First Generation)



Ultimate Doom->Doom2               ->Doom64 = Original Doom Marine, You.



You "Doom Marine" got to Mars, home of the UAC as a punishment for having assaulted your superior officer. Now you are working for the UAC as a janitor but then an emergency occured and you and your buddies (the only combat troop) were sent up to Phobos and you, only you were at the Doom's Gate. Upon killing Spider Mastermind in Hell, you realized she had sent its legions of Hell-Spawn before you reached Dis and now your next stop is Hell on Earth. You battle the demons and save humanity after closing the Hell-Hole in Earth by entering in it and killing its creator: the Icon of Sin, the only one able to open massive Hell Holes and sucking everything into Hell (this could explain why there are some Earth buildings in Hell). You save the Earth and now it must be rebuilt after killing all of the remaining demons in No Rest For The Living.

In Final Doom Episode: you could consider playing TNT first and then Plutonia or you can also consider them as two separated timelines, you choose your destiny:

After having beaten the icon of Sin and its minions, the UAC was worried about another Hellish invasion and then decided to move to another place in the galaxy: Io, Jupiter's moon and then, UAC soldiers became warriors that were fighting Hell every time  demons teleported themselves in our dimension as you became their Master. But later Hell sent its Space ship to invade Io, only you survived this invasion and you decide to revenge your fallen soldiers. You find another Hell Hole in Io and you reached Hell going through it and then you beat the Demon-Spitter (another Icon of Sin). You are back on Earth and the UAC and governments took steps to prevent another Demon invasion, but this time they built an interesting actifact called the "Quantum Accelerator" a device able to close Demon portals instantly but Hell was even smarter: It sent its legions to take the Quantum Accelerator and its prototypes and Hell started to used them to change our reality and thus creating alternated dimensions were you travelled to fight Hell and defeating the Gatekeeper (another Icon of Sin). You thought you were finally done even you thought telling your grandkids to put a rocket launcher in your coffin if you go to Hell when you die but...You were wrong...absolutely wrong...The Mother Demon, a demon that is from higher Hellish dimensions have come to resurrect all of the Demons you killed once and even those located in Phobos. You were re-assigned to a new mission: Go back to Phobos and kill them all. You never thought you were going back to Phobos again, it was just like story was repeating again. The first time you fought Hellish forces you were too tough to be contained in Hell but this time...You were finally contained in Hell. All Hell wanted is You. Your Doom. The End.



Second timeline: (Second Generation)


                         ->TNT                                                                                 -> Resurrection/Lost Missions= Bravo Team Guy

Doom3->Doom2               ->Doom64 = Original Doom Marine, You.      Doom3

                         ->plutonia                                                                           ->Resurrection of Evil= Marine Combat Engineering Guy. Two years later.


You "Doom Marine" were sent to Mars, home of the UAC in order to replace a lost marine. Your first mission was finding Dr. Jonathan Ishii that wanted to alert Earth about the diabolical things happening on Mars but a Hell invasion occured and you were there to tell it. You were battling Hellish forces in the base until you received orders from Sargent Kelly to alert the Fleet but UAC admin Elliot Swann ordered you not to do it (if you do. you have alerted the Fleet to come and demons will take their ships to bring this Hell to Earth. If you don't, Betruger will do it himself and demons will take their ships to bright this Hell to Earth,hahahahaha) Later you realized Betruger is the one behind the invasion and he the Mastermind for the forces of Hell. Once you get Hell and defeating the Guardian, you gloat over its steaming corpse and you were able to recover the Soul Cube from the stinking claws of Hell. Now you are back on Mars and you must defeat Sabaoth, the demonic form of Sargeant Kelly, once you kill him you reached Site 3: (in this part Doom3 became a different story with these mysterious tablets where the fourth tablet shows a man that looks like you, wear the same armor like you and also carries the Soul Cube, just like you. here you realize you are seeing your future written in the past, a past you have never seen or been before. Your future has been revealed to you by other you in the past. Now you are on the final level of Doom 3 and you see a sarcophagus in the Chamber's Hero. You are the one who is looking at that sarcophagus and the one who's inside that sarcophagus; Cyberdemon awaits for you and you were able to kill him with the help of the Praeleanthor (the Soul Cube)

Betruger realized you were too tough to contain and now he plays fair--for you having closing the Hell-Hole and stopping the invasion to rest for 3 days until the Supply ship entered the base and found you safe and sound. You save the Mars base by killing and killing and killing. What they don't say when you reach Earch is that you were the only survivor. Little you know that the Fleet reached Mars after the alert message and were killed by the Demons, including the Resurrection/Lost missions Bravoguy (Doom3 Resurrection for Ipod and Lost Missions episodes. Lost missions mirrors the events present in Doom3 Resurrection) and demons took their ships. Next stop: Hell on Earth.


Two years later: Resurrection of Evil. (it might break the canon)


Second alternate timeline: (Second Generation)



Doom RPG->Doom2               ->Doom64 = Original Doom Marine, You.      Doom2 RPG = Stan Blazkowicz and friends. One year later.



You "Doom Marine" got sent to Mars in order to fight a demonic invasion in the UAC. A scientist said: "We're Doomed" upon seeing you were the only one sent to fight the demons, but he was wrong... you made your way out through the base and realized the UAC admins are behind this or may even be possesed by something. You are helped by Dr. Kelvin and Dr.Jenkins to find out who is the responsible to activate the Reactor Core and thus freeing the demons from their prison, it was nobody else that Dr. Guerard also known as Kronos, a scientist that was fired upon travelling to another Dimension and fusing human technology with demon flesh to create a super weapon (Cyberdemon) but he is back and you fought Kronos in his true form: A demonic creature that belongs to higher Hellish Dimensions with extreme power and being the Mastermind of demons. You kill him and you also destroy his power couplings that were having the portal active. Once you destroyed them, a creature managed to go through: the Cyberdemon! An evil being that was searching for you to get his revenge of what your ancestor did in the past. But you were too tough to be defeated and the Cyberdemon died first. You save the Mars base by killing and killing and killing and now you are making your way home. What they don't say about you is that you were the only survivor. Next stop: Hell on Earth.


One year later, some marine detachment were sent to Mars to see what happened there, but they did't get any results. They thought that some kind of explotion or pandemia affected the base. Once they were heading to Earth, they receive a distress call from the Moon base that something evil started to appear in the base. They battled the invasors only to realize UAC bases on Earth were invaded as well. Now Stan Blazkowicz, Kira Morgan and Riley O'connor must stop this Hell on Earth in Doom2 RPG (it might break the canon).


Third timeline: (Third Generation)


First timeline->Doom2016->Doom Eternal

Second timeline->Doom2016->Doom Eternal

Second Alternate timeline->Doom2016->Doom Eternal


You can find many references to these timelines in Doom 2016.

You "Doom Marine" found yourself in Site 3 base on Mars, home of the UAC, inside a sarcophagus awaking after a voice in your mind spoked to you. It seems you don't know what you are doing here but you know where you are in. You grab your gear, now your ready for combat. Then you met Dr.Samuel Hayden that want to make a deal with you but you refuse to hear him. You already have a mission in your mind: Get out of here and destroy the demon invasion, it looks like easy task but not at all. Samuel Hayden is telling you what to do and what don't with his Argent Energy. You later meet Dr. Olivia Pierce, leader of the cult under the Dark Lords and Mastermind of the Hellish invasion. Her dark intentions: Awaking the Bukavac, The Icon of Sin.

You travel through Hell and you hear stories, tales about you and your greatness but you can remember at all. You have some memories but they don't help too much, the tales say You wore the Crown of the Night Sentinels, something you can not remember exactly. They also tell that the Seraphim helped you in your crusade and He gave you more power and speed not like before and also you were able to kill the Titan: lord of the Shadows and with his defeat all Shadow Hordes were defeated, they also tell you found the Wretched Betrayer whose name mustn't be named and he with his heresy gave you a powerful armor capable of absorbing your enemies' power and he also gave you a shield and a sword to kill all the demons, but some priests were smarter than you thought and they put a trap to you and you failed with your mission. They finally could contain you in Hell despite you were too tough at first. It was your Doom...But you can't remember those acts exactly, you guess you need an anwser but you must continue with your mission. Now you have to beat the Cyberdemon, Lord of the Shadows (he is waiting for you) and get the Crucible from Hell Guardians claws and go after Olivia Pierce that is located in the Realm of Gods: Argent D'Nur. Once you get there, you must stop the well by stopping the Argent Energy coming out from the Wraits: Elemental beings from Argent D'Nur. And then, your Final confrontation with the terrible beast from Hell: Spider Mastermind, Arachnea Imperatrix, Goddess of the Fourth Age. And the loathsome Olivia Pierce turned into Spider Demon that masterminded the Mars base invasion and caused soo much death has had her ass kicked for all time. you were too tough to contain and at least Hell plays fair--Now you have completed your mission and Samuel Hayden congratulate you but under a cost: VEGA and Argent. Samuel is not going to kill you and he grabbed the Crucible from your hands, It seems he doesn't need you for this time and is going teleport you to you don't know where... Now you wonder where Samuel Hayden is going to send you after battling the evil unleashed, it could be good thing that no Hell Spawn could have teleported with you...



1)You are located in Site 3. Site 3 is a level in Doom 3 that changed story drasticaly by keeping the tablets that tell a story of war with impossible acts.

2)You were in a sarcophagus. in Doom 3 you saw your sarcophagus in the final level. Sarcophagus were the Doom franchise itself was slept until May !3th 2016.

3)Olivia Pierce, similar character to Dr. Betruger and Dr. Guerard.

4)The First Age, the First Battle, Age of Ascension for Hell after absorbing Argent D'Nur. Another unseen episode just like Doom 3's tablets. Your future written in the past. A reference to Original Doom release.

5) the Seraphim might be the Soul Cube. It also might be a reference to an Id member with lastname Serafín

6)the battle against the Titan. Some people say the Titan is the big skull presented in Titan's Realm but the skull is everywhere. To me, after reading many times: in the Third Age, there was a war in Titan's realm between the Lord of Shadows and Doom Slayer and the Lord of the Shadows fell in Doom Slayer's hands. This Titan was later found by the UAC and with it created the Cyberdemon. A reference to Doom RPG and Wolfenstein RPG. The latter showed a reference when you fought the Cyberdemon for the very first time in Doom. It also happened in Doom3 and Doom RPG.

7)the Wretched Betrayer: its name is a reference to Dr.Betruger, the one who betrayed the UAC and open the portal to Hell. Note: Betrüger doesn't mean Betrayer.

8)Contained in Hell in a sarcophagus forever: In Doom, you were too tough for Hell to be contained but in Doom64 you decided to remain in Hell to prevent demons rising again. But you never thought Hell won, Hell finally contain you. in Doom 3 we were too tough as well to be contained but we were already contained in a sarcophagus as the Hero (reference to our past live in the original Doom as players). Sadly Id stopped making Doom games for a long time and Doom was also sealed in a sarcophagus but not forever: Doom was out in Doom 2016 again with success. 

9)Mother Demon, Cherub, Kronos and Wraiths from Doom2016 are related, just look at their designs.

When you deactivate the Argent Energy from the Wraiths, is a reference to Doom RPG: "Sever the arteries to silence the Mouth of Evil"


@Taurus Daggerknight who knows, you might be right about Doom Slayer's corpse. If you were only a human, how did you manage to reach the Realm of Gods: Argent D'Nur?? You might be converted into a god or demigod and possibly your former corpse or essence was used to create the Marauder.

Edited by Gerardo194

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I like the idea of the Marauder(s) being the non-canon/semi-canon Doomguys a lot.  If there is only one, it would make sense for him to be the ROEguy, as he seemed to be the most corruptible. Plus he had that demonic artifact. That can't be good.

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@Gerardo194 How long did it take for you to put all this together? This is massive! I just love all those puns lol.


I think I'll stick to the first timeline. It's the most similar to the one I had in mind before.

Sadly I've never played Doom 2016 cause my PC can't handle it so I've only seen videos and read about it. I would really like to see myself all those references to the past timelines. Do you have a link to somewhere I can read about the lore and everything that has something to do it?Has anyone documented all those testaments, codex entries and stuff? I would spend hours reading that. Also I didn't know there was more than one "Titan" skull in Titan's Realm.

Imagine if a new Doom Bible was written containing all this and explaining all the timeline like Nintendo did with Zelda. That would be soooo sick.


Oh, and where did you get those names for the demons? (wtf is a Bukavac)

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@caikelm it took me 3 hours to type everything.

You can choose your favorite timeline. You are the protagonist. These timelines are all connected in Doom 2016 in references. Play the games and read its manuals to find the references, the game itself tells you the story. 

The time will get to you when you can play Doom 2016, I play it in ps4.

Here's a link : hope it helps you: https://doom.fandom.com/wiki/Codex

I will try to search for more info and send it via PM to you when I can.

Yes, there are many Titans skulls around the game levels in Hell.

There's a codex log about The Necropolis level and it reads : "Rest is.important if you are to be a productive advocate. However, down time does not need to be wasted time. When not working on the Lazarus project, take some time to think about what comes after we open the gates. Where does this devotion and hard work lead? Why are we doing this?

To answer that, you must picture yourself transported to the wide open Umbral Plains, or the steps of the great cathedrals of Argent D' Nur, or the glassy shores of the Lake of Fire. Imagine yourself worshipping before the Icon of Sin, in awe of its splendor even as it sleeps till the Call of Ages comes. Envision chanting the names of dark lords in the correct order, empowering them with your rote learning. Fantasize about how it will feel to sense the caress of the Bukavac as it rises from the blood pools of Angrax and strangles the life out of you.

Now you can return to work advocate, for now you know why we do this "

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Not to be overly critical or anything, but the grammatical construction of that paragraph most naturally implies that a bukavac is something entirely different than the Icon of Sin. Each of those sentences is evoking a different, unrelated image - not equating all of them as one possible experience to be had, but listing a set of alternatives.


According to Wikipedia:


Bukavac (Serbo-Croatian pronunciation: [bǔːkaʋat͡s]) is a demonic mythical creature in Slavic mythology.[1] Belief in it existed in Srem.[2]

Bukavac was sometimes imagined as a six-legged monster with gnarled horns.[2] It lives in lakes and pools, coming out of the water during the night to make a loud noise (hence the name: buka – noise),it would jump onto people and animals, and strangle them.[2]


Edited by Quasar

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I know! That sounds like poetry, and I imagine myself having those experiences written in the log. I always imagine the Icon of Sin being something different and even more awful than the rest of the demons and the description you just gave me about the bukavac is amazing. Thank you @Quasar

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You know how Doomguy gets ambushed at the end of Knee Deep in the Dead?


If the common theory that he died but got resurrected is true, I wonder if they're going to retcon it so it's related somehow to Doomguy's supposed immortality.


It's pretty far-fetched, but it would be kinda cool.

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Since the Maruader is expected to be a rival character for Doomguy, i wonder how he will play.

Maybe his boss fight would be something like Quake 3's single player fights, were you're in some arena fighting a character that plays like you.

I also wonder if he could be a recurring boss throughout the game.

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On 3/15/2019 at 8:38 PM, caikelm said:

How do you place Doom 3 in the timeline? I've always tried to put it alongside the other games lore-wise but I could never find a way to place it's story in the "canon".


I always assumed Doom 4's protagonist is the same guy from Doom 2. Doom 3 is a prequel to Doom when it all started.


Doom 3

Doom 1

Doom 2

No Rest for the Living



Doom 64

Doom 4


I've studied the lore far too much for everything except Doom 4. If memory serves me UAC is supposed to have facilities on Mars, Phobos and Diemos as of last year. This is the year that Doomguy 1 will get sent to Mars.

Edited by geo

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50 minutes ago, geo said:

Doom 3

Doom 1

Doom 2

No Rest for the Living



Doom 64

Doom 4

Since a multiverse is hinted at in Doom 4, I think it’s easier to have it exactly like this, but with Doom 3 in it’s own separate timeline (but still connected through the multiverse), as there just isn’t enough info to connect it to the original timeline.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What if the marauder is used by invaders who are really high quality players basically fulfilling the evil doom guy thing but also making them as formidable as you’d expect (multiplayer real enemy versus AI)


I guess that only works while the game is played by people consistently 

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On 3/19/2019 at 9:55 AM, Ramiel said:

Since a multiverse is hinted at in Doom 4, I think it’s easier to have it exactly like this, but with Doom 3 in it’s own separate timeline (but still connected through the multiverse), as there just isn’t enough info to connect it to the original timeline.


And as long as there are multiple universes, one could even include stuff like the Doom/Wolfenstein RPG series as another of them. Though, those universes would have their own separate incarnation of the Doomguy apparently too. Not sure how that worked out :P


Heck, if you like, some of those parallel universes could even be schlock like the comic, the novels, and the movie ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doom Guy died after Doom

This is his decrepit corpse 

Doom Slayer is a preleanthor from Doom 3

His race is the progenitor to Humanity

He is a Demi God demon slaying beast mode herculean badass

Doom Guy tried his best he did not make it and from his hatred he turned into the marauder 

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15 hours ago, TidusDream12 said:

Doom Guy died after Doom

This is his decrepit corpse 

Doom Slayer is a preleanthor from Doom 3

His race is the progenitor to Humanity

He is a Demi God demon slaying beast mode herculean badass

Doom Guy tried his best he did not make it and from his hatred he turned into the marauder 

I mean, you still have how after he died in KDITD, he fought the Cyberdemon, Spider mastermind and the events of 2 and 64, where he presumably stayed in hell for an eternity.


This is how you can link Doomguy and Slayer:

* the Doom reboot as a whole is inspired by Doom related memes (rip and tear for example), so one they obviously took inspiration from is people making memes about Doomguy being the strongest video game character.

* you have their moral code as a whole and personality (beating up his boss for being told fo harm civilians, liking cute rabbits and avenging the death of daisy, staying in hell to make sure no demon would rise again/breaking uac properties out of anger and disrespecting their corpses, picking up cute dolls, backing up vega, not caring about those uac scientists/soldiers outside of the red key and a plasma rifle)

* Doom 64's existence and how it can be put between 1/2 and 2016

* Doom2016Codex.jpg

this image showing a drawing that kinda resembles the original cover (mostly those demons) while the nickname "Doom marine" is used.

* the Praetor suit has always been based off the Doom armor (or at least the Quake 3 Doom one), even with the covered arms and the amount of detail (and now the helmet's details are more "blatant" about the ones from the original helmet while the orange part in the torso could represent the abs)


* Speaking of Quake 3, they did mention that the slayer travelled between dimensions and we got how Doom and Quake share elements and features from one another.

* this one easter egg

* The arcade mode from Doom 2016 has an icon of Doomguy's face for when you get an extra life and it's kind of stylized


* Speaking of icons, Doomguy's active ability icon is based off his classic face, even with a different skin in Quake Champions.

* I think he had an icon of his face for a thing about him being a silent protagonist too, where his mouth is replaced with a zipper.

* Daisy's foot, a bunch of other easter eggs, details, fanservice about classic Doom etc

* The Slayer also happens to know how to use manmade weapons and understand english.


But knowing the Robocop inspiration, i imagine that at some point Doomguy died for something too big for him and the night sentinel or someone found him and "rebuilt" him as the Slayer, through magic and a new armor.

Edited by whatup876
grammar fix, bit more info

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