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Playstation Doom: The Vortex Catastrophe (Out Now!)

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But could it have run (sans stuff that's obviously out, like dynamic lights) on actual Playstation Doom? :P


The GEC project kind of has me feeling that while emulating the style is good, authenticity's sake should have maps trying to meet the same limits, too... but that's probably just me being nitpicky and wanting everyone to suffer like we have on that project.


I'll definitely give this a run though! 

Edited by Dark Pulse

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@Dark Pulse I have never made anything with GEC Doom before, but I would love to try it out! Most levels would work with a few tweaks here and there. So maybe I should try making it for PlayStation Doom.


After all, that is my favourite way to play Doom for PS1!

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1 hour ago, RockHardGamer 45 said:

@Dark Pulse I have never made anything with GEC Doom before, but I would love to try it out! Most levels would work with a few tweaks here and there. So maybe I should try making it for PlayStation Doom.


After all, that is my favourite way to play Doom for PS1!

I look forward to you torturing yourself with limits like 16 Flats, a limited amount of texture space, and limited VRAM limiting your monster types then. :) 


Erick hasn't released a full tool chain for that sort of stuff yet, but you can definitely fire up the same tools we're using for the GEC project and begin porting your maps. :P

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I'm currently in like 50% of it and love it. Layout is really great, nothing extravaganza or some "hippie" shapes just old schoolish layout that is nicely crafted together and give fair amount of fun and i love it. Ammo placement feel good, you have good ammount of ammo which is nicely balanced and you never run out of it which is something i apprecieted a lot. The gameplay itself feel like is balanced more for the easy side which is good for me since is more relaxed like yet few more thougher monsters to some places will be only for good but that's only my feel. And of course the lighting and atmosphere which is the strongest side of this wad, very enjoyable for me. Overall i deffinitely in future going to play this more than once.

Edited by Marlamir

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Blitzed through the first map last night to test it out. The lighting and use of color looks like it's taken a big step up from FoT. Very cool.

Edited by Salt-Man Z

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Played for 77 minutes tonight and got through MAP07, including the secret map. (GZDoom/UV/continuous, and so far at least, no saves.) Awesome stuff, as usual. If I had a complaint, it'd only be that the lift down to the exit area of MAP06 is not repeatable, so if you missed a secret or something earlier you'd be out of luck. (I was fortunate enough to have found already everything, though I had wanted to go back up and refill my health and ammo.)

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Just finished this, great stuff! The last level might be one of my favorite FoT maps, though I wish it had been even more expansive (maybe not realistic for a PSX project?) Really looking forward to FoT2, thanks!

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After seeing this thread I decided to check out FoT. To be frank, I found it boring. Overall it was too easy and the lack of traps and general interesting fights killed it for me.


This wad however seems like a 180. Higher difficulty and traps a plenty. I liked it.

Edited by Bryan T

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@Bryan T Yeah I agree with your points. This was my first megawad, it is far from perfect. Of course you need to have the "love for PlayStation" to enjoy the style of the maps as well.


Also, I am glad you didn't find it to difficult. Perhaps you didn't plays the later levels (Like levels 25- 30 if you want a good challenge).


Glad you liked this wad. It was made directly after this was, but I definitely think it can be considered shorter and sweeter compared to Fall of Triton.


Thanks for the feedback and honest words!



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this new mapset is really a huge improvement from fall of triton , why don't you take a revision of that mapset too?

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4 hours ago, elden4 said:

this new mapset is really a huge improvement from fall of triton , why don't you take a revision of that mapset too?


Well ( ;

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  • 11 months later...

If Fall of Triton was far from perfect. I can't imagine your idea of perfect wad. 


Awesome work man, PSX Doom was the first version that I played 

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