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Looking for exotic/egyptian styled midi

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I currently making (well trying at least heh) couple of egyptian styled maps and since hexen 2 is the only game i know that have few egypt midis i woudl want it to ask if there is someone who could suggest me some exotic/egypt themed midi or something that would fit and i can use it. Thank you in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh, Powerslave/Exhumed is an entire Build engine game set in Ancient Egypt ruins, with fitting soundtrack. And Serious Sam First Encounter, also set in Egypt, doesn't use midis, but soundtrack might still be useful - and both games can be helpful both as inspiration and texture source.

I also found this site - http://www.egyptianobsession.com/egyptian_themed_music.html - which lets you download some free Egyptian-themed Midis for non-commercial use.

I hope that helps!

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A lot of stuff I write is in that scale, but I don’t really have any complete midis good to go for this right now.

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thank you shinol for the link. Anyway thanks for the replies guys but i think i will continue using the awesome soundtrack from powerslave, i 'm not sure if will find enough fitting midis.

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I have some experience making Egyptian style music. I would definitely be willing to write something for you if you're still looking. Here's a link to a mostly developed song of my own that is in the "Egyptian scale" (harmonic minor is it's real name): https://soundcloud.com/atf_music/shifting-sands

Let me know if you are still looking for music. You should be able to find my discord info on my profile here.


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@ATF_MaG the song sound really nice man , anyway i really appreciate that you are willing to help but since i have acces to some nice ogg music i will stay with them.

Have to find some use for the midi send by brassknight, really like it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Gez, i will take a look.


@ATF_MaG I think my last words was kinda shitty so let me try to write this better. I really do appreciete that you are willing to wrote something but im not really sure if its good idea to "eat" someone time for something im not sure i finish for limited time reason so i dont think i can take it.

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I found these on a MIDI website searching for "Arabic MIDI" and got a handful so I 7-zipped these up for you and seeing something in here may be of use.

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