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Best WADs for VR?

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I recommend this wad 10/10

Mix it with this mod for an ever better experience


Edited by Ancalagon

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What's your threshold for playing comfortably Doom in VR? Vanilla? TVR! and Rebirth would be around that level of intensity, even easier for the former.

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I guess I should have been more specific, apologies, basically I'm looking for older high-rated maps (no troll maps please)  that focus more on aesthetic and architecture but staying vanilla. 


I'm just running vanilla right now but might use the neural network upscaled textures. I'm running a mod that allows for motion control and room-scale movement. It has 3d models for weapons and allows you to shoot around corners, creep up on monsters and other things that can still be within the confines of the original game.  It's an interesting combination because the original doom was one of the first to really implement 3d movement and VR is the next step in that direction.

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1 hour ago, davidBraintree said:

I guess I should have been more specific, apologies, basically I'm looking for older high-rated maps (no troll maps please)  that focus more on aesthetic and architecture but staying vanilla. 


I'm just running vanilla right now but might use the neural network upscaled textures. I'm running a mod that allows for motion control and room-scale movement. It has 3d models for weapons and allows you to shoot around corners, creep up on monsters and other things that can still be within the confines of the original game.  It's an interesting combination because the original doom was one of the first to really implement 3d movement and VR is the next step in that direction.

Oh well, Alien Vendetta and Eternal Doom might be the things you are looking for. 

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