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The DWmegawad Club plays: Avactor & Deadly Standards

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E1M8: That was a big step up in difficulty compared to the rest of the wad, not I complain about this and it was nothing very hard before the last fight with the cyberdemons. Lots of bumpy floors in the first part were you have to find the 2 keys and the terrain doesn't favor the monsters. The trickiest moment was at the RK, due to being trapped in that dark and cramped cage. When you open the big door with the 2 keys if you stand on the left side the cracks on the floor and the steps prevent the monsters to climb so you can safely shoot while the horde clogged in the place keeps to infight. The barons aren't used as bosses here, that job is taken by 4 cybers that are paired with a swarm of cacos and lost souls in a rather limited space surrounded by damaging sectors. For sure it's different from the usual boss maps going for something more modern and slaughterish.


I enjoyed this Doom 1 episode. Not sure if the intention for this was to make something more inspired by E1, there were some nods to the E1 style here and there as well but this feels closer to E2 with the somehow slower gameplay and focus also on the atmosphere. Looking to play Deadly Standards 2 when it is ready.

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A lot of red walls and blinking panels with flesh is here. But the problem is that shotgunners hide well among all this diversity and it is sometimes difficult to determine where they are. I think that inviso-sphere would be most useful, but alas, it was not here. I'm glad I could find the blue armor secret, but before that, the barons pinned me in a tight place (behind bars).

I still not figured out how to get the soulsphere near the start.
Because of jumbled design, some switches are hard to see, as example red switch (I've even a bit lost for about minute).

The final area with cacos and cybers I like more even the previous parts of map, even it's to rough for my tastes. One of the cyberdemons falls to the lava and it brought me some inconvenience.
Seems that I leave one single imp at the lava, and finished with 99% of kills.

My opinion is the map was too big and ambitious for the whole episode. A slightly extended final part of this map would be quite enough.

Edited by riderr3

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E1M8: Obliterate Anomalies

97% kills, 2/8 secrets


Okay, this one I definitely remember playing before... now I wonder if I actually played this set before and completely forgot the other eight maps (unlikely) or someone said "hey check out E1M8 of this!" It looks really nice, though I think it does fall into that trap of being visually too busy, to the point where it even bleeds over into making some of the gameplay difficult (such as finding certain switches or not seeing enemies, etc.) I died more often failing the jump across the lowering rocks than anywhere else (mainly due to that last little bit that requires you to angle right, often into a cyberdemon). It's definitely a sharp uptick in difficulty and I can see that rubbing some people the wrong way, since the rest of the WAD (aside from maybe E1M2's health starvation) is pretty classically easy. Good map on its own though.

Edited by Magnusblitz

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5 hours ago, riderr3 said:

I still not figured out how to get the soulsphere near the start.
(I've even a One of the cyberdemons falls to the lava and it brought me some inconvenience.
Seems that I leave one single imp at the lava, and finished with 99% of kill

Which port were you playing in? Enemies are unable to fall off in complevel 3. And if you miss an Imp from one of the lowering islands, you should be able to find a spot to shoot him from above, or even jump in the lava to finish him off and teleport back up!

The Soulsphere at the start is lowered by a switch that's hinted at by the lone health bonus near it. I generally don't remove secret sectors or switches off the  automap, so those should be visible on any advanced port map for anyone needing additional hints.

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E1M8 - “Obliterate Anomalies” by Spectre01


What a map. Right off the bat there was so much to see - I can describe the design choices only as wacky, but wacky in a good way. It manages to be both visually appealing and disorientating.


I really liked that initial room and the gradual progression from each side - Accidentally discovering you could raise up the acid was incredibly helpful too. The red key side wasn't intuitive for me, but I'm also a bit clueless sometimes.


The outside area was also very visually striking - There were some odd effects depending where you went.




The final fight was tough, but not too tough. Once I realised the BFG was in the middle that is. However, I'm fresh off Avactor, Speed of Doom and Sunlust, so my idea of "Difficult" might be different at the moment.




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Damn, end of the month and I'm still on map 6 of Avactor. I'll be coming back to this thread as I finish those massive beautiful beasts of levels.

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