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The DWIronman League dies to: Base Ganymede

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Holy crap, unexpected and awesome. :) Best of luck to those brave souls entering!


And I do apologize to anyone caught by E1M8, heh. My memory of its creation is from @kristus and I talking about a map that crossed over Doom with The Incredible Machine. I would send him a version and kristus would tell me it needed more traps etc. Good times, can't believe E1 will be 10 years old in November...

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I'd like to give this a go. Since I don't think I'll be able to record it, I'll just write my progress (don't worry, I've read the rules. I will not be in the official running for the Ironman title, I'd just like to see how well I'd do anyway.)


I'll probably do terrible, but I don't mind.


Edit: I just died at level one, ha ha! To be fair, there were some weird technical stuff, something about an index error before the wad loaded, which threw me off, plus no music.


(SPOILERS) I killed a few zombiemen before getting cornered by Pinkies after the first set of stairs. Not a good run, but I'm just goofing around mostly. Good luck to everyone who participates!

Edited by obake

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Holysh*t, my all time favorite Doom 1 megawad has finally made it way here :D
Gonna give this a spin soon, since I completed E1 numerous times.

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No joke, I've played E1M1 of this. Weehee what an advantage...


Hopefully won't repeat the dreadful score of last month!

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Oh, spoiler to anyone willing to try E1M8:


There is a deadly enemy in there and you have just been resurrected from E1M7's death exit. (Yes, a death exit near the end of an episode). So uh, try 100% the map if you can. 


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Oh boy, it's time to die again on the first level :D.


I'll be doing my run tomorrow.

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Can anyone explain said combo format? It says to have one life per wad but there's only one wad; so I assume each episode is what @Alfonzo means? :)


I'll be sure to die on this one too. Considering playing blind for the rest of the year since my britbowl standings are... uh, low. And I have a lot more evening work these days as well as a full time job, preventing me investing much/any time into a little recon.

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So........Base Ganymede is our next obstacle. I played this years ago and I don't remember shit. Should be a good run for me and....looks like those traps in E1M8 are a serious issue for the player....

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@Dragonfly One life per episode, yes, and you may play the episodes in any order. This won't be at all common for episodic megawads (something like Valiant would just be a straight up Ironman, for instance) but Ganymede Complete is a compilation with episodes that are roughly as difficult as one another and without any logical crossover between them. Highly repetitious design.


@NaZa Has also asked about secret levels, and it's just as well he did because under this format we haven't had to contend with any and I haven't thought about it!


We have two options, here: have them count only upon ultimate survival or on a per episode basis. I'm going with the latter. I want secret levels to remain risk-taking options throughout, and being deprived of the remaining options after dying late in one episode (thus rendering them worthless) would suck. Completing secret levels will only add to the total levels survived if you manage to survive the individual episodes in which they appear, then.


Edited by Alfonzo

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I agree with Ancalagon. The categories are pretty clear. Category 1 is Blind, as in having no foreknowledge. Devious puzzles or not, looking at the map ahead of time, whether in-game or in-editor, should immediately be considered foreknowledge/preparation and should make the run Category 3.


If dying in the first 10 seconds of the first map, and not having seen much beyond the first 2 rooms, makes an entire run Category 3, then opening the map in a editor or practicing an entire level, should also automatically make the run Category 3. And I don't particularly care how evil/deadly the puzzles are.


Map 5 of Hellfire: Dreams also sucked if you played it blind and made a wrong turn in the sewers, but I don't recall there being a gift in the first post that looking at it to plan your route wouldn't disqualify you from having a blind run.


I'm sure there are numerous examples of this. I think blind is blind, prepared is prepared. Blind is not "blind except for this one level where you can prepare ahead of time."

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Early days in this discussion so things may change, but here is my reasoning:


Sets that are suitable for Ironman are hard to come by, and it's deeply disappointing when searching for WADs to find something ideal for League play save for one instance that is nearly 100% guaranteed to kill blind players. E1M8 of this WAD is such an instance, I feel. MAP28 of Scythe is another instance. What if a map like Run For It! features earlier in the set, with the vast majority of players likely to survive far enough to play it? Should the entire set be abandoned as an Ironman selection because of one map that requires pre-knowledge? Singling out areas like these allows for almost total preservation of category purity while also preventing really great mapsets from going to waste.


That said, perhaps it would be better to simply encourage a category 3 run of the WAD and warn blind players that they will probably get screwed over, rather than grant a category reprieve following the inspection of select areas that I've subjectively deemed deadly to blind players. I can certainly see some weird inconsistencies emerging, especially with 1CC wads where deadly setups are commonplace.


There's a growing number of Ironman WADs I've picked out that have these problem areas. If I could get your opinions on the matter now before they're selected that would be great.

Edited by Alfonzo

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ohhh noooo. the war flashbacks are returning to me. (last time I played this -up to episode 2) i got destroyed by the acid baths lol

I'll probably attempt a stream tomorrow.

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Another dumb death for me, as usual. Grab your popcorn and enjoy your laughing.


Dead on E1M5, presumably at the very end of the map, bad reflexes and not smelling an obvious trap, my intelligence at its finest. But I found the secret level by accident since I couldn't locate the regular one, so I finished that one too.


Nothing else to say other than predictable. Me? Survive? When it's easy? Not possible. PrBoom+, Cat. 1.


(No I'm not mad again, just stating the obvious. Got used to the idea that I'm terrible since Plutonia.)



Edited by seed

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^ getting to E1M5 isn't trivial in this level set at all, so well done :) although I like bgcomp I remember a distinct lack of health packs...

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7 minutes ago, Alfonzo said:

@seed You still have episodes 2 and 3 to play. One life per episode, ranked by cumulative levels beaten.


Ah wait what? I thought there was only one episode oops 1.0 . Gonna do them later today.


But uh... how do you warp to E2 and E3? I know of -warp 01 etc. for Doom 2's format, but not for episodic format.


12 minutes ago, yakfak said:

^ getting to E1M5 isn't trivial in this level set at all, so well done :)


Not even close... but thanks :) .

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34 minutes ago, seed said:

But uh... how do you warp to E2 and E3? I know of -warp 01 etc. for Doom 2's format, but not for episodic format.



You can still use the -warp command, to start the first level of the episode; "-warp X" will take you to the episode X. If you want to start the specific level of the episode, try "-warp X Y" to start EXMY.


Edited by antares031

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Aaaaand he's back, from the dead, with more failures 1.0 .


Pssst, wanna hear something cool? I actually died at the end of E3M2 but still reached the teleporter by sliding into it with style, looks like I'm more amazing when dead. It didn't matter though, as I died like a moron thanks to a sneaky Baron. In Episode 2 I was reduced to ashes by a crusher, somewhere. I swear no one can possibly die in more stupid ways than myself... I should become a comedian, but I'd probably be forced to retire the same day due to my acts being too authentic.


Here, have a good laugh.



Edited by seed

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Category 1. This is a complete blind run, including the E1M8. I managed to survive 22 levels in total.


E1: Survived+1, 1:10:57 total playtime - 9 levels

E2: Died in E2M5, 89/205 kills - 4 levels

*E3: Survived+1, 1:25:54 total playtime - 9 levels


Probably I couldn't survive the E1M8, if I found the arrow on the floor a few tics later. I only got 8HP, when I was about to exit the level. In overall, this wad was pretty good, and it's a better choice for casual players, compare to the last month. But keep in mind, though. That doesn't mean that this wad is a child's play. There are lots of moments that surprise the player with unexpected visitors.


*There's a massive pause, during the E3M7, because I had to deal with other things at that moment. If you want to skip this, please restart the demo with  "-skipsec 10025" command line. Sorry about the inconvenience.



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24 minutes ago, antares031 said:

Category 1. This is a complete blind run, including the E1M8. I managed to survive 22 levels in total.


E1: Survived+1, 1:10:57 total playtime - 9 levels

E2: Died in E2M5, 89/205 kills - 4 levels

*E3: Survived+1, 1:25:54 total playtime - 9 levels


Probably I couldn't survive the E1M8, if I found the arrow on the floor a few tics later. I only got 8HP, when I was about to exit the level. In overall, this wad was pretty good, and it's a better choice for casual players, compare to the last month. But keep in mind, though. That doesn't mean that this wad is a child's play. There are lots of moments that surprise the player with unexpected visitors.


Hm? So you also died on E2M5? Fascinating, I wonder how.


Since I don't have anything else to do, I'm actually going to sit down and watch the demos :) . And yeah, it might be a better choice than the Stardates, but the mistakes are pretty costly here, I should know. But they're also predictable, so if you smell a trap, then you're probably right.

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5 minutes ago, seed said:

Hm? So you also died on E2M5? Fascinating, I wonder how.


There was a trap. I almost managed to escape, but a pinky got the lucky bite. :P

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3 minutes ago, antares031 said:

There was a trap. I almost managed to escape, but a pinky got the lucky bite. :P


Them lucky Pinkies. But they're probably better than crushers, I felt like a mouse going after a piece of cheese placed under a box in that moment.


I'm enjoying the show at the moment, did you not use -longtics btw (I did)? Your mouse movement looks kinda similar to how the game behaves when recording without it, that's why I'm asking.


By the way part #2, that new avatar of yours is awesome :D.

Edited by seed

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14 minutes ago, seed said:

did you not use -longtics btw (I did)? Your mouse movement looks kinda similar to how the game behaves when recording without it, that's why I'm asking.


By the way part #2, that new avatar of yours is awesome :D.



I believe that -complevel 3 automatically enables -shorttics (correct me if I'm wrong). That being said, I only use compatibility level commands, and don't use -longtics, whenever I record demos.

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Cat1. Died in e1m5 from Cyberdemon. I will do next episodes later. Does anyone know name of music in e1m5? It's epic.


Edited by Rimantas

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1 hour ago, antares031 said:

I believe that -complevel 3 automatically enables -shorttics (correct me if I'm wrong). That being said, I only use compatibility level commands, and don't use -longtics, whenever I record demos.


Yeah, I've been reading that that was an issue in the engine, but -longtics forces it to behave just like when you're not recording demos. It's quite the life saver, but it doesn't always work.

Edited by seed

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