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16 minutes ago, NaZa said:

Yes, I have trouble watching Eternity demos on my end for some reason.

I recorded demo with -complevel 3 (i used Ultimate Doom iWAD). Now i tried to watch it without -complevel parameter and demo desynced in first level. Plays without problems with -complevel 3.

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2 hours ago, Altazimuth said:

What's the issue you have with demo playback? I can try look into it when I get back to working on EE proper.

An attempt to playback his demo in EE4.00.00 results in watching player jump in starting room, repeated pausing and flood of "Game saved (suppressed)" messages. I am watching that demo rn with EE's 07.04.19 (ddmmyy) dev build.

Update: demo played back fine. @NaZa Exit times are 10:23, 10:25, 27:37, 16:29.

2 hours ago, Rimantas said:

I recorded demo with -complevel 3 (i used Ultimate Doom iWAD). Now i tried to watch it without -complevel parameter and demo desynced in first level. Plays without problems with -complevel 3.

Doesn't EE use "-vanilla" to emulate original exe behaviors?

Edited by Beginner

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I died on E1M8, E2M6 and E3M1 (what an awful intro map, heh).

I did the secret map in E1 (accidentally found the switch, oops!), of that counts for anything. VODs incoming tomorrow or whatever but logging my progress now to ensure it's 'during april'. :P

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I'm late as well, but here's my demo package for the month.
Category 2 (I've played the wad when it got released, watched a demo of E1M8 beforehand as suggested, and knew where the secret exits were located).

E1 : Survived +1
E2 : Dead due to a nasty Cyberdemon on E2M4 (you know the one)
E3 : Survived +1

Excellent mapset, this is clearly my favorite from Khorus.
It deviates from the classic Ultimate Doom formula to offer something rather unique.

As for the Bloodite Krypto situation, I'll make it quick and second j4rio's post a few pages back.
I really want to believe Bloodite isn't a cheater, but the stance he's chosen - accusing ZeroMaster (of all people) of being jealous while being himself overly pretentious - clearly isn't the way to go.


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@Alfonzo make the next Ironman TNT: Evilution.


I suddenly want to see another Ironman where both Bloodite and Zeromaster can participate. ;)

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Just now, Suitepee said:

I suddenly want to see another Ironman where both Bloodite and Zeromaster can participate. ;)

I can see Last Call being the killer.

Also, I could suggest Moonblood.

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Alas, I have to bow out this month. Just ran out of time since I had so much IRL stuff to deal with.


I did a practice run of E1 early in the month and only died 3 times. I had played some of the maps a few years ago, and at that time I had issues with ammo and health starvation. Must've upped my game since then, because I had no such difficulty this time. I was definitely enjoying myself and I anticipated I'd survive 7 maps and accept my inevitable death on E1M8.


Never got to E2 or E3, but I enjoyed watching Suitepee's run. Much more aggressive maps that looked like a real blast.


I look forward to May's offering. This time I'll do my real run immediately after my practice. I want to get it done early in the month so I can get on the board and enjoy Alfonzo's amusing comment on my flailings. ;)

Edited by Steve D

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3 hours ago, Beginner said:

Exit times are 10:23, 10:25, 27:37, 16:29.

Thank you so much! I tried to sit through my annoying demo too, but i didn't know how to speed it up and missed intermissions.

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And, just in time, damn gameplay demos (with the help of someone who enlightened me the power of batch) are over for me. Here's the result.

  • E1: Mom spider left me like a cheese in M8 (time was 51:40 or 52:40, can't remember).
  • E2: Shotgun guy did a successful peekaboo in M5 at the very start. Started with 27 HP thanks to the cybie attempt to kill me in M4. (time was around 32 minutes).
  • E3: Baron of Surprise and its precise attack did the job in such a nasty starting map...M1 FTW (killed 86 of 151 monsters)

Sooooo....total of completed maps are 12 (discovered the secret map at episode 1 which makes it 8 maps and 4 for episode 2).

Here's the demo zipped with all 3 demos: dwim_bgld85.zip


Anyway. Month is over. Alfonzo....gimme the next mapset!!!

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3 hours ago, Suitepee said:

@Alfonzo make the next Ironman TNT: Evilution.


I suddenly want to see another Ironman where both Bloodite and Zeromaster can participate. ;)


Granted, ZeroMaster didn't participate at all in 2017 and only did his Iroman speedrun of Plutonia in 2018, but in 2016, he participated in Jenesis, Nilla Doom, Khorus's Speedy Shit, and Perdition's Gate (4 of the first 5 months actually). Whether, at this time, he would be interested in ironmanning a mapset that isn't one of the iwads is a different matter, but he has done so in the past.



4 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

I died on ... E3M1 (what an awful intro map, heh).


19 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:


  • E3: ... such a nasty starting map...M1 


Like I said, E3 definitely throws you into the fire right away.

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31 minutes ago, Alfonzo said:

If I'm not mistaken, that nukage-dwelling cacodemon in E2M3 has chomped or smitten three, maybe four players. That's astonishing. You wouldn't think it particularly threatening. What is it about that setup? Is it that players are more on edge at that point and are more likely to backpedal?


Ironman tradition demands a name in these circumstances. Well done, Horace.

nukage dwelling caco trap?

can't remember......crusher however? that almost got me for good...

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6 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

can't remember......crusher however? that almost got me for good...


It got me :x

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Right... so i had recorded a run early into this month with eternity were i did pretty bad, died on e1m3, e2m3 and e3m1 (if i remember correctly), i was a bit sick and i remember dying on e1 because i got a bit distracted because of it

I recorded it with eternity using the vanilla parameter, all blind, except for the first map, guess better late than never?


Edited by DMPhobos

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2-4 is such an unique map that you only need your fists mostly in the map, except some specific ambushes. And GODDAMN you cybie. Haven't took damage from him, I wouldn't have died from a stupid shotty guy...


EDIT: OH fuck....I forgot to say in the results that my run from the 3 episodes went like this.

E1 was prepared since I had the issue with the command line. E2 and E3 were blind.

Edited by leodoom85

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4 hours ago, Alfonzo said:

If I'm not mistaken, that nukage-dwelling cacodemon in E2M3 has chomped or smitten three, maybe four players. That's astonishing. You wouldn't think it particularly threatening. What is it about that setup? Is it that players are more on edge at that point and are more likely to backpedal?

If it's the same caco I'm thinking of... in my case it was the opposite, I let my guard down ("phew, just a couple of demons, I'll just stand there and chainsaw them") and then he popped up unexpectedly behind me.

Edited by JudgeDeadd

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4 hours ago, Alfonzo said:

If I'm not mistaken, that nukage-dwelling cacodemon in E2M3 has chomped or smitten three, maybe four players. That's astonishing. You wouldn't think it particularly threatening. What is it about that setup? Is it that players are more on edge at that point and are more likely to backpedal?


Years of dwelling in the nuclear waste have transformed it into a supercaco, much like how Krindlekrax (from the book Krindlekrax) was transformed from an ordinary baby crocodile into a fearsome monster just by eating discarded toast for many years.

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4 hours ago, xvertigox said:

It got me :x


I think the same crusher got me too. I think, not very sure.


When you're left to rot under crushers, it's good to have company :D.

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Slight delay in getting the new thread up, folks. Sorry about that. Expect it some time in the next 18 hours or so (but don't cross your fingers on this month's leaderboard).

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Here's praying to God the formatting isn't ugly. The unofficial table of this month.


 1. Bloodite Krypto         SURVIVED +3 (2:05:32)

 2. Vince Vega               SURVIVED +2 (3:12:58)

 3. Bdubzzz                   SURVIVED +2 (3:44:51)

 4. Beginner                  SURVIVED +1 (3:40:08)

 5. antares031                22 maps

 6. WH-Wilou84              21 maps

 7. Alfonzo                     19 maps*

 8. dt_                           19 maps*

 9. an_mutt                    18 maps

10. SSGmaster               13 maps

11. Jimmy                      12 maps

12. ReaperAA                 12 maps

13. Dragonfly                 12 maps

14. leodoom85               11 maps

15. Anima Zero              10 maps

16. Aquila Chrysaetos     10 maps

17. Suitepee                  10 maps

18. xvertigox                  9 maps

19. NaZa                        9 maps

20. Vyre                         8 maps

21. Scotty                      8 maps

22. NoisyVelvet               8 maps

23. seed                         8 maps

24. Ancalagon                 7 maps**

25. Crusader No Regret   7 maps

26. JudgeDeadd              6 maps

27. Urthar                      4 maps

28. DMPhobos                4 maps

29. Rimantas                 4 maps**

30. Capellan                   3 maps**

31. Fiendzy                    2 maps1

32. Pegleg                     2 maps

33. Walter confetti          1 map**


* - dt_'s run is missing from twitch, so I placed dt_ lower than Alfonzo - the run was done, but missing evidence, I think just ranking idt_ below Alfonzo is good enough without omitting dt_ from the board


** - only posted run of E1 - should count as a DNF more than an incomplete run


- In Fiendzy's case, I didn't count E1 at all because of broken secret level mechanisms. However, I counted Fiendzy's E2 and E3 run, as I don't think the colourblind visuals mod compromised the gameplay all too much. If valid, the same reasoning for ** applies - should be more a DNF than an incomplete run.

Edited by NaZa

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Twitch erases my runs after 2 weeks, is there a way to stop that happening?

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NaZa you madman, thank you! I wouldn't ask it of anyone. You're too kind. Also yes, colour blind filters are just fine.


I reckon @Jimmy will be mighty pleased with his performance. @Vince Vega makes his first foray into to the top ten also, I think? Very cool, but let's see if you can do it without preparations made!

Edited by Alfonzo

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