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26 minutes ago, dt_ said:

Twitch erases my runs after 2 weeks, is there a way to stop that happening?


If you're an Affiliate or Partner the period your past broadcasts remain available increases to up to 30 days or so, haven't checked recently.


But otherwise no, they always expire, unless you record your streams and upload them manually.

Edited by seed

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I believe a stream can also be highlighted, but I'm not all too familiar with Twitch.


Also, no problem Alfonzo, I had to make up for not updating my leaderboards in two months! Here's to hoping I'll finally do a motivating performance... it May or May not happen.

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5 minutes ago, NaZa said:

I believe a stream can also be highlighted, but I'm not all too familiar with Twitch.


You can also do that, but I'm not sure they remain up forever.

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1 hour ago, NaZa said:

I believe a stream can also be highlighted, but I'm not all too familiar with Twitch.


I don't know if there's a different rule NOW for Affiliates/Partners compared to not so, but ever since I started streaming on Twitch in 2013 I've been able to save my entire livestream as a 'highlight', and excepting a few losses over the years (discovered while I've been archiving my entire Twitch library), they've stayed up ever since with no problems.


Heck, highlighting livestreams in this way even seems to take care of the rare occasion Twitch 'mutes' a past broadcast.

Edited by Suitepee

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5 minutes ago, Suitepee said:

Heck, highlighting livestreams in this way even seems to take care of the rare occasion Twitch 'mutes' a past broadcast.


Speaking of which, Twitch hit me with some BS recently, silencing various portions of some streams for supposedly containing "copyrighted music".


GTFO Twitch, you're drunk, you didn't silence that part in Pirate Doom where AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" played ffs.

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@dt_ As far as I know, you can save an entire stream as a sort of highlight.

Go to your Dashboard > Video Producer > click the 3 dots next to Past Broadcast > click Highlight > set it to highlight the entire stream or the entire attempt(s)

This should allow you to have a (seemingly) permanent backup. It's what I do for my D&D streams and other things such as gaming challenges or specials (like was done for Doomcember). I don't know if this is available to non-affiliates but it's something worth looking into at the very least!

Edited by Altima

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3 hours ago, NaZa said:

Here's to hoping I'll finally do a motivating performance... it May or May not happen.


*ba dum tss*


I see what you did there.



59 minutes ago, Not Jabba said:

It sounds like the real winner is the friends you made along the way, especially Horace.


Horace is actually a nice guy and very friendly. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a good grasp of personal space, which tends to lead to him losing a lot of friends. He doesn't let that get him down, though. Good for Horace.

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Aforementioned VODs are up. Here ya' go! :)


Episode 1:






Episodes 2 & 3:


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Seeing @NaZa's work on this month's leader board, and considering his past worthy accomplishments on the All-Time Leader Board, I hereby nominate him as the Ironman's MVP -- Most Valuable Player, for those not familiar with this mostly American/Canadian sports term. Go, Naza!!!!!

Edited by Steve D

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So we will be obiged to stream for next ironman? I will still make demos in any case.


Edited by Roofi

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2 hours ago, Roofi said:

So we will be obliged to stream for next ironman? I will still make demos in any case.


No. I was entertaining the idea of mandatory streams for players who have been reasonably challenged by trusted speedrunners or other members of the community. Or, at least as many streams as are required to satisfy all parties involved. Discussion obviously didn't develop very far, here, and Bloodite clearly isn't keen on it (which is unfortunate), but it has no impact on the other good citizens of DWIL.

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I think it's telling that bk didn't actually challenge any of the claims made against him. Lots of personal attacks but no actual claim of innocence. I feel pretty much the same way zm does and it's overall disappointing tbh.

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40 minutes ago, kraflab said:

I think it's telling that bk didn't actually challenge any of the claims made against him. Lots of personal attacks but no actual claim of innocence. I feel pretty much the same way zm does and it's overall disappointing tbh.


People who are caught cheating usually don't have anything to show in order to prove their supposed "innocence".


Some make attempts at refutation, others don't, but eventually neither succeed. Anyway, I'm not a Doom demo expert so I can't say anything about bk's demos myself, but if what others are saying is true, then it's as clear as day that he'd cheated in them.

Edited by seed

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Regarding BK's situation, I genuinely wish he comes out clean. However the arrogant post he made really puts him in bad light and rather answering to ZeroMaster's concerns, he outright starts bashing him.


Krypto still has some chance to come out clean by starting streaming to prove his skills. But it appears he is not interested in the idea.


If he cheated then its a shame tbh. I mean why should anyone cheat in this. Its not like anyone is earning money or even much fame from this (this is just some fun little competition game within the community)



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Just adding my two cents. I am noob overall so might as well ignore me, but want to get this off my chest.

First of all:

Even if the claim is correct, I find it quite odd to go all out "you cheated 100%" without any proof but merely valid suspicions. I have seen that happening in the Okuplok case and that's what bugged me a lot while reading through the forums.


Second of all:

Bloodite, I think it doesn't matter if someone is jealous or not. To be honest I am jealous of most good players, you, ZM, j4rio, Anca, 4shock and so on and so forth but it doesn't really add much to the discussion as far as I can tell. Also the self praising, don't you think that's a little bit too much and exaggerated? Anyways, I do believe you are a very good player, proved it countless times on TNS (btw I am mrbrown93) and I still like to believe that Okuplok didn't cheat but I see the evidence provided really speaks against him and unfortunately he just... vanished lol.


Well I lost the thread… oh yeah, just admit that you are using 70% speed just like any other good player. (If you don't get the reference than write me a pm lol) [yeah yeah, lame joke, whatever]

Edited by rodster

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10 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

I mean why should anyone cheat in this


People cheat for a variety of reasons, regardless of whether there is an actual prize to be earned or not.


Frustration, making people believe they're better than they actually are, troll, etc. There's people who cheat even in very small communities for the sole reason of building a (false) reputation.

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1. I think this This is the most popular DWIL thread, in terms of number of posts. I mean, we're on page 7. The vast majority of threads only make it to 3 or 4 pages (The Plutonia Experiment made it to 6 pages and BTSX: E1 and Doom 64 for Doom 2 made it to 5 pages). The unfortunate thing is the reason why this is now the most-commented thread...



43 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

I mean why should anyone cheat in this.


I agree. I've said before it's silly to cheat in this contest, where the only reward is an electronic pat on the back from Alfonzo and Naza at the end of the month or year for being the best. But, as seed said, people cheat for all kinds of reasons. I do hope that isn't the case here, though.



1 hour ago, seed said:

I'm not a Doom demo expert so I can't say anything about bk's demos myself


I'm not an expert at the inner workings of demos, but there are some that are. I remember another discussion where Linguica raised doubts about a demo that Memfis recorded, and he included details about key inputs per tic and things of that sort. It is possible that Memfis may have been trying to point out the fallacy of using PrBoom+ demos as an acceptable format in challenges (of course, in that challenge, a $100 bounty was on the line), but that's a different story.


My point is that if someone wants to dig into Bloodite's demos, the tools and the knowledge exist to do so.

Edited by Pegleg
Originally I thought this was the most popular thread, but I confirmed that yes, it is.

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Totally going to be Alien Vendetta, HR1, or HR2.  Bet on it!


...Or maybe don't because my psychic powers suck, that too, heh.

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Don't think I've played that one before, but I actually had to quit doom a few months ago because of arm/shoulder pain and haven't figured out a new pain-free mouse/keyboard setup yet for doom. Plus, doing fda-style playthroughs sucks with no sound, guess that doesn't matter for rjumping though :)

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On 5/2/2019 at 10:35 PM, rodster said:

First of all:

Even if the claim is correct, I find it quite odd to go all out "you cheated 100%" without any proof but merely valid suspicions. I have seen that happening in the Okuplok case and that's what bugged me a lot while reading through the forums.

Okuplok was an obvious cheater. Bloodite Krypto probably thinks "Oku never got busted", hence he is using identical vanish tactic as a valid option to save his face. Too bad for him, both got busted. As far as I know, BK, okuplok and kimoxvirus are/were all friends together, and every one of them cheated.


Respect for Kimo for coming out clean. To me, he really seems to be a guy who did stupid mistake because of his young age, as he said. At the same time, I can see how he put a lot of effort into his demos and did his research. I don't think he would have apologized had he not put great effort into his demos. So if kimo_xvirus is ever going to post more demos, I'm going to think he's legit.

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