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new map for vanilla doom download here https://www.dropbox.com/s/z09vl5zep2qif0q/hel2slay.wad?dl=0








you are investigator of a string of murders noted to their depravity, the corpses appear to be mutilated in ritual sacrifice. after much searching, you come upon a house you believe is base of the Cult


as you enter inside, you find entire house empty. there is no sign of any misdoing at all.


"god darn, whatever i do now?" you think. as you begin to leave in disappointment, your nose is pierced by foul smell of rotten flesh. the clear night sky is choked with an alien miasma, you fall to the ground with splitting headache.


"what a hell is that?" you wounder to yourselve, as you turn to run, you discover that the entrance is gone! in its place, is a noisome pit full of blood and filth. i wonder where does it lead? OwO (take a wild gues)


BUG: on vanilla is possible a VISPLANE error into one part of the map, but he is difficult to trigger so probably you won't have such troubles. here is the spot



Edited by xdarkmasterx

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22 hours ago, xdarkmasterx said:


thank you :) but i use already "visplane explorer", and he found the error only there (even with all doors/floors opened)


Visplane Explorer with all doors opened is a worst case for fixed map geometry and a good first step. I like visplane explorer for just that reason. And if your map is well below the visplane and drawseg limits, then you're most likely just fine.


But if you're close to those limits, Chocorenderlimits is invaluable, because it measures visplanes, drawsegs, etc. in real time as you're playing the level. So, if you have a lot of moving parts in you level (lifts, raising/lowering stairs, raising/lowering ceilings/floors, etc.) then it pays to look at the level with Chocorenderlimits if you're close to the limits.

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Great map!! I have a thing for these fleshy textures! I've playing on Chocolate Doom without any problem. My only nitpick is the music, I think it doesn't fit the moody place you created.

Edited by Noiser

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On 4/3/2019 at 11:27 PM, Noiser said:

Great map!! I have a thing for these fleshy textures! I've playing on Chocolate Doom without any problem. My only nitpick is the music, I think it doesn't fit the moody place you created.


thanks that u liked it i spend more time on the detail there than usually i do, the music was because i was playing this game and he inspire me to make that map XD


Edited by xdarkmasterx

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I really like this map... You have a lot of them done now, do you plan to compile them into a single wad? Your work is cacoward worthy for me, or at least honorable mention. You have a really good sense for creating interesting battles.

Edited by Kira

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