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Why don't any other weapon do damage on the Icon of Sin other than Rockets?

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Apparently, a BFG to the brain should instantly kill the Romero head, right, or any other weapon with decent splash damage?? Why use rockets only? 

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Any weapon can kill it. The problem is, the head is positioned in such a way that the only thing that can even hit it is rocket splash damage. If you noclip behind the Icon of Sin and fire any other weapon at the base of the head, you'll see.

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45 minutes ago, BladeWolf said:

Any other weapon with decent splash damage??

Rocket is the only weapon with splash damage.

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59 minutes ago, BladeWolf said:

Apparently, a BFG to the brain should instantly kill the Romero head, right, or any other weapon with decent splash damage?? Why use rockets only? 

The problem is that, due to the design of the map, only the rocket can hit due to the fact that it is the only weapon with splash damage. The BFG has hitscan tracers that cannot reach Romero.

Now, in TNT: Evilution's final map "Last Call", any weapon (other than your fists and chainsaw) can hit Romero's head within the Icon of Sin.

Edited by LadyVader1138

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1 hour ago, BladeWolf said:

a BFG to the brain should instantly kill the Romero head, right, or any other weapon with decent splash damage??

The BFG does not do any amount of splash damage at all. It's instructional video time:


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I imagine the BFG 9000 doing damage on the icon of sin, but I do have an ultimate doom episode that features the icon of sin so if you actually say the icon of sin looks different, you can use any other weapon on the icon of sin itself

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Here's the area in question:


As you can see, there is no way to directly hit Romero's head, so splash damage from rockets is the only way to damage it. (Technically, arch vile blasts work too but that's only viable in TAS.) It's also why the head takes three rockets to kill instead of the two rockets that it usually takes when firing at it directly, since the head is only taking splash damage instead of the full blast.

Edited by Spie812

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worth noting that there are situations where you can directly shoot it even in the vanilla map30 configuration. You can get flung up onto that ledge by an archvile blast and snipe at it with a pistol, this is used to do Tyson runs of the map.

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22 hours ago, Ancalagon said:

Rocket is the only weapon with splash damage.

The BFG also deals splash damage. It's more of an AOE but it doesn't only affect what you're directly firing at.

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On 4/4/2019 at 9:02 PM, Edward850 said:

The BFG does not do any amount of splash damage at all. It's instructional video time:



Now if Doom Guy ever fought Sakura, one BFG blast would insta-KO her...

Edited by Master O

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1 hour ago, ChicagoTrash said:

It's like a cone thing isn't it?

The video literally explains it. Yes it's a cone of traces emitted from the player, like a shotgun.

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