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Hurt - Singleplayer map in hell

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2 hours ago, MFG38 said:

Trying to dodge rockets being fired by 50-something revenants with almost no cover to speak of was a minor pain, and the aforementioned framerate problem made it twice as frustrating.

Use the lifts and let the revenants and knights below come to an understanding.

1 hour ago, kristus said:

i am getting a few nodebuikding bugs in it. am i the only one?


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On 4/15/2019 at 2:16 AM, elend said:

Well, this is my second map. It was mainly an exercise in getting used to GzDoomBuilder and Doom mapping in general.


Imma call BS on that, chief 1.0 .


I mean, this map is pretty damn awesome if that's true, just finished streaming it after it captured my attention last night. Really liked the horror oriented atmosphere, now I know why palettes such as PalPlus were recommended, might try it with one in the future to see how it changes the mood. Must admit I got confused by the new, weaker variants of the Imp and Revenant at the beginning, "What? Fighting Revenants and Imps only with a fist? WITHOUT BERSERK!?"


Atmospheric and fun, just how I like my Doom, great selection of music too. Perhaps the only thing I didn't quite like was the fact that you had to backtrack all the way to the surface to reach the exit (I think it's pretty easy to get confused by expecting only to go deeper and deeper into the temple), wasted some time wandering around. Maybe a hint would get the job done?


Speaking of which, I like what you did with the messages, helps with the immersion and gives a sense of being watched by a higher being, presumably the boss. Quite a threatening one too with its teleports and devastating attacks.


Here's my stream of Hurt. It most certainly hurt my framerate plenty outside (dynamic lights and lots of projectiles flying everywhere happened :v . Puns intended). Fighting monsters and the framerate at the same time is fun 1.0 .




Edited by seed

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Playtested this FIRST during this livestream. A very impressive map! I managed to lose an hour+ of time and not notice until near the end. Like with Verdant Citadel, quite an impressive feat for someone spending six months on a GZDoom map whilst learning about non-linearity.

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Oh, I am currently watching this on YouTube. Thank you very much for investing so much of your free time in my map! :D

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I downloaded this today and all I'm getting is an error about the RAR file being damaged when I try to unpack it. Redownloading didn't fix the issue.

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Very atmospheric. Great architecture and lights. Very good stock-texture usage. Unfortunately nothing to say about gameplay because framerate dropped so much. Spent over hour exploring the map. Some time also in editor. Progression wasn't too obvious on some points, I wandered a bit.


Linedef 64321 has missing upper  texture. See pic.


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Just to reiterate what everyone else is already saying:

Obviously, the visuals are utterly fantastic.  This is right up there with the very best romps through Hell I've ever experienced in the (GZ)Doom engine, and the fact that it was done with vanilla texturing makes the achievement all the more incredible.  Obviously, the engine features are used to their best advantage to do some heavy lifting here; the colored lighting, complex architecture, and added freedom in applying/manipulating textures all combine to make things look much better than the exact same textures/concepts could possibly have looked in a strictly limit-removing source port.  

The metaphor that kept coming to my mind as I played through was that the vanilla-texture restriction felt almost like Inigo Montoya fighting with his off hand in The Princess Bride.  It's impressive to see what can be done even with the "handicap", but what it leaves me wanting is to see the author go:




and really blow our minds with something that makes full use of an expanded texture set.


Since other people have mentioned performance issues, I just thought I'd chime in on that as well.  My computer is solidly mediocre relative to the current state of the art: the CPU is something like 9 years old at this point and wasn't bleeding edge even then, and the graphics card is a GTX970 that I got three years ago.  Some poorly optimized and/or overly bells-and-whistles-y GZDoom maps have brought it to its knees; I'm thinking in particular of one Eviternity winter-episode map that had a huge outdoor area near the end filled (in GZDoom) with weather effects.

But here, even in the grand finale, I didn't have much trouble.  There was a noticeable framerate drop but it still stayed very playable.  Maybe my standards for what constitutes playability are lower than others', but it didn't become a slide show.  *shrug*


(I would've been happy with a grand finale that was slightly less grand, but that's because my gameplay tastes don't run to the slaughter-y, not because of performance issues.)

Edited by jerrysheppy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your map is wonderful, but have a problem with FPS for GZDOOM, too much open world, fix this, at the moment I do not recommend playing on this map with mods together, type QCDE etc

Edited by DenisNinja
additional informations

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27 minutes ago, DenisNinja said:

Your map is wonderful, but have a problem with FPS for GZDOOM, too much open world, fix this, at the moment I do not recommend playing on this map with mods together, type QCDE etc


Not sure there's much that can be done to improve FPS, the only problematic part from my experience was the outside area at the end, where if you have effects such as dynamic lights or whatever turned on there will be a noticeable hit on performance when the big waves come, depending on your setup.


You could try disabling the fancy stuff and use a more vanilla setup.

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19 hours ago, seed said:


Not sure there's much that can be done to improve FPS, the only problematic part from my experience was the outside area at the end, where if you have effects such as dynamic lights or whatever turned on there will be a noticeable hit on performance when the big waves come, depending on your setup.


You could try disabling the fancy stuff and use a more vanilla setup.

thanks for the feedback, but I tested it in several ways with various configurations, I'm a veteran in Gzdoom, there are mods that are really going to be heavy on this map, because it's already heavy, you should test, I used Quake Champions Doom Edition, Doom Eternal XPE, Doom4Doom, Doom Death Foretold, Gmota fantasy arcade edition, Brutal Doom V21R10, Project Brutality Master, Guncaster Vindicated and etc, sorry this map is wonderful, but needs adjustments and changes, and put a limit of monsters that does not damage any Mod, I hope the developer, include this Map with several other maps in an exclusive Megawad.


Edited by Mordeth
Removed annoying GIFs

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1 hour ago, DenisNinja said:

 sorry this map is wonderful, but needs adjustments and changes, and put a limit of monsters that does not damage any Mod


Not Jabba summed it up perfectly.  If a mapper chooses to make their map compatible with certain mods then all power to them, but if they don't then they have absolutely no responsibility to adjust their maps so they do.


Elend absolutely does not "need" to make any adjustments or changes.  It is never the responsibility of a mapper to adjust a map to fit a mod it was never designed for.

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Well this is a big hunk of level. An outstanding level that is. The room where you first pick up the RL is my favorite. I dont have much else to say. Its outstanding!

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20 hours ago, Not Jabba said:

This is not elend's fault or elend's responsibility. If anyone should be worried about how resource-intensive the mods are, it's the people who made the mods. Or you could just play Hurt the way it was designed to be played.

Yes the responsibility belongs to the creator, now it's up to him to resolve to change, but if this map does not work perfectly for my favorite Mods for me this map is useless, sorry, but you have to know how to accept opinions sometimes.


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16 hours ago, DenisNinja said:

Yes the responsibility belongs to the creator, now it's up to him to resolve to change, but if this map does not work perfectly for my favorite Mods for me this map is useless, sorry, but you have to know how to accept opinions sometimes.

No. Its not an opinion that wad authors have to go out of their way to make it compatible for a certain weapons mod. Its false statement. If map makers are gonna take their time to make a certain gameplay mod work specifically for that mod, I dont know, maybe they should add them to the map by default. Its not elend's fault. Gameplay mods are meant for the map, not the map made for them.

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Of course I was thinking about what could be done to make the map more playable on lesser systems, but it seems there is not much I can do. I could remove the whole 3D floor bridge thingy, since it doesn't really serve any gameplay purpose. But then, I could remove everything and make it vanilla compatible, then it'll run fine on a slower PC. And I don't really want to do that.

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2 hours ago, DenisNinja said:

Yes the responsibility belongs to the creator, now it's up to him to resolve to change, but if this map does not work perfectly for my favorite Mods for me this map is useless, sorry, but you have to know how to accept opinions sometimes. 


Nope nope nope







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This map looks and feels great.  Love the atmosphere.  And those cavern, rocks, lava sections are awesome.  MY only gripe is the first couple of areas.  Just felt really slow to me.  I got tired of punching stuff and limiting to only the fists limited the amount of monsters.  For all that space, there wasn't a whole lot of action.  It does pick up at the end though.


All around, impressive work


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5 hours ago, DenisNinja said:

you have to know how to accept opinions sometimes.


No, I'm afraid some opinions are absolutely not worth accepting, especially when they're as wrong as yours.


And for the love of God please stop spamming gifs!

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6 hours ago, DenisNinja said:

Yes the responsibility belongs to the creator, now it's up to him to resolve to change, but if this map does not work perfectly for my favorite Mods for me this map is useless, sorry, but you have to know how to accept opinions sometimes.


So how many different mods should a mapper have in mind then? 

Edited by Marn

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6 hours ago, DenisNinja said:

Yes the responsibility belongs to the creator, now it's up to him to resolve to change, but if this map does not work perfectly for my favorite Mods for me this map is useless, sorry, but you have to know how to accept opinions sometimes.


Except this has nothing to do with opinions, but facts. Hurt was designed to be played more or less in a vanilla style (+ freelook and maybe a custom palette replacement). You are free to play it with other mods but the author is not forced to make sure everything works fine with something it was clearly not designed in the first place. Play the wad the way it was intended.


If you feel this map doesn't meet your expectations or "requirements" and thus being "useless", feel free to look somewhere else.

Edited by seed

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12 hours ago, DenisNinja said:

I used Quake Champions Doom Edition, Doom Eternal XPE, Doom4Doom, Doom Death Foretold, Gmota fantasy arcade edition, Brutal Doom V21R10, Project Brutality Master, Guncaster Vindicated and etc

All at once?

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the truth is that the map is badly done, I play QC DOOM together with Megawad Eviternity, in my Nootebook, in the highest settings and always in 30 fps, I have never been disappointed, now or you understand and test yourselves this map or stop to talk about bullshit, I played Doom a lot in the 90s, today I'm in Gzdoom because of Mods like Brutal Doom etc, I'm sick of the old Doom, for me like I said if this map does not work well with Brutal Doom or project Brutality, it will be a useless map, and another and I have a PC with a video card with the EVG RTX 2070 Ultra Gaming, until then in my other PC it was bad the performance of that map.

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If your rhetoric was a bit more charming then maybe just maybe you'd inspire the author to optimize the map, I'd never listen to anyone throwing me a curveball of "it's badly done", especially when it's not badly done..

Edited by RightField

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