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Famous Video Game One Liners


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So people, what are some of the most famous video game one liners you can think of?
The first one that pops into my head is the one in Map02 of Hexen (Seven Portals) where Korax pops up, and says (and I quote):

"Greetings, mortal. Are you ready to die?"

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My favourite is also Korax's "Greetings Mortal...", mostly for the way it's said. Otherwise, Caleb says some good stuff in Blood, both in-game and in the cut screens. For some reason, the one that sticks in my mind most is "You're going to need a bigger boat".

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Just this one, hehe
"Just when you thought it was safe to make a cup of coffee" - the space invaders game you got to play when some old Activision game (Aliens or something) was loading... on tape (C64 ;)

-- Edited

cup of tea actually, sorry ;-)

the game was named INVADE-A-LOAD

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Little Faith said:

All your base are belong to us! (added: Zero Wing)

From what game was that again...? (added: never mind then ;-)

DEMOn upcoded:
"Stay awhile, stay forever!"

How could I forget THAT one..?!

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I doubt many of these are famous but I like them / have heard them too many times:

"Is that the best you can do?" from Serious Sam

"It's me, Mario" from super mario 64

"I'm murray, the demonic über skull" from Monkey island 3

"Creetings Turok, how may I assist you" from Turok 2

"Will you go up the ladder?" from resident evil

"There is a green herb, will you take the green herb?"
(these stupid questions from RE can be REALLY annoying)

"By the time I noticed something was wrong, the entire city was infested by zombies." from RE
(WHY cannot you skip the animations, I can remember all of the dialogs from half of the game)

"just leave, next time you come I'll be waiting with a bat." I was about to die in laughter when my brother told me that the bat is THE animal bat.

"i've been expecting you" from maybe hundreds of games (the final boss)

"whatever" from final fantasy VIII

and plenty of others i can't remember just now

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"Are you strong enough to face your own masters?"
"My servants can smell your blood, human."
"You have played this game too long, mortal. I think I shall remove you from the board."
"Worship me, and I may yet be merciful. Then again, maybe not."

All these are from HeXen and everything one of those taunts from Korax have stuck in my memory since I played the full version.

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"I can't move"
"you can't escape!"
"you will be the ones escaping" (reply to above)

from capt. america and the avengers

"aarrrrrgh!!!!!!!! get ready."

I forgot the name of the sega game, but a knock off of it is 3d world runner.

"this could work if you, the master of unlocking, can put it to use."
"we almost had a jill sandwich."

resident evil

"hiro failed at life"


thats all I can think of right now.

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There are a lot of famous one-liners where we didn't exactly hear the character speaking. Instead, it was written in a text. For instance, some of the things Minsc (Baldur's Gate 1, 2, and Throne of Baal) said were quite funny, since he tends to talk to his hamster a lot. I haven't played the game in a long time, so I can't remember any right now.

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"'Wait,' he says. Do I look like a waiter?" ~ Kefka, FF6

"You want to wash Wang? Or you want to watch Wang wash Wang?" ~ Lo Wang, Shadow Warior

At this juncture, I wish I could remember a good SHODAN quote.

"Heh heh... Nice hit." ~ marine, Half-Life

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"Get over here!!" - Scorpion, Mortal Kombat-series, just after he unleashed his terrible spear.
It's all about the way he says it.

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"What a nice room. A bit tasteless though. Perhaps some furniture." --Juste Belmont, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

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Are you afraid? What is it that you fear? The end of your trivial existence?
-SHODON System Shock II

Foolish man! He prayed for death, and it found him!
-Liquid snake, Metal gear solid

And this is not technically a “one liner” but:

Constantine: …Hidden by the scum hammerights- Oh sorry, you are perhaps, friendly with the order of the hammer?

Garret: No. Fanatics make unreliable friends.

Thief: The dark project. (because it’s so true)

Class, all the why.

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-i live again- (Blood)
-your face, your ass, whats the difference? (Duke Nukem)
-the thing that says the Icon Of Sin (Doom II)

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Hicks said:

-the thing that says the Icon Of Sin (Doom II)

The Icon of Sin said:

Oremor nhoj em llik tsum U emag eht niw ot


These aren't really "One Liners" but, meh...:

"rednerrus ot liraps'D" -D'sparil

"citereh eht yortsed" -D'sparil Disciple

"hself ruoy wehc llahs nevar eht" -D'sparil

"I am your Doom" -Duriel

"Fear me" -Andariel

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"I'm gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck!" duke3d
"who want a some wang" shadow warrior
"thats no ordinary wang" shadow warrior
"you want to wash wang or you want to watch wang wash wang" same fuck'n game
"nobody steals our chicks... and lives" duke3d
"its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but I'm all out of gum" duke3d
"your face, your ass, whats the difference" duke3d
"shake it baby" duke3d, duh. duke was great

"you are what all life is to us...food" beast, from homeworld C
"if you will not join us you must die" homeworld, kadeshi
"you are mad!" bentusi, homeworld C

"humiliation!" quake3
"m-m-m-monster kill!" UT
"killing spree!" UT
"sorry did i blow your head off" UT

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"I'll open up a CAN on ya bum!" ~ Ollie the Magic Bum, THPS2/3

"He's retarded."
"No, he's from Montana."
~ two arguing guys, THPS3

"Ooo thun of a bith, my tongue!!!" ~ Chuck, THPS3

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