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Doom Open World 1 map (Might be rebooted)

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This looks like a cool idea.

If you are reaching the technical limits maybe it would make sense to make use of hexen/strife map transitions.

Edited by Ferk

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This is an awesome idea!!! To bad there's yet no download link to try it!

I'm looking forward to this!

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13 hours ago, Glaice said:

Have you hit any technical limitations doing this yet?


I did have trouble with Doom Builder saving the project due to nodes. Had to exclude secret level and omit Romeros new levels. I've experienced no lag using Nueral 2X scale. Im limited by the ultimate doom IWAD. I wanted this on Doom 2 for longevity reasons, so it can include later maps. Not sure if there's an easy way to convert or plug something in.


I've avoided ACS scripting (learning it), although I might need to in the future. I would like the keys spawned in 4-20 locations, per each, per building(4-20 possible locations of yellow/red/blue key) Wanted it to be a search and find. Also would want infinite lost soul respawning, (outside), to put pressure on locking up the windows. Then a lightly orange/red fog ambience, that applies to outside. 


There's another issue. I couldn't get doom UDMF format to work. I needed it appearently for captive marines you can rescue. The format seems to offer dialogue and more interactivity with the environment. 


I haven't dug into it yet, but if its possible will attempt to make music switch when you enter the next building. I think that will really boost the feeling of still playing episode 1.

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Just now, rescue86k said:

I did have trouble with Doom Builder saving the project due to nodes. Had to exclude secret level and omit Romeros new levels. I've experienced no lag using Nueral 2X scale. Im limited by the ultimate doom IWAD. I wanted this on Doom 2 for longevity reasons, so it can include later maps. Not sure if there's an easy way to convert or plug something in.


I've avoided ACS scripting (learning it), although I might need to in the future. I would like the keys spawned in 4-20 locations, per each, per building(4-20 possible locations of yellow/red/blue key) Wanted it to be a search and find. Also would want infinite lost soul respawning, (outside), to put pressure on locking up the windows. Then a lightly orange/red fog ambience, that applies to outside. 


There's another issue. I couldn't get doom UDMF format to work. I needed it appearently for captive marines you can rescue. The format seems to offer dialogue and more interactivity with the environment. 


I haven't dug into it yet, but if its possible will attempt to make music switch when you enter the next building. I think that will really boost the feeling of still playing episode 1.


You should switch right now to using Doom 2 as the base game, but first make sure to put these textures in your .wad file: https://www.realm667.com/index.php/en/texture-stock-mainmenu-152/607-doom-textures-for-doom-ii


ACS scripting is really easy and it's worth learning, soon you will do many tricks that you couldn't do previously without it.


What's the problem? Is there some error message that stops you from editing/playing the map?


Changing the music mid-level is easily possible, using the ACS special https://zdoom.org/wiki/SetMusic


Also, will this be compatible with Zandronum? Would be really cool to play with a bunch of people. If it doesn't use too many new-ZDoom effects, then can i make an Odamex/ZDaemon-compatible version when it's out?

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I play online myself. I would want it online compatible. I'm halting the progress on building the map and attempting to convert it to doom 2 now. Will update when more substantial progress.

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Converting to Doom 2 was quick and easy. 

Changing the format to UDMF throws this error in Zdoom and GZdoom applications. Can't test run map.



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4 hours ago, -TDRR- said:


You should switch right now to using Doom 2 as the base game, but first make sure to put these textures in your .wad file: https://www.realm667.com/index.php/en/texture-stock-mainmenu-152/607-doom-textures-for-doom-ii


ACS scripting is really easy and it's worth learning, soon you will do many tricks that you couldn't do previously without it.


What's the problem? Is there some error message that stops you from editing/playing the map?


Changing the music mid-level is easily possible, using the ACS special https://zdoom.org/wiki/SetMusic


Also, will this be compatible with Zandronum? Would be really cool to play with a bunch of people. If it doesn't use too many new-ZDoom effects, then can i make an Odamex/ZDaemon-compatible version when it's out?


Okay ignore last post. Map appears to be converted to Doom 2 and UDMF format now. 


You can make versions for compatibility. I'll do testing in only Zandronum.


EDIT: If you want, I'll send you a demo in a few weeks so you can test it online. Yes weeks, a big map. I'll need reports on fps during online play.

Edited by rescue86k

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5 hours ago, rescue86k said:

If you want, I'll send you a demo in a few weeks so you can test it online. Yes weeks, a big map. I'll need reports on fps during online play.

While i would like to, unfortunately there's severe electricity and internet connection issues stopping me from doing so. Sorry about that :/


If anything, i guess i can test it with bots on a pretty slow machine.

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I updated the images and added 2 audio files for veiwing. I recommend listening to the audio files (now in original post with links) to get a better idea of whats going on. I don't like cutscenes myself, so its generally interactive.


You'll be on an elevator moving down and seeing a congregation, half way through the map. 

And so then the audio file with the demon voice plays, and it will be timed out appropriately. 


My days off are over, back to work. I may seem dormant at times, but will keep the map images updated, which will show the progress. 

Edited by rescue86k

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  • 1 month later...

Okay I uploaded a video so somebody has something to look at! I'm just maintaining course. Its slow progress, but I guess a month or so into it, its not bad what have so far. Most all landscaping and connections done. More focused on giving the map content now. Content is a broad term, just means shooting things and finding keys isnt the focus to win. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

NOTICE ABOUT DELAY IN UPDATES from 07/05/19 to 07/27/19

I had my girlfriend come down. We spent time together, so its sort of like vacation I was on. There was no work progression during this time. I'm... sorry.. I just um.. she said I could doom map all I want but then I look right.. pc ... doom or girlfriend spend time with... and 2 weeks later, shes going back home, so now I'm back on target. She does support project. I felt it be rude though if I put it first. But.. now... were back to mapping, I want to finish this beast. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update at the top of original post. I dropped my computer. Progress post-poned until repaired or save money for new computer. Extracting files now and starting the open up and see whats inside process.

Edited by rescue86k

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If your system (I assume its a laptop) is having issues after being dropped the first suspect to test is the HDD or something like loose RAM.

For the memory you can usually just take it out then reseat it.

For the HDD, sometimes you can disable or bypass the HDD from the BIOS, what I do is run a Live OS (an OS that runs in memory loaded from the CD/DVD drive). If the system can run a Live OS without issue the problem is almost guaranteed to be the HDD.

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I posted the last update. Original post. I would add as advice to anyone undertaking this project from a fresh start, get a team. Each person works on each level map. Have them make exterior then save as prefab. The main guy plops in the prefabs and makes the terrain to connect all. Another works sprites etc etc. 


And don't use 3d floors. Stay under 450 monster count. Stay under 28,000 line defs (if remember) or was it 20,000, or something. Project lost. The images on forum are all that is left to say it existed at one point. 

Edited by rescue86k

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Aw man, that is unfortunately very sad to hear. Did you try everything? Usually you can retrieve quite an amount of Data from a seemingly broken HDD. You could try this from another system.  I hope you are lucky and maybe find some backups this way. 


Was an intriguing proposition, having E1 as one giant „open world“ map. Would have loved to check this out.  

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sad to hear news about this one, i was really interested on this wad because i liked also memorial.wad which is the doom2 levels in 1 map. so this one with some add ups like you show in the screens got all my attention.

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Man that sucks.. I lost a hdd last year also, lost all kinds of stuff, some things can never be replaced.. :(


Did you perhaps have any friends that play tested the project? maybe they have a backup?


Good luck!

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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eh... it really sux to lost all your data. shit happens, i guess. good luck, and i hope you'll recover at least something (and i am not talking about this project only), and i hope that you won't get too deeply depressed too.

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Well, this sucks. But this is why you need to keep backups, as you never know what can go wrong. And it's a Doom project of all things, which means everything could fit in a cheap USB stick.

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